Proof by contradiction Definition and 57 Threads

In logic and mathematics, proof by contradiction is a form of proof that establishes the truth or the validity of a proposition, by showing that assuming the proposition to be false leads to a contradiction. Proof by contradiction is also known as indirect proof, proof by assuming the opposite, and reductio ad impossibile.

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  1. K

    Can AxB be equal to the empty set if either A or B is empty?

    Homework Statement I just need to decide how to show this by contradiction. If either A or B is the empty set then AxB=\oslash. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Here is how I started: Assume either A or B is the empty set and AxB\neq\oslash
  2. D

    Attempt at proof by contradiction need verification

    Homework Statement GCSE past paper question. prove algebraically that the sum of the squares of any two consecutive even integers is never a multiple of 8Homework Equations none The Attempt at a Solution n and x are integers 2x and 2x+2 represent two consecutive even integers. see attachment.
  3. C

    How Does Proof by Contradiction Validate a/b + b/a >= 2?

    [SOLVED] basic math proof by contradiction Homework Statement prove: If a and b are positive numbers, a/b +b/a>=2 Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution by contradiction (a^2+b^2)/ab<2 and got lost
  4. P

    Is Proof by Contradiction the Most Popular Technique in Mathematics?

    How widely used is this method? Is it the most popular proof technique? All it takes it to find a condradiction or counter example in order to prove something which is often much simpler than listing all the cases (not to mention if there are infinite of them to start with) or directly proving...
  5. M

    Proving a+br is Irrational Using Proof by Contradiction

    Hello everyone! THe directions are the following: Carefully formulate the negations of each of the statements. Then prove each statement by contradiction. Here is the problem: If a and b are rational numbers, b!=0, and r is an irrational number, then a+br is irrational. I made it...
  6. S

    What is the Concept of Proof by Contradiction in Mathematics?

    hello all well now i see that there are a lot of ways of proving things, but there is one way in which I don't understand at first sight, and that is proof by contradiction, is there anyway general way of understanding it? I have worked on so many proofs but these are the only ones i most...
  7. L

    Ain't No Proof By Contradiction

    I recently saw something that said some mathematicians won't acknowledge proof by contradiction. What is the reason for that? Could somebody elaborate on this for me.