unfortunately, I can't get any further with the following task, or rather I don't know how to start:
I'm also a bit confused, the task says that you have to calculate the electric field in the metal. Since it is a metal, i.e. a conductor, there is no electric field in the conductor, is it...
When I woke up today in the morning, I had the stupid idea of trying to remember some of my knowledge from university. As it turned out, this was easier thought than done, especially given my still drowsy state of mind.
I want to roughly estimate the penetration depth of visible light in air...
A Ion source is a device that allows creating ion beams (e.g. argon ions) and to project them outside the device, for example to be further processed by a particle accelerator, or to irradiate materials or biological tissues etc.
Now, suppose the ion beam is coupled with an EM wave, especially...
I'm wondering about the best EM to penetrate deep into ground and sense/detect what's there.
The authors here (https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1029/2005JE002528) are recommending P-band with 430 MHz to probe few meters into the ground of Mars; that's about 70-cm...
I doing an experiment that involves thermal penetration of copper. Please advise me where to post if I choose the wrong spot. This experiment is being done with what I have on hand and my ability to work the materials.
2.75 gal pot of water
6qt pressure cooker
100+lb of stripped...
Source: fobasics.blogspot.com
Source: scirp.org As it is shown in the first pic above that the mode field diameter is defined as the mode field decreases to 1/e (in intensity 1/e^2), if I take the mode field and subtract the core's diameter then I divide it by 2, should I get the penetration...
Homework Statement
I am trying to figure out the average penetration depth into a finite step potential, similar to this thread:
But instead of just estimating the depth as ##\frac{1}{\kappa}##, i would like to calculate it...
Dear members,
The unit of stopping power is given as Mev/cm in many sources. It is easy to comprehend this unit.The mass stopping power, which is the total energy lost per path length by a charged particle, is defined as the division of MeV/cm to the density of investigated material, g/cm3, and...
I'm trying to find the impact or penetration depth of a projectile in the (reasonably) most realistic way possible. I assume this has many factors including velocity, the densities of both materials, shapes of both materials, the medium of which the projectile travels through, gravity, etc...
Can someone explain this paragraph especially the bold part in simpler language:
"If it is not in a major crystal direction or plane ("random direction", Fig. 2), it is much more likely to undergo large-angle scattering and hence its final mean penetration depth is likely to be shorter." full...
Hi all,
I'm working through chapter 2 of Michael Tinkham's Introduction to Superconductivity. On page 40, he asserts that the skin-depth for a general complex conductivity is (In Gaussian units)
$$\delta = \frac{c}{\sqrt{2\pi\omega\left(|\sigma| + \sigma_2\right)}}$$
where $$\sigma = \sigma_1...
Hi All,
Long time absentee from the forums hoping for some direction in my new research.
I've been tasked to look into the stages of motion of objects (dropped from various heights), hitting a body of water (of various depths) and eventually hitting the seabed (of various sediment types). I am...
according to http://www1.lsbu.ac.uk/water/microwave_water.html and other sources the penetration depth of a microwave wave is proportional to the square root of the dielectric constant divided by the dielectric loss. For me it makes sense that as the dielectric loss increases more energy is...
If you know the weight of the hammer, and the velocity it hits the nail. What would you need to know about friction forces, etc in order to calculate how far it is driven down into the wood? So assume the hammer weight 0,5kg and it is being swung at 50m/s when it hits the nail. Friction is (?)...
This is a review problem for an upcoming exam. I'm pretty sure a problem very similar to this will be on the exam. And surprise surprise I'm freaken lost.
1. Homework Statement
A high index prism is used to launch an evanescence wave at the water/prism interface as shown. A He-Ne laser (λ =...
Homework Statement
A conduction electron moves through a block of Cu until it reaches the surface. At the surface the electron feels a strong force exerted by the nonuniform charge distribution in that region. This force tends to attract the electron back into the metal which is what causes the...
Homework Statement : Calculate the penetration depth of an evanescent wave undergoing TIR from glass (n = 1.5) to air interface, such that the amplitute is reduced to 1/e times its original value. Wavelength of the incident light is 5000 angstroms and 60 degrees. First make sure that incident...
I have in my notes an expression for the sheet resistance of a uniform conductor with length L, width W = L and thickness t. It is
R_{\square} = \displaystyle \frac{\sqrt{\displaystyle \frac{\pi f \mu}{\sigma}}}{1 - e^{-t/\delta}} = \displaystyle \frac{1}{\sigma \delta} \frac{1}{1 -...
For a photopolymer, the heuristic goes that longer wavelengths of UV light penetrate deeper than shorter wavelengths of UV light. For example, the UVA spectrum penetrates more deeply into the photopolymer than the UVC spectrum. What is the best way for this to be explained?
For a photopolymer, the heuristic goes that longer wavelengths of UV light penetrate deeper than shorter wavelengths of UV light. For example, the UVA spectrum penetrates more deeply into the photopolymer than the UVC spectrum. What is the best way for this to be explained?
I want to calculate the penetration depth of some different frequency ultrasound transducers. I know that it depends on the attenuation of the medium but not sure where these types of figures will be hiding. I assume that once the dB lost for the depth is equal to the dB generated, this is...
It is known that the penetration depth of photon into a material depends on the energy of the photon, density and atomic number of the material; because the photon energy is normally smaller than the potential against the penetration of photon, which is the potential barrier, so the incident...
Homework Statement
I have a lot of information about 2 different superconductor materials; indium and lead. The indium is pretty much 100% indium with no impurities, and the lead is unknown purity.
I have the temperatures and magnetic fields at which they are superconducting and the...
So here is the scenario: an adult male 80kg, 6ft tall, slim build free falls into the open ocean feet first, hands locked into the groin. Speed at entry can be 200km/hr. We can assume the water is perfectly stile in reference to the surface tension. and for the body we can estimate some factors...
Homework Statement
A bullet with mass and speed v hits a wooden block of mass M that is situated at rest on a frictionless surface. It penetrates the block and gets trapped inside it as a result of a constant retardation force F_{ret} that opposes relative motion between the two objects...
hi guys.
i have the london penetration depth defined as \lambda_l = \sqrt{\frac{m^{**}}{4\pi n_{s} e^{2}}}.
i'm trying to figure out the dimensionality of it...surely it must be a length, but i get
in SI units.
am i doing something wrong?
Hi everyone. What is the difference between the London penetration depth and the Josephson penetration depth? Both of them have to do with the penetration of a magnetic field into the superconductor as far as I can see...
why does the increase of sound frequency will decrease the penetration depth?
how can this related to diffraction of sound?? Is it because they can be easily reflected??
need answer desperately, thx
penetration depth??!
How would I find the penetration depth of a staple shot into a material by a staple gun. It doesn't have to be specific to a staple.
Material I am concerned with is pvc.
Even a general approach is fine. I know the force opposing the staple going in is the friction of the...
Penetration depth?
How would I find the penetration depth of a staple shot into a material by a staple gun. It doesn't have to be specific to a staple.
Material I am concerned with is pvc.
Even a general approach is fine. I know the force opposing the staple going in is the friction of...
Many textbooks derive the relativistic momentum from the penetration depth of a bullet in a resistive media, considering that momentum is proportional with the penetration depth. Do you know a transparent and correct way to the problem?
The problem is as follows:
A 50-eV electron is trapped between negligible-width capacitors charged to 200V (each with an exit hole). How far does its wave function extend beyond the capacitors? I know the answer is 1.6 x 10^-11 m, but I cannot get to that.
Any ideas?