Pgre Definition and 59 Threads

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  1. H

    PGRE: Exam Evolution 1986-Present

    The ETS released exams date back to 86. Have the exams changed much in style or content throughout the years? Surely, the older exams are worth working through, but are the "newer'' exams like 96 or 01 more like the exams administered in the past few years?
  2. P

    Send dismal PGRE scores to mechanical engineering programs?

    So a little background, physics major/math minor 3.81 overall GPA, 3.65 physics 4 good letters of rec combined 4.5 yrs research with 3+ at a good internship with a very renowned government funded private research company in southern California, don't want to name names However, I just...
  3. C

    Courses Is a PGRE Prep Course Worth It? Insights from Students Who Have Taken One

    Hey there, I am currently studying for my physics GRE which I will be taking in October of this year. Recently I made a comment to my schoolmates on my study strategy and I mentioned that I would not be taking a prep course but rather studying on my own for the exam. Many of them gave me a very...
  4. Pengwuino

    What is the correct solution for the PGRE Oscilloscope question 1992?

    I have a question about one of the questions on the 1992 Physics GRE. Some fellow students and I and a professor are going over questions to prepare for the PGRE and we came across one question that we can't seem to get a hang of. This is the question with...
  5. E

    Is a 650 PGRE Score Enough for Top Graduate Programs in Particle Physics?

    Hi, I am an international student studying in US. I have a Physics GPA of 4.0 and cumulative GPA of ~ 3.9. I recently took a PGRE and haven't obtained my scores yet. I am guessing that I should get a score of about 650 or so. I have pretty good research experiences in reputed places. I have...
  6. X

    Schools PGRE and application to grad schools

    I am going to take GRE physics next October (or November). From what someone should begin with? Are the 1st year textbooks (like Serway's) useful, or one should study all the stuff from the advanced undergraduate texts (Griffiths' e/m, Goldstein's classical mech., Shankar's quantum mech...
  7. W

    Got my PGRE scores. What do I do from here?

    47%. I got over 50% on the practice exams I took which I didn't even go the full 3 hours on. I don't know what happened. I felt so confident in my answers too... like I just knew the answer (or how to get it), you know? No guessing. My physics GPA is also a 2.98. Is there absolutely any...
  8. Q

    Take a year off to study for PGRE?

    Let's say, hypothetically speaking, that a reasonably good student (GPA > 3.7 in math, physics, a couple publications and research experience in both solid state and theory) expects (from '96, '01 practice test scores) to do quite terribly on the physics GRE (like ~600), but wants to go to a...
  9. I

    Balancing Work, Education, and PGRE Applications: My Story

    I worked full-time (upto 47hrs/week) while completing my undergraduate degree in Physics (basically to support myself). On the negative side, I've had to forgo any research experience while focusing all my effort to keep up with my full course load. On the positive side, I have no student...