Potential divider Definition and 31 Threads

  1. Dr. Who

    How does this potential divider circuit work?

    The correct option is supposed to be (B). Can someone please explain why changing the resistance of the variable resistor affects the voltage across the other resistor? Also explain why (B) is the correct option? Thanks
  2. D

    Can a reed switch use a wheatstone bridge/potential divider?

    Homework Statement Describe the principle of operation of reed switch and LDR using wheatstone bridge and potential divider arrangement I can't find any website that says a reed switch uses a wheatstone bridge or potential divider arrangement. The only find I have found it that that a magnet...
  3. Muhammad Danish

    Voltage Distribution in a Potential Divider Circuit

    Homework Statement Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution When we will move the contact X towards P, the potential difference should be maximum across the potential divider. I work out A as my answer but I think it is wrong.
  4. J

    Potential Divider Circuits (resistor + LED)

    Homework Statement Attached to this thread is the question and mark scheme. Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution I got most of the question right but I have no idea about the explanation part of why to include the 100 ohm resistor which is required for the higher level. It says in the...
  5. J

    Finding Optimal Fixed Resistor for Potential Divider Circuit

    Homework Statement Consider a potential divider circuit with an LDR and a fixed resistor. The circuit is powered by a battery which has an emf of 45V with negligible internal resistance. (a) Describe and sketch a circuit that could use a voltmeter or an ammeter to act as a light meter such...
  6. G

    How Does Moving a Slider from Y to X Affect Potential Difference Across Lamps?

    Homework Statement Homework Equations V=IR R=ql/A The Attempt at a Solution I chose option A as current prefers to flow through the path of least resistance.
  7. I

    Potential divider textbook example. Confused.

    Hi, I am just going through a textbook on electronics and have come across an explanation that uses potential dividers to work out potential values for resistors. I was wondering if anyone is able to explain how the author got the bit after "which can be written as": R1=(4.9/10.1)*R2 How did...
  8. G

    Potential divider to adjust volume and sensors

    Can someone explain in depth ( in simple term) how potential divider is link to adjusting volume and sensors. Please share any digram if it ia helpful for me. Thank you
  9. M

    Does a Voltmeter Measure EMF Accurately in High Internal Resistance Scenarios?

    Homework Statement Say we have a circuit where a cell with internal resistance r is connected to a voltmeter with extremely high resistance. This means practically all of the p.d would be across the voltmeter as the ratio of its resistance to the internal resistance is, say, infinitely high. So...
  10. S

    Where Should the Slider Be Positioned on a Loaded Potentiometer?

    Homework Statement The problem that is that of a loaded potentiometer and the position on the slider. The question is that a 10k Ohm potentiometer is connected across a 9 volt dc supply. Across the bottom part of the POT a 5k Ohm resistive load is connected which has 3 volts developed across...
  11. A

    Potential Divider: R(R+r)*E=V - Wrong Ans Explained

    Homework Statement http://puu.sh/dzujr/dcf208c4a5.png Homework Equations Potential divider concept--> R(R+r)*E=V The Attempt at a Solution When there is low light, resistence of LDR increase to produce light. So, voltage across LDr increases and voltage across thermistor decrease-->lower...
  12. R

    Potential Divider Equation (Rearranging)

    Hi. I'm currently learning about potential dividers and need some help with rearranging the formula. I've managed to rearrange it to make Vin and R1 the subject, but I'm having trouble rearranging for R2. Can someone help? My maths isn't great, so an explanation would be great. Thanks. The...
  13. L

    Physics Fundamentals : CRO and Potential Divider

    Homework Statement The figure shows 2 terminals M and N of a potential divider connected to a 6V battery. The circuit is connected to a Cathode-ray Oscillator. http://i.imgur.com/zeV2e3j.jpg The y-gain is 2V per division and timebase setting is 1.0ms per division. (a) Describe in details...
  14. adjacent

    Potential Divider: Explaining How Energy is Lost & Given to Components

    This is how my teacher drew the potential divider. And told that the energy lost by the resistor is equal to the energy given to the components on the branch. Or the voltage of the resistor is equal to the voltage given to the components in the branch. How does the energy of the...
  15. C

    Impedance Matrix of a Potential Divider.

    Homework Statement This question should be quite easy, I'm really struggling though. http://img32.imageshack.us/img32/5241/potdiv.png 1) Write down two simultaneous equations for this circuit that describe the voltage as a function of current 2)Write down the impedance matrix that relates...
  16. L

    Find Power in 7k Resistor from Potential Divider

    With Vout not connected to any additional circuitry, what power is dissipated in the 7 k resistor?So I am trying to get the power in 7k resistor I know the formula if I need to get Vout but in the question it says that the vout is not connected to any additional circuitry so I assume that I...
  17. C

    Number of resistors for potential divider?

