When gravity is expressed in tools of QFT, the quanta is the spin-2 graviton.
What is the quanta according to LQG, SF, CDT, and other BI theories?
Is it the spin network?
What role does the graviton of QFT quanta play and BI ?
What particle mediates the nuclear forces amongst the protons and neutrons inside nuclei? Yukawa thought it was the pions that mediated the nuclear force, but I am yet to see a good theory (or even a model) that can explain nuclear binding quantitatively.:confused:
Before you answer, a...
Homework Statement
System A consisting of 10^23 oscillators for which hw=10^-20 J, is in thermal contact with system B, consisting of 2x10^23 similar oscillators. The joint system has internal energy 3x10^3 J. Calculate the number of quanta in A and B, and the temperature, when A and B are...
GR predicts gravitational waves, and QM says all waves are also particles.
But does the particle of gravity have to be a spin-2 graviton? could the particle of gravity be, for example, a quanta of space-time curvature?
but I am confused
how do you proof that the dirac field describes spin half quanta when quantized?
please refer me to a link on the net where this derivation is shown if possible
i can't find it in any of the books on quantized field theory
charge is quantized. what about rest mass?
do particles of the standard model have rest mass that is quantized, and comes in quantas of mass, with i imagine the electron being the lowest that have rest mass (the neutrino does not appearl to have a rest mass)
do particles of the standard...
do particles of the standard model have rest mass that is quantized, and comes in quantas of mass, with i imagine the electron being the lowest that have rest mass (the neutrino does not appearl to have a rest mass)
please move to other more appropriate forum
Does anyone of you know other macromedia-like flash development applications for linux except for flash4linux, and quanta?
If so, please list them here, thanks.
what do think is photon a quanta?
it is true to me that it is a quanta but i wish to gather solid evidence. i was think to gather evidence from photoelectric effect please see if you can give me additional insight
i do not believe that there is an answer, though i wish to be sure weather or not there are any semi-valid atleast theories on the reason for the wavelike properties exhibited in matter, and why they become more prevalent as the matter is of more concentrated energy (in photon for example...
Hey I am in need of some assistance. In a problem I need to transfer Joules to quanta but am unsure on how to do it. A radio station is going at 200 KW with a frequency of 103.7 MhZ. So 200,000 Joules a second need to be converted to quanta. Thanks in advance!
A radio station operates at a frequency of 103.7 MHz with a power output of 200 KW. Determine the rate of emission of quanta from the station.
Well I know the frequency and the power.
I know the number of photons a second = (Power * Area) / ( Plancks Constant * Speed of Light ) / Lambda...
This paper may be controversial, It discuses red shift quanta, i notice
reference is given to H Arp, but i leave the reader to form an opinion.
[SOLVED] Wave/Particle Duality in Light Quanta
All right. It's a really simple concept to state, but a really difficult one to grasp. I'm curious about a specific experiment, if someone could explain it to me. The one slit/two slit experiment. With a constant stream of light and one razor-thin...
Is there a quanta of time? I do believe that there is a quanta of time, and i think it would be a one-dimensional particle, and much to my dismay, this enforces superstring. The reason that i chose a one-dimensional particle was because one dimensional particles cantravel at infinite speeds...