Ozone Definition and 55 Threads

  1. D

    Weakening magnetic field and ozone layer

    Are there any evidence / researches about the relation of weakening magnetic field of Earth and thickness of ozone layer?
  2. A

    Is Ground Level Ozone the Same as Smog?

    Hi, I have to do a report on ground level ozone and was just wondering if that is just another word for smog. Also, I need help in answering the following questions: b) What are mechanisms of the reactions that lead to the production of ground level ozone? c) What is the connection between...
  3. T

    What Are the Key Layers of the Atmosphere and Their Role in Climate and Ozone?

    I need every help I can get! I need to know all about the layers in the atmosphere and the function and structure of ozon including cimate issues. To be more specific about the layers, I need to know what they consist of, where they have their names from and why, temperature and what...
  4. R

    Making Ozone, (O3) HOW TO DO THIS?

    Making Ozone, (O3) HOW TO DO THIS?? I have heard that ozone can be made if Air is put through a high voltage box, making the O2, attract additional oxegen creating O3.. Is this a simple or complicated process... Deos anyone know a way to get this idea to work... IT is for a project with an Gas...
  5. Ivan Seeking

    Ozone hole over the ice continent could grow [in 2003]
