Pascal Definition and 64 Threads

Pascal is an imperative and procedural programming language, designed by Niklaus Wirth as a small, efficient language intended to encourage good programming practices using structured programming and data structuring. It is named in honour of the French mathematician, philosopher and physicist Blaise Pascal.
Based on Wirth's book Algorithms + Data Structures = Programs, Pascal was developed on the pattern of the ALGOL 60 language. Wirth was involved in the process to improve the language as part of the ALGOL X efforts and proposed a version named ALGOL W. This was not accepted, and the ALGOL X process bogged down. In 1968, Wirth decided to abandon the ALGOL X process and further improve ALGOL W, releasing this as Pascal in 1970.
On top of ALGOL's scalars and arrays, Pascal enabled defining complex datatypes and building dynamic and recursive data structures such as lists, trees and graphs. Pascal has strong typing on all objects, which means that one type of data cannot be converted to or interpreted as another without explicit conversions. Unlike C (and most languages in the C-family), Pascal allows nested procedure definitions to any level of depth, and also allows most kinds of definitions and declarations inside subroutines (procedures and functions). A program is thus syntactically similar to a single procedure or function. This is similar to the block structure of ALGOL 60, but restricted from arbitrary block statements to just procedures and functions.
Pascal became very successful in the 1970s, notably on the burgeoning minicomputer market. Compilers were also available for many microcomputers as the field emerged in the late 1970s. It was widely used as a teaching language in university-level programming courses in the 1980s, and also used in production settings for writing commercial software during the same period. It was displaced by the C programming language during the late 1980s and early 1990s as UNIX-based systems became popular, and especially with the release of C++.
A derivative named Object Pascal designed for object-oriented programming was developed in 1985. This was used by Apple Computer and Borland in the late 1980s and later developed into Delphi on the Microsoft Windows platform. Extensions to the Pascal concepts led to the languages Modula-2 and Oberon.

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  1. J

    Can You Help Me Create Morse Code in Pascal?

    hi i hav no idea how to creat MORSE CODE IN PASCAL CAN anyone help me out PLZ
  2. C

    Ferrofluids, gravity, Pascal and Arquimedes.

    Long time since my last time. I've found a system that seems to work in a kind of perpetual motion, BUT please, do not take it as SPAM message, and take the time to analyze the system. Imagine a container made of two cilinders communicated with a tube. We fill this container with...
  3. K

    Pascal Triangle: The Negative Side

    Can we use pascal triangle by moving upwards i.e in opposite direction,considering that the opposite side will have their pole as -1? Mens both 1 & -1 will lie in between the centre. And what if we remain unipolar with centre as 1? Surely if both of them fail to give us the required results...
  4. B

    Compare: Common LISP vs Pascal Programming Languages

    I have been doing research into the main differences between these two programming languages. I am finding it hard to find all the differences between the two, I know that Lisp is primarily used for AI programmers as it allows flexibility but it is a hard to learn language. I also know that...
  5. B

    Pascal Loops: A Quick Guide for the Bewildered

    i just can't do loops in pascal. the handout we're given doesn't make any sense, so can someone give a quick guide on how to do it?
  6. F

    Solve PASCAL Math Homework - Help with Questions

    I need help please with all these questions. 1. How many different paths on the diagram below will spell PASCAL? * This diagram is a little wrong because i don't know how to do it on the forums, but anyways the letters should be spaced out so that they are in between each of the spaces...
  7. T

    How do I find binomial coefficients for long numbers using Pascal Triangle?

    Trying to find the binomial coeffiecients of 9....9 and 6....9 How do I do this?
  8. DaTario

    Pascal Principle with photons in a U tube

    Hello, Supose you have an U tube, in which the inner walls are made absolutelly reflective. Now, put a termical state (temperature T) for the radiation field inside the tube and close it with reflective discs which can slide without friction. Supose further that de diameter of the tube in its...
  9. C

    Pascal: Questions on Variables, Arrays & Booleans

    Hi everybody, Probably some easy questions in pascal:1) what exactly is a variable?Is it just a "place" to store data? And how do we retrieve this data from variables? When we write a variable's name in an expression the value of the variable is used in this expression?For example when we...
  10. C

    Pascal: Order of Execution of Program Statements

    Hi everybody, I am new in programming. I just want to ask this: when we write a program the statements are executed in the order that we have written them in the body of the program? This is about Pascal but does it apply to other languages too? Of course some statements "change the order"...
  11. N

    Help Nizama with their Pascal Assignments!

    I've hot two assignments to do in pascal and i have no idea how to make it :( i don't even have anything similar and i don't have time to search the web for answers now I really need help and i need it as fast as it can be so please if anyone can help me with this i would really reallllyyy...
  12. T

    How can exponents be used in Turbo Pascal without the ^ operator?

    I'm doing a projext for school and I need to know how to use the ^ operator or if it even exists i looked everywhere and couldent find it.
  13. MathematicalPhysicist

    How does Pascal triangle apply to (a+b+c)^n and (a+b+c+...+d)^n?

    does pascal triangle use in this equation (a+b+c)^n i know it is used in (a+b)^n? and how could you solve for m number of numbers to the power n? (a+b+c+...+d)^n || \/ m numbers.
  14. T

    What commands can generate a random number in Pascal programming?

    Problem 1: I learned the basics of Pascals and i decided to make a summer project of makeing an rpg like game. i was throwing down my ideas and i wanted the fight sequences to come up randomly when your walking around...i searched but i couldent find a command to pick a number at randome so...