In the case of Stark effect for example, one may find the correction for the |1s> state easily by applying non degenerated perturbation theory. However in the degenerated case it's seems as though we can only treat the whole n=2 level for example and not individual eigen states. That, I...
Confetior ... I'm a layman with minimal physics background, but the most happening place in physics, going by media articles, seems to be Einstein's relativity and Max Planck et al's quantum physics.
I did a little reading on Schrodinger's cat and what I could gather is unless an observation is...
so I came across the wikipedia article for quantum immortality but after reading I still have some questions, does QI say that there is always a world where you are alive? also If I understood the article correctly the original claims was that if you committed quantum suicide and you died...
I was reading an old paper titled “Wavefunction Collapse and Conservation Law” where it is explicitly mentioned that the collapse of the wave function in standard quantum mechanics violates conservation of energy. “It is not generally appreciated that the collapse postulate of standard quan-...
Consider a simple quantum eraser setup using polarizers: An incident beam polarized at 45º is sent towards a double slit. After slit A there is a horizontal polarizer and after slit B there is a vertical polarizer. At the back screen, if we run this experiment, we will see a particle pattern and...
are vacuum energy and vacuum fluctuations the same thing or is one the the consequence of the other, I understand they are related in some way but I don't know how.
I have a pretty naive question about quantization of real Klein-Gordon (so scalar) field ##\hat{\phi}(x,t)##.
The most conventional form (see eg in this one ; but there are myriad scripts) is given by
##\hat{\phi}(x,t)= \int d^3p \dfrac{1}{(2\pi)^3} N_p (a_p \cdot e^{i(\omega_pt - p \cdot...
I'm trying to fill a conceptual gap I have in the history of physics
In 1922 Stern and Gerlach make their experiment, proving that electrons have intrinsic angular momentum, however it takes a while for people to understand this. At first they think this is somehow caused by quantization of...
Spin 1/2 particles are two states system in C^2 and so it is natural for the rotations to be described by SU(2), for three states systems like spin - 1 particle, Why do we still use SU(2) and not SU(3) to describe the rotations? Is it possible to derive them without resorting to the eigenvalue...
I very often see in movies and works of fiction that scientists explain that with a black hole you can travel in time and how the characters use black holes to travel in time, more precisely to the past
Do scientists really believe that time travel through black holes is likely? If so, why?
Would you explain to me what is the q^ and how they are related to completeness.How can i solve this exercise?It is from "Quarks and leptons An Introductory course in Modern Particle Physics" of Halzen and Alan D.Martin.Also, can you point me to a useful bibliography?
Mine is a simple question, so I shall keep development at a minimum. If a particle is moving in the absence of a potential (##V(x) = 0##), then
##\frac{\langle\hat p \rangle}{dt} = \langle -\frac{\partial V}{\partial x}\rangle=0##
will require that the momentum expectation value remains...
First of all, Is ##\beta## given by the Planck's law of black-body is the amount of power contained in radiation emitted by a black body?
I'm not sure to fully understand the law above.
Does it means that if amount of power over all the frequencies is greater than the energy needed to remove an...
In the paper
C. S. Lent and P. D. Tougaw, "A device architecture for computing with quantum dots," in Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 85, no. 4, pp. 541-557, April 1997, doi: 10.1109/5.573
about quantum dots, it is stated that the basis vectors in the space of quantum states for a single cell...
Hello there, I am trying to solve the above and I'm thinking that the solutions will be Hermite polynomials multiplied by a decaying exponential, much like the standard harmonic oscillator problem. The new Hamiltonian would be like so:
$$H = - \frac \hbar {2m} \frac {d^2}{dx^2}\psi + \frac...
I'm studying orbital angular momentum in the quantum domain, and I've come up with the Robertson uncertainty relation for the components of orbital angular momentum. Therefore, I read that it is necessary to pay attention to the triviality problem, because in the case where the commutator is...
I have information that $$\rho_{ab}=\sum_{j}p_{j}\ket{\Psi_{j}^{ab}}\bra{\Psi_{j}^{ab}}$$ and $$Pr(o_{j}^{(a)}|\Psi_{ab})=Tr_{ab}(\ket{\Psi_{ab}}\bra{\Psi_{ab}}(\ket{o_{j}^{(a)}}\bra{o_{j}^{(a)}}\otimes \mathbb{I}_{2})) \text{.}$$
I started by representing the density operator for pure states...
Hi all,
I would like to understand the definition of finite size correction, radiative correction and weak magnetism correction, with their impacts on the beta spectrum. I'm not a physics student, thus I would like to seek for a help about the simple explanation that can be understand by...
This is a surface level question and I don't want to go into detail.
Imagine an algorithm which when used with a sensor output gives the statistical moments of a variable in nature (for example mean and standard deviation of a variable). The sensor measures this once in a while (like once in a...
Hi, my son is fan of the Quantum Physics and we developed a cloud chamber. I'm attaching an image of particle sequence and I will like to find some help to know witch particle is. I will appreciate any help on it. Thanks
The linear combination of the eigenfunctions gives solution to the Schrodinger equation. For a system with time independent Hamiltonian the Schrodinger Equation reduces to the Time independent Schrodinger equation(TISE), so this linear combination should be a solution of the TISE. It is not...
I am having trouble to understand what it means by "physically relevant real parameters" and how does it help us to specify a quantum system.
Let say, we have a state of k half spin electrons? My guess is about the local phase of the spin, and this would make it 2^k parameters since each...
With regard to Rutherford's atomic model, and Rydberg's discovery in general for the hydrogen distribution lines, what does Rydberg's constant physically mean? Its unit is m ^ -1, as if it were a rate, but it was not clear to me its physical meaning.
And why does it grow with atomic mass...
There is a lot of information on the Internet that quantum physics supports solipsism and that physicists believe in solipsism. I only trust this forum and the people who are here, so I want to ask you: 1. Is it true that quantum physics says solipsism is true? If this is true, then only one...