Qubit Definition and 82 Threads

  1. Erwin

    Exploring Qubits and Multiple Qubit Systems

    At first, good evening. I want you to know that Eng is not my first language, so you could find many errors while reading my posts. I was reading something about qubit and multiple qubit systems, which combined can create a powerful processor for a new type of computer. I'm not sure of how...
  2. Julian Blair

    Measurement of a Hydrogen qubit?

    Given a 2 state hydrogen atom in a superimposed state, how does one measure it for either of its two states?
  3. V

    Mathematica Calculating Concurrence in Mathematica: Solving 2-Qubit States | Tutorial

    Hi guys! I have an unsolved problem. I'm going to calculate the concurrence for pure 2-qubit states: |Ψ>=a| up up >+b|up down> +c|down up> +d | down down > where up and down stay for uparrow and downarrow. The concurrence is defined as: C = 2|ad-bc|≥0 I have found the vector Ψ3= 1/2 (1,1, cos...
  4. ant0n

    How would observation of the state of qubits affect them?

    Firstly, I apologise for any lack of understanding, incorrect assumptions or misinterpretations of the very little I know about physics, quantum mechanics & quantum computing. I am not an academic, scientist or mathematician, but a software engineer with an interest in quantum computing and...
  5. nomadreid

    What is the correct interpretation of a qubit with v= 0.6|0> + 0.8|1>?

    This is undoubtedly one of the more basic (not to say stupid) questions ever to appear in this rubric. But here goes: Suppose you have v= 0.6|0> + 0.8|1>. This means that there is 36% chance of measuring |0> and 64% chance of measuring |1>. Otherwise put, given a million particles in this...
  6. nomadreid

    To measure only one qubit of two

    If you have a two-qubit system |x>[(|0>-|1>)/√2], whereby x∈{0,1}, and you want to just know x, do you (a) assume that this means that |x> belongs to one particle, (|0>-|1>)/√2 to another particle, so you just measure the first particle? or (b) if you can't tell the particles apart, pass this...
  7. J

    Measuring a Qubit: Understanding Pauli Matrices

    I undertand that measuring a qubit's spin along a particular axis yields one of the eigenstates of the corresponding pauli matrices. I'm a little confused about what this type of measurement looks like mathematically. i.e how do you show the actual act of observing the qubits spin using the...
  8. M

    General 3-Qubit Mixed State: 63 Variables & Bloch Vectors

    How do I write the general form of a 3 qubit mixed state ? It has 63 variables. Well one way is to use bloch vectors. So basically we take 3 single qubit mixed states (3 variables each) and tensor product them. Then we add the 2 qubit correlators and 3 qubit correlator terms. Finally we can...
  9. Elroy

    Qubit Math: Partitioning Phi into BetaA and BetaB

    Hi All, I'm gradually teaching myself quantum computing, being an excellent programmer and fair at linear algebra and geometry. To learn it, I'm writing a quantum computer emulator (complete with graphical representations). I'll share it when I get to some level of completion. The following...
  10. A

    Qubits Entanglement: Calculate & Interpret

    Homework Statement Determine which qubits are entangled: ##|\psi\rangle=\frac{1}{2}(|000\rangle+i|010\rangle+i|101\rangle-|111\rangle)## Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution [/B] My idea was to first calculate the density operator ##\rho = |\psi\rangle \langle\psi|## and then find...
  11. J

    Can a two-qubit state be proven to be non-entangled using contraposition?

    Hi I'm going through some course notes for QM. A state for a 2 qubit system is called non-entangled (or separable) if it can be decomposed in a tensorproduct of 2 single qubit states. If we write a general state as |\psi> = a_{00}|00>+a_{01}|01>+a_{10}|10>+a_{11}|11> A theorem states...
  12. Thinkor

    Can information truly be teleported using quantum entanglement?

    I have seen numerous articles referencing the teleportation of information over a distance of 3 meters using quantum entanglement. I don't believe it. That would contradict special relativity, would it not? You could, for example, decide which of two observers moving relatively to one...
  13. L

    Qubit system, time dependent states.

    Homework Statement See attachment Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution (i) |\Psi(t)_{1}>=e^{{-itE_{1}/\hbar}}\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(|z^{+}>+|z^{-}>) |\Psi(t)_{2}>=e^{{-itE_{2}/\hbar}}\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(|z^{+}>-|z^{-}>) where...
  14. V

    Current standing of qubit research

    Good day everyone, I apologize if this is not the correct forum; in some way it is a homework question but not of the ordinary form. This semester I will be writing a ~3000 word paper on the topic of the current standing in qubit research, where I will be describing and comparing various...
  15. S

    A question about Qubit (number of states)

    Hi I read this information about the Qubit: "N Qubits are equivalent 2^N classical bits (2^N states)" But I couldn't understand that, because I know that each single Qubit could be one and zero at the same time, so each single Qubit is equivalent two classical bits (two states) That...
  16. N

    How to find existence of quantum discord in two qubit state

    Homework Statement Hello, I have a following problem. For a three-qubit state i need to trace subsystem. For this subsystem AB I calculate eigenvalues and eigenvectors. The task is now to determine according the eigenvalues and eigenvectors whether quantum discord in this system is non-zero...
  17. R

    Bra-ket notation and qubit issue.