    Not sure whether to post in mathematics or physics section. A circuit contains a cell of unit E.M.F. Use any combination of identical resistors in series and/or parrallel in order to create a voltage of x across a voltmeter connected anywhere on the circuit. Assume that there is no internal...
  18. B

    Potential Divider Problem: Calculating Vout and Thevenin Source Impedance

    potentiometer question hey there i hate coming online to ask for help but i am well and truly stuck! attached is an image containing 2 potential divider setups. i have a few questions about them, and any help would be appreciated! a) for the first setup, A, how could the 10k pot be...
  19. U

    Does Reversing Battery Terminals Affect a Potential Divider Circuit?

    I've seen some images of potential dividers in which the battery terminals are reversed, e.g. the normal case is this:: http://www.antonine-education.co.uk/New_items/DIG/Potential_Divider.gif So will it still work if the battery terminals were reversed here and input voltage goes directly...
  20. S

    Archived Sensitivity in potential divider circuits.

    Homework Statement Why is sensitivity in a potential divider circuit greatest when the resistance of the fixed resistor is equal to the average resistance of the other resistor (in my case a LDR)? This isn't a homework question, but I need to include a bit on why I chose the fixed resistor...
  21. A

    Potential Divider: Understanding Its Purpose

    On reviewing the chapter on resistivity, I have come across a principle involving potential dividers. Can someone explain the purpose of this tool? I think it is to vary the voltage so at one terminal the voltage is max and the other end it is zero.
  22. N

    Why does closing the switch cause the voltage across the thermistor to decrease?

    See attachment. Question: "The switch S is now closed. Explain, without calculation, why the voltage across the thermistor will fall" I am able to deduce that by turning the switch on, the bulb becomes part of the circuit, effectively loweing the resistance of the parrallel "section" and hence...
  23. S

    Help Needed: Working Out Resistor Size for Potential Divider

    i am currently doing my as level coursework and for part of it i need to work out what size resistor to use in a potential divider but i have no idea how anyone that could help i would be really grateful,, thanx steph xx
  24. L

    Why is a Potential Divider Required in Sensor Circuits?

    Homework Statement Why is a potential divider required in a sensor circuit? Homework Equations V_out = r1/(r1+r2)*V_in The Attempt at a Solution Firstly you can get the required voltage across the sensor by changing the resistance of r2 (if r1 is the sensor). Apparently...
  25. J

    Why is a potential divider necessary in a hot wire anemometer circuit?

    Ok I have some A level coursework to do on "making and testing a sensor" i have chosen to make a simple hot wire anemometer sensor, which will include a potential divider (for extra marks). However to get the marks for using the potential divider i have to state why it is neccesary in the...
  26. T

    Potential divider and sensor related help

    Hi everyone, i am new to these boards so sorry if this thread has gone in the wrong section:shy: So i need help for the following, in the near future i will be expected to do a sensor coursework in which I am expected to build and test a sensor. examples of this sort of a task could be the...
  27. N

    Potential divider and potentiometer principle

    does anyone knows how to do it? help and pls explain to me... thanks! 1) The slide-wire of a simple potentiometer is 2 meters long and has a resistance of 5 ohms. The emf of the working battery is 6 V and its internal resistance is 0.20 W. What resistance must be added to the working-battery...
  28. A

    Can a potential divider output 0V?

    If a potential divider consists of 2 resistors, one of which is a variable resistor, how is it possible to get an output potential difference of 0V across one of the resistors? All the books say that it is possible to achieve an output of 0V across one of the resistors, in a potential divider...
  29. G

    Thermistors and potential divider circuits

    hey ill be quick about this, i really need help with a potential divider circuit. basically i have a resistor and a thermistor in series. 5 v input, and the values given for the thermistor are in volts, i need them in ohms. so i need to use the voltage across the thermistor, the total input...
  30. M

    Vout Impact of Taking Current from Potential Divider

    If a current were taken from the output of the potential divider, what would happen to Vout ?? Assuming i have 2 resistors in series with a cell...y'know the simple normal setup! Regards, Mo
  31. J

    Archived Solving Potential Divider Questions: Output Voltage

    Hi, I'm having a bit of trouble with a potential divider question. I have an answer but I'm not sure if its right and if not, why its not right. I've attached a crude drawing of my problem below, I have a question asking what the output voltage is (between P and Q terminals) with the given...