Rainbow Definition and 61 Threads

  1. Chi Meson

    Unbelievable Rainbow Phenomenon: 4 Cycles of Color!

    Last evening there was the perfect rainbow condition: A bright evening sun shining into a rainstorm just overhead. I went outside to see both complete arcs from horizon to horizon . THen... the inner rainbow (the most commonly seen rainbow, with red on the outside of the bow) looked odd...
  2. P

    How broad is the rainbow spectrum?

    We see red to violet but how much further does it actually extend? I suppose it comes down to (1) the wavelengths of light not strongly absorbed by the atmosphere and (2) the limits on a water drop sufficiently refracting the longer/shorter wavelengths. Is the invisible portion of a rainbow...
  3. R

    Light going through glass to make a rainbow

    Someone in a physics class here proposed, a white light beam going through a meter worth of glass and because different frequences refract at different angles, a 1 cm rainbow would come out the other end. The only way I see this to be possible is for the beam to be infinetely thin. I mean REALLY...
  4. A

    Explain how rainbow are form in term of photon

    Can some one explain how rainbow are form in term of photon. and also how photon are related into frequency.
  5. N

    What's the Mystery Behind the Rainbow Ring and its Bright Center?

    Today's Astronomy Picture of the Day is a photograph showing a rainbow ring, inside of which is a bright region. APOD also carries a challenge - what is the explanation for sequence of colours and the bright region? Surprisingly, lots of bright students, knowledgeable teachers - even the...
  6. N

    A Ride On The Rainbow Warrior (The Missing Columbia BLACK BOX)

    A Ride On The Rainbow Warrior (The “Missing” Columbia BLACK BOX) I posted this once before (on the Dark Government website). Time to bring it out again… A Ride On The Rainbow Warrior (The “Missing” Columbia BLACK BOX) The following article is taken from “SC Infosecurity News (The...
  7. N

    Rainbow's Red & Blue: Why Light Refraction is Reversed

    why light refraction by the rain drop is red colour at bottom but blue colour on top . However we can see the rainbow is that :the red colour is at top and the blue is at bottom?
  8. jimmy p

    Rainbow Dreams Over Gold: Poison's Lyrics and Life Lessons

    "sometimes a rainbow, baby, is better than a pile of gold" song lyrics by the band Poison. Would you rather be lucky or rich? I personally would want to be lucky cos I am sick of being unlucky. Money is not too much of a matter for me, I've been poor before. but at least now i am...
  9. V

    Why is a rainbow curved and how does it appear from an airplane?

  10. S

    Sunlight hit my cd and a rainbow was produced

    sunlight hit my cd and a rainbow was produced. can anyone tell me why ?
  11. Hydr0matic

    Exploring the Mysterious Rainbow Patterns of a Soap Bubble

    To know what I'm talking about you'll have to do a little experiment... Go to your bathroom, take some soap and foam up your hands. Make a "bubble" with your index finger and your thumb, then reflect the light from a lamp in the "bubble". After a little while oil-like rainbowcolored patterns...