    I am having trouble understanding the following: Uf: |x>|y> → |x>|y \oplusf(x)> \oplus being a mod 2 operation (nand)? I suppose I don't understand how to read the "ket" states so well. As far as I understand we have that since x and y can be 0,1 only if |x=1>|y=1> then if f(x) = 1 then...
  18. S

    Forming the most general two qubit entangled state & parametrizing it.

    I have seen four two qubit entangled states of the form: $ \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \left | 00 \right > \pm \left | 11 \right >$ $ \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \left | 01 \right > \pm \left | 10 \right >$ I want to write a most general two qubit entangled state. I presume it can be of the form: $...
  19. R

    Two qubit state multiplication

    Hi guys having a little trouble with two-qubit state multiplication. Could you tell me how you work out the following? (not only the answers but the working out) I need to be able to understand these calculations before I can move on to the next step of an entanglement question. I understand...
  20. L

    Qubit Spin Convention: |0> & |1> Eigenvectors?

    This is a bit embarrassing, but by convention does |0> = (1,0)^T and |1>=(0,1)^T, where we are in the basis of the eigenvectors of \sigma_{z}?
  21. R

    Constructing a Toffoli gate with qubit gates?

    I'm looking through Nielson's book on quantum computation and information and in part of it he says that any $C^2(U)$ gate can be constructed from two qubit and one qubit gates. I can't figure out how to do this, or how to verify it (fig 4.8 in his book) I've attached a photo of the diagram...
  22. S

    Measuring a qubit in a different basis

    Hi, I'm a student of computer science and am writing a simulator for Measurement-based quantum computing or one-way quantum computing (it's based on the paper "The Measurement Calculus" by Elham Kashefi et al.). Anyway, I'm still a bit confused when it comes to the calculations. If we write...
  23. J

    Many questions about qubit (quantum computing)

    Hello! I am new here and I will try my best to clarify my questions and not violate the forum rules. Just for the record, I am not particularly good at understanding equation-saturated explanations because I am not an expert. However, I did a lot of searching and I still don't understand...
  24. R

    One qubit modeling the universe

    I just had a weird thought. One qubit is a 2-d complex vector space which is isomorphic to a 4-d real vector space. Why can't we model the 4-manifold of space-time universe using one qubit?
  25. R

    What is the most scalable qubit candidate for quantum computing?

    Whats most scalable qubit candidate so far ? - - Thanks, Vvk
  26. M

    Preparation of Single qubit mixed states

    Hi, I would like to ask some questions in regards to preparing mixed states. Assuming I am allowed to prepary any pure quantum state, perform measurements and apply unitaries, I am asked to prepare a single qubit quantum state of maximum entropy. As I understand, a 1-qubit quantum...
  27. Y

    Quantum optics, 2 qubit gates acting on 2 qubits - cannot be factorized?

    Quantum optics, 2 qubit gates acting on 2 qubits - cannot be factorized?? Hi, I'm struggling to understand why two qubit gates acting on two qubits cannot be factorized, i.e. G12 \neq G1 \otimes G2, where G1 acts on qubit 1 only and G2 acts on qubit 2 only.
  28. D

    Reading the value of a qubit without changing its value

    From the http://physicsworld.com/cws/article/news/23637 How can that be possible? Isn't that a violation of the No-cloning theorem?
  29. L

    Which operator is suitable to define a qubit?

    What requirements must an observable A meet to be usefull as a qubit for quantum computers? I think that the wave function must have time independent coefficients in the base of A (when we are not applying quantum gates). This means that expected value <A> must be constant, so the...
  30. D

    How Are the Coefficients of a Qubit's Density Matrix Constrained?

    What is the arbitrary density matrix of a mixed state qubit?
  31. B

    Pure Qubit Question: Does Alice Fulfill Bob's Demand?

    Hi, One can describe a pure qubit in two ways (onto the bloch-sphere): 1.) one take a (\alpha,\beta) , where \alpha,\beta are complex numbers and \left|\alpha\right|^{2}+\left|\beta\right|^{2}=1. 2.) with a real 3-dimensional unit vector. Bob wants that Alice generate one million random...
  32. michael879

    Understand Decoherence in Quantum Computers: How Heat Affects Qubits

    ok I just read something that doesn't make much sense to me. It said that quantum computers can only use reversible logic gates because irreversible gates generate heat/lost information. It makes sense to me that everything in physics is reversible and that NAND gates produce heat because...