pmns matrix Definition and 1 Threads

In particle physics, the Pontecorvo–Maki–Nakagawa–Sakata matrix (PMNS matrix), Maki–Nakagawa–Sakata matrix (MNS matrix), lepton mixing matrix, or neutrino mixing matrix is a unitary
mixing matrix which contains information on the mismatch of quantum states of neutrinos when they propagate freely and when they take part in weak interactions. It is a model of neutrino oscillation. This matrix was introduced in 1962 by Ziro Maki, Masami Nakagawa, and Shoichi Sakata,
to explain the neutrino oscillations predicted by Bruno Pontecorvo.

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  1. ohwilleke

    I A novel explanation of CKM and PMNS matrix parameters

    I've never seen anyone reach this remarkable insight before, and it is indeed very tantalizing. This is huge if true and comes from seemingly credible authors. The modest language in which the claim is made is also encouraging. The authors note in the body text that: Are there any obvious...