Overlapping Definition and 47 Threads

  1. Wrichik Basu

    LaTeX Wide equation in Revtex 4.2 is overlapping with other content

    Our professor has asked us to submit our next assignment in ##\LaTeX##, and he has specifically asked us to use Revtex 4.2. This is not the first time I am working with this document class; in the past, I have used it several times. But I am facing an weird problem this time: This equation...
  2. P

    Is Earth Systems Science Overlapping with Pseudoscience in Geology?

    I'm a "geology" major, working on a M.A., and I was wondering what any of you other earth scientists thought about this touchy topic of "Earth Systems Science?" In my department, we have hard rock geologists working Sr/Nd, zircon dating, AFTA, etc. We also have soft-rock geologists working on...
  3. R

    Comp Sci Finite state machine that doesn't terminate and detects overlapping strings

    Attached is what I have so far. I believe it is done but I am not 100% sure. It seems to me like every case is considered. For each state, and output of a,b, or c is possible.
  4. F

    A Forecast with Fisher formalism : loss or gain of information

    In the context of a forecast, I am currently working on Fisher's formalism which is part of a more general theory, that of information. My problem applies to estimating cosmological parameters from input data with the Fisher formalism and recipes to build a Fisher matrix. The context is...
  5. Z

    MHB Find the exact shaded area of the region in 4 overlapping circles

    So, say you got 4 circles intersecting this way: Now, I am looking for two things: A proof that each part of the circle which is in an intersection is 1/4 the size of the whole circle's circumference The exact area of the non-shaded region. Now, in my search to finding the answer to...
  6. Z

    MHB The height of a section of overlapping circles.

    Say I have two identical circles, both of radii of one, overlapping, as shown in the diagram below: In this diagram, x is the circumference of the circles, and the bit of the bottom circle which is drawn blue (the overlapping bit) is 1/6th of the whole circumference. What I'm looking for is...
  7. WeiShan Ng

    [QM] Two-Particle Systems: overlapping/non-overlapping wavefunctions

    Homework Statement Hi, I was reading Griffiths and stumble upon some questions. This is from 5.1.2 Exchange Forces. The section is trying to work out the square of the separation distance between two particles, $$\langle (x_1 - x_2)^2 \rangle = \langle x_1^2 \rangle + \langle x_2^2 \rangle -...
  8. anubodh

    I Separating Overlapping Event Horizons: Theory

    If 2 black holes have event horizons slightly overlapping,can they ever be separated "theoretically" into 2 separate event horizons given we can apply extremely high forces to pull them apart or will it keep stretching and overlapping even if they are pulled apart?
  9. S

    I Identifying Identical Points Using Overlapping Error Ellipses

    I'm not very familiar with statistics, so that's my main problem. I use a least squares software to generate the coordinates of points and their associated 95% error ellipses. If the error ellipses meet a certain pre determined tolerance then I'm done. However, I have a situation where I have...
  10. M

    B How does time behave in overlapping gravitational fields?

    That is to say, how does time behave in a region of space where multiple gravitational fields cancel out their accelerating effects? I understand that time "slows down" in a gravitational field, but does this depend on the actual presence of the field, or instead the actual net acceleration...
  11. lsepolis123f

    I Overlapping subproblems vs non overlapping -divide & conquer

    In dynamic programming vs divide-and-conquer We have overlapping subproblems vs non overlapping subproblems How distinguished, in other words what means overlapping subproblems...? Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications Seventh Edition Kenneth H. Rosen Ch.8 Advanced Counting Techniques "We...
  12. Masontc

    I Does this concept have a name? (looping/overlapping time)

    I'm a student working on a short experimental animation. I've always had a fascination with the number 24 because it's divisible by 6 four times and divisible by 8 three times... you can add different numbers at a different rate and end up at the exact same number after a specific amount of...
  13. F

    Consequences of Overlapping Event Horizons in Supermassive Black Hole Mergers

    What happens if two supermassive black holes pass each other so close that their event horizons briefly overlap each others? What will happen with matter and energy that is present in the overlapped region when the event horizons no longer overlap?
  14. T

    Overlapping geometry in ANSYS fluent

    I'm performing a 3D CFD simulation in ansys fluent on a laboratory in order to verify the pressure map and overall ventilation design. During meshing, ansys is displaying the following error "The mesh file exporter does not support overlapping geometry in Contact Regions. Please resolve the...
  15. Dethrone

    MHB How do I find the area inside one circle and outside another?

    Two circles lie in a plane. The circle of radius 1 meter overlaps the circle of smaller radius $r$ in such a way that their points of intersection are separated by distance $2r$. Show that the area inside the small circle and outside the large circle is largest when $r=(1+(2/\pi)^2)^{-1/2}$...
  16. B

    How do overlapping reading frames happen?

