Rebound Definition and 29 Threads

The rebound effect, or rebound phenomenon, is the emergence or re-emergence of symptoms that were either absent or controlled while taking a medication, but appear when that same medication is discontinued, or reduced in dosage. In the case of re-emergence, the severity of the symptoms is often worse than pretreatment levels.

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  1. I

    B Rebound Height vs Air Pressure: A Puzzling Relationship

    Hi all I have a very quick question I'm trying to understand why a graph of Rebound height (m) vs Air Pressure (x axis) doesn't have a line of best fit which goes through the origin. I understand a basketball's bounce can be compared to the compression of a mass-spring system but then why...
  2. Hyperbolu

    I Adhesive Collision: Coding for Sticky Objects

    I am trying to code collision of two objects. When they collide, instead of rebound or motion of them according to their velocity, i want them to stick together and move in direction of resultant normal velocity. It is not plastic collision. I want a force that stops the rebound. how can i...
  3. M

    How to calculate rebound speed of ball hitting a wall?

    Homework Statement A ball of mass 0.075 is traveling horizontally with a speed of 2.20 m/s. It strikes a vertical wall and rebounds horizontally. Due to the collision with the wall, 20% of the ball's initial kinetic energy is dissipated. Show that the ball rebounds from the wall with a speed of...
  4. C

    Collision in moving water-angle of rebound

    Hi all! I was having a conversation with a (rather young) friend about the following imaginary situation- suppose you are in a helicopter, at rest relative to the ground. So you are basically seeing a 'top' view. Say you have a a wall fixed to the ground, and it is kept in the middle of a moving...
  5. Amaterasu21

    Kinetic theory of gases: rebound speed and force questions

    Hi everyone, I remember years ago at school memorising the derivation of the formula for pressure in the kinetic theory of gases, as explