Last evening there was the perfect rainbow condition: A bright evening sun shining into a rainstorm just overhead. I went outside to see both complete arcs from horizon to horizon . THen...
the inner rainbow (the most commonly seen rainbow, with red on the outside of the bow) looked odd...
We see red to violet but how much further does it actually extend? I suppose it comes down to (1) the wavelengths of light not strongly absorbed by the atmosphere and (2) the limits on a water drop sufficiently refracting the longer/shorter wavelengths. Is the invisible portion of a rainbow...
Someone in a physics class here proposed, a white light beam going through a meter worth of glass and because different frequences refract at different angles, a 1 cm rainbow would come out the other end. The only way I see this to be possible is for the beam to be infinetely thin. I mean REALLY...
Today's Astronomy Picture of the Day is a photograph showing a rainbow ring, inside of which is a bright region. APOD also carries a challenge - what is the explanation for sequence of colours and the bright region?
Surprisingly, lots of bright students, knowledgeable teachers - even the...
A Ride On The Rainbow Warrior (The “Missing” Columbia BLACK BOX)
I posted this once before (on the Dark Government website). Time to bring it out again…
A Ride On The Rainbow Warrior (The “Missing” Columbia BLACK BOX)
The following article is taken from “SC Infosecurity News (The...
why light refraction by the rain drop is red colour at bottom but blue colour on top . However we can see the rainbow is that :the red colour is at top and the blue is at bottom?
"sometimes a rainbow, baby, is better than a pile of gold"
song lyrics by the band Poison.
Would you rather be lucky or rich?
I personally would want to be lucky cos I am sick of being unlucky. Money is not too much of a matter for me, I've been poor before. but at least now i am...
To know what I'm talking about you'll have to do a little experiment...
Go to your bathroom, take some soap and foam up your hands. Make a "bubble" with your index finger and your thumb, then reflect the light from a lamp in the "bubble". After a little while oil-like rainbowcolored patterns...