    Overlapping reading frames in influenza viruses allow two proteins to be coded into the same RNA segment, but only by what appears to me as an enormous coincidence. the analogy I came up with is that overlapping reading frames are like taking a book, and moving every space one character to the...
  17. A

    Will the Expansion of Space Prevent Overlapping Cosmic Horizons?

    I was reading The Elegant Universe a few days ago, and came upon a passage (p.40) where Brian Green states "Over time the size of the cosmic patches laid out in Figure 2.1b will increase; with more time, light can travel farther and so each of the cosmic patches will grow larger. Ultimately...
  18. T

    Python How can I modify my regex to allow for overlapping matches in Python?

    I'm writing a function to take a string like "aXYb" and return a regex in which the lower case letters act like actual character and the upper case become free variables. The regex generated from "aXYb" should match anything of the form a([a-z]+)([a-z]+)b. It does. But not exactly as "freely"...
  19. C

    Macroeconomics: Overlapping Generation model and lump-sum taxes

    Homework Statement Suppose an individual born at time $t$ maximizes life-time utility \begin{equation*} \max \ln(c_{1,t}) + \frac{1}{1+\rho}\ln(c_{2,t+1}), \; \rho>0 \end{equation*} subject to the budget constraints in periods t and t+1, respectively \begin{eqnarray} c_{1,t} +...
  20. J

    Overlapping spheres of charge: finding the E field between them

    Homework Statement You have two spheres. The first is centered at the origin and as uniform positive charge density ρ and radius R. The second is shifted up a distance d, and it has uniform negative charge density -ρ and radius R. Find the E field in the region of overlap. Homework...
  21. tom.stoer

    Probability of overlapping random pulses

    I have a problem calculating the following probability. There are two signals A and B each consisting of a series of "pulses" at times {tA0, tA0+Δt, tA1, tA1+Δt, tA2,tA2+Δt, ...} and {tB0, tB0+Δt, tB1, tB1+Δt, tB2, tB2+Δt,...} The signal A is "on" in the time intervals [tAn...
  22. Q

    Overlapping vs Non-overlapping worlds in Many Worlds/Everettian Interpretation

    As the poll on this forum from 2011 that has recently been resurrected shows, there are a portion of the users here who adhere to the modern reading of the Everettian interpretation. What I have never seen discussed here though is the issue of whether the worlds split(overlap) or...
  23. W

    Overlapping observable universes

    Here's a puzzle that I have been wondered about. I know the answer, but I do not understand the reasoning for it. Could someone explain it to me in a way that a layman like could understand in an intuitive manner? (The math involved in GR equations is too complex for me to grasp.) General...
  24. E

    Area of overlapping polar coordinates

    Homework Statement find the over lapping area of the following equations r=3sin(x) r=1+sin(x)Homework Equations area =1/2 ∫ f(x)^2 dxThe Attempt at a Solution first off I started by finding the intersecting angle by: 3sin(x)=1+sin(x) 2sin(x)=1 sin(x)=1/2 x=pi/6 and the peak is at pi/2 so I...
  25. E

    Eigenvalue of overlapping block matrix

    I have got a problem in my research. For the following matrix, a a a a a a b b b b a a a a a a b b b b a a a a a a b b b b a a a a a a b b b b a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a b b b b a a a a a a b b b b a a a a a a b b b b a a a a a a b b b b a a a a a a, does anyone know how...
  26. L

    Estimate a number within two (or more) overlapping ranges of number

    Hi everyone, Let's say a simulation outputs a range of estimates with various accuracy level, ranging from 30% to 100%, with the range given at 30% being widest and the range at 100% being the narrowest. The ultimate goal of this simulation is to arrive at a single number within the estimated...
  27. S

    Overlapping Charged spheres: solve Electric Force of point charge (Q) locations

    I need help understanding how to calculate various Electric Field Strengths of several point charges (Q) both inside and along two OVERLAPPING identical spheres BUT with on NON-UNIFORM VOLUME CHARGE DENSITIES (-1p non-overlap density on the outside with -4p density overlapping internally) with...
  28. G

    I am trying to figure out how to refer to two overlapping uncertainty

    I am trying to figure out how to refer to two overlapping uncertainty results. I have to write a conclusion and I find it difficult to explain. Even now it may seem unclear as to what I am referring to so I will provide an example. This is directly from my conclusion. 'The 72 rated golf ball...
  29. B

    Isotopy between overlapping and non-over. Dehn Twists.

