Photonics Definition and 72 Threads

Photonics is the physical science and application of light (photon) generation, detection, and manipulation through emission, transmission, modulation, signal processing, switching, amplification, and sensing. Though covering all light's technical applications over the whole spectrum, most photonic applications are in the range of visible and near-infrared light. The term photonics developed as an outgrowth of the first practical semiconductor light emitters invented in the early 1960s and optical fibers developed in the 1970s.

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  1. J

    Preparing for Mid-Year Exam: Motion, Electronics, Photonics, and Relativity

    Hi everyone. I'm currently preparing for my upcoming mid year exam which examines: -motion in one and two dimensions -electronics and photonics -special relativity. I am in year 12, so I was hoping that you may be able to recommend some free exam papers/ any resources that could...
  2. S

    Photonics System: LED Signal Variation - Intensity vs. Amplitude

    In a photonics system where the signal from an LED is varied and picked up by an LD, can the variation of the LED signal be either the intensity of light or the amplitude of the wave? Or is this the same thing? Thanks.
  3. N

    Is a Math/CS Background Suitable for Graduate Studies in Photonics?

    Hello, I have a pretty quick question. So, I am studying mathematics/computer science, double major. However, I think I want to go to graduate school for photonics. With a degree in math/cs, will this be possible to apply into a graduate photonics program? I am also minoring in physics if...
  4. S

    Photonics as specialization choice

    Hi all, I am a student in the final year of undergraduate course in Physics. Lately I learned about Photonics. I want to know whether it is a good choice to pursue my masters studies in it. I would be very much grateful if I am kindly informed. Also I would like to know about some good...
  5. F

    Exploring the Future of Photonics

    So I'm applying to graduate school and have taken an interest in Photonics, but I'm not really sure of where photonics is really headed, the reason i bring this up is: -When talking to my communication electronics professor he mentioned that photonics was something everyone thought was going...
  6. J

    What Is Photonics and How Does It Involve Manipulating Photons?

    I have read a lot of articles on photonics, but this field is very board. How would you classify what photonics is?
  7. C

    Photonics Resources for Undergraduate Students

    Hi, I am an undergraduate student in computer science and is currently studying physics, specifically photonics. I was just wondering if somebody here could advice me some good links about this subject since the course litterature is not instructional at all and very difficult to understand...
  8. H

    Advice need - Photonics - Telecoms or High power lasers and systems ?

    Advice needed - Photonics - Telecoms or High power lasers and systems ? Hi ! I recently concluded a masters in photonic comms with a distinction, and I'm currently contemplating : 1) Studying further (PhD) and if so which path with respect to Future of Photonics 2) Relocating (better...
  9. Link

    Exploring Optics and Photonics for Microelectronics Industry

    I have to choose specialisation for my masters degree in applied physics next year. I want to work in the microelectronics industry so the specialisation called "Microelectroncs and Nanoelectronics" seems like a natural choice to study. However I want to know whether another specialisation...
  10. Z

    Laser Engineering / Photonics & Alternative Energy

    I'm looking for topic ideas for my Advanced Photonics class. We have to do a 5 - 10 page research paper, considering engineering feasibility and economics, of a project that somehow uses photonics or lasers to help the alternative energy cause. However, it needs to be new and innovative, not...
  11. U

    Programs Is Photonics a Good Field for Independent Research and Career Growth?

    Hey, I would like to enter grad school and complete my Masters and PhD. Eventually I would like to work for the R&D dept. of a company. Photonics was one of the choises that I had as I am interested in the new tech. that integrates photons in I.C.'s. Unfortunately I cannot find a lot of...
  12. N

    Photonics - peak temperature / thermal diffusivity

    Homework Statement Estimate the peak temperature for a 1 ns versus a 1 ms optical pulse with a total energy of 1 J in a 1 cm^2 spot is incident on a sheet of metal. The metal is 20 thou ( 20 thou = 0.5 m). The metal sheet is mounted on a copper block which is held at room temperature. The...
  13. R

    Programs PhD in Optics and Photonics. Any advice?

    Hi, I got a Bachelors degree at Imperial College London (one of the top science universities in the UK) last year and I am doing a Masters degree in Optics and Photonics at the same university at the moment. Next year I would like to do a PhD but I think four years of England is probably...
  14. T

    Coherent Optical Processor [Photonics]

    In my course on Microphotonics there is a brief mention of a coherent optical processor system. My problem is I don't exactly know what it's for. Basically, what is said that a transparent input image (like a photograph) is lighted monochromatically and then focussed by a lens to a spot with...
  15. N

    Basic Concepts & Applications of Photonics

    Hey, cud nebody giv me a link or sumthin of this sort on the basic concepts of photonics n its applications? please see that its pretty simple coz i wudnt be able to understand if it isn't so:redface: . thank you.
  16. J

    Silicon photonics to take over CPU Industry?

    Hello all. I am finishing up my first year of a CE/EE major. I want to go into IC design; primarily for CPU's. I was wondering what you guys think that CPU's will use photonics extensively within the next 8-10 years. If the average CPU is photonic based within the next ten years, shouldn't...
  17. F

    Opinions on Photonics Engineering?

    It's a special 5 year program that's one of a kind in Canada only offered at MacMaster University. I only know that it revolves around the concept of medical technology development but I wasn't sure in detail what this field was. It sounds really good but from the look of the course load, it...
  18. T

    Finding the Right Category for Photonics Questions

    Hi, I'm new to this site and (forgive my lazy ass) too impatient to browse this expanse of forums to answer the following question myself: in which category should I post questions about photonics? It's a bit hard to see for myself, as my question involve totally different things...
  19. D

    Optics and Photonics: What is it?

    I have a pretty good idea on the basics of optics and photonics but I am hoping that someone here has some indepth knowledge about the particulars of these fields. What is the core of these fields? Meaning, if you had to descibe the optics field in one paragraph, same with photonics, what...
  20. M

    Electrical engineering with photonics

    Is there anyone here who is into this field? What type of undergraduate degree did you get? I'm doing Electrical engineering with a computer science minor. Is this a good background for someone who would like to go into photonics? I'd love to go into the field of quantum computing...
  21. P

    What else Albert Einstein's contributions in optic and photonics?

    I only found "photoelectric" as his important contribution in optic anybody know what else related to photonics? Thx...
  22. P

    Find Course Notes for Optics & Photonics | Pete

    Hey, does anybody know any course notes for Optics and Photonics from Universities (or anywhere) that I can download and view? I'm really laggin behind in my class and I need to do some catching up. But my textbook isn't helping me much, there are no course notes. Can somebody please help...