    Hi, everyone: I am curious about this: two Dehn twists D1,D2, commute if the annuli A1, A2 are disjoint, so that the action of D1 does not affect D2 ( and the respective curves C1,C2 about which we do the twists.) Now, there is also a result that if the annuli A1...
  30. B

    Polar Coordinates: Arc length of two overlapping curves

    This question may be something of a dumb one. I feel I should know this, but well, I don't. I'm being asked to find the perimeter inside of the curve r=15sin(theta) and outside of r = 1 Setting up the equation I can do. If it were just an indefinite integral, this would be cake. My...
  31. Z

    Can overlapping divergences be disentangled ?

    given an overlapping divergence \int_{0}^{\infty} \int_{0}^{\infty}dxdy \frac{xy}{xy+1+x} what terms must i add and substract in order to get it finite can an overlapping divergence be disentangled and expressed as a product of one loop divergent integrals ??
  32. Z

    Can polar coordinates solve overlapping divergences in integrals?

    how can we treat overlapping divergences ? i mean integrals like \int_{0}^{\infty} dx \int_{0}^{\infty}dy \frac{1+xy}{x+y+xy+1} my idea is that in this case you can use polar coordinates x=rcos(u) y=rsin(u) , and then if you integrate over the angular variable 'u' then you have a...
  33. T

    Can Two Lasers Overlap and Create a Single Point of Light?

    Is it possible two have two beams of light crossing to give the illusion of a small point of light in the air?
  34. E

    Sum of lengths of a finite number of overlapping segments > length of their union.

    Homework Statement I know this is probably fairly trivial, but for the life of me I cannot remember or reconstruct the proof for the proposition, "The sum of the lengths of a finite number of overlapping open intervals is greater than the length of their union." Homework Equations Not...
  35. D

    Solving the Overlapping Squares Puzzle

    I'm kind of lost on this one. Could someone please help me. Two equally big squares with the sides 12 cm partly covers each other as the figure shows. One of the squares corner is in the other squares center. Decide the area of the shadowed part...
  36. J

    Formula for Area of Overlapping Rings?

    Could anyone direct me to a formula for the area enclosed by two overlapping rings? Sketch below... Thanks... -jg
  37. R

    LaTeX Typesetting Multiple Overlapping Braces in LaTeX

    I'd like to typeset an expression like, a + b + c + d = e The problem is I'd like to use multiple underbraces (or perhaps overbraces) which may also overlap. For example, \underbrace{a + b}_\textrm{brace 1} + c + d = e is the first brace. But I'd also like to have a second brace...
  38. T

    Chance of 2 overlapping matrices

    [SOLVED] chance of 2 overlapping matrices I have a simple problem, but I'm not sure if my answer is correct :P. I have a matrix, like this: 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 i.e. an axb matrix, with c 'ones'. If I now take another matrix, with the same size, what's...
  39. K

    How Do You Calculate Current and Voltage in a Complex Circuit Diagram?

    Homework Statement Given the diagram: http://img517.imageshack.us/img517/5995/p2809altbe2.gif where R = 37 Ohms a) Find the current in the 37 Ohm resistor b) Find the potential difference between points A and BHomework Equations DV = IR, Kirchhoff's rules The Attempt at a Solution a)...
  40. S

    Problem of overlapping circles

    A friend asked me the following question: Two circles with radii R and r are placed so that the one with radius r has its center on the circumference of the circle with radius R. How big should r be, so that the area of the overlap is exactly \pi R^2/2. The simple solution would be to insert...
  41. U

    Spin - overlapping photons with opposite spin

    Hi. Couple of questions: 1) is it physically possible for two photons to overlap completely while having opposite spin (so one is +1, the other is -1, and they overlap like in a laser)? 2) if yes, what would this arrangement of photons correspond to, if anything, i.e. where in nature...
  42. S

    Calculating Overlapping Charges: A Chemist's Query

    Another daft chemist question: I'm looking at two charges spread over two overlapping Gaussians. I want the energy of the interaction, so, I take qq'/r and integrate first over one Gaussian then over the other... except for it all goes up the spout, because the charges are overlapping, and...
  43. J

    Probabilities: Estimating the probability of overlapping

    Hi all I recently ran into this problem: I have two bins. Each bin contains N numbered balls, from 1 to N. For both the bins, the probability of the ball numbered k to be selected equals to P(ball-k-selected)=k/SUM(1:N) (in other versions this can be any given probability distribution)...
  44. S

    The crescent area created by overlapping circles

    Dear All, I need to know the area of the crescent created by overlapping circles;e.g. a circle radius 50µm overlapped by an equal circle with its centre 10µm to the left. Any help you can offer would be gratefully received, thanks.
  45. Integral

    Deja what? or overlapping life histories.

    Deja what?? or overlapping life histories. Yesterday, my wife encountered a childhood school friend that she had not seen in some 30 odd years. This caused her, last night, to drag out her old school annuals and start a trip down memory lane. In her sophomore high school annual she found a...
  46. R

    Fun Problem: Area of Overlapping circles

    Picture two indentical circles with their radii overlapping. They form an intersection, what is the area of their intersection? I solved it the calculus route and it can be solved geometrically. Have fun.
  47. G

    Overlapping Quantum Theory & Relativity

    Question from an amateur: I often read that Quantum Theory can explain very accurately the very small but not the big, General Relativity very accurate for the big but not for the very small. How "wide is the band" in which both overlap, being both accurate? i.e how big is the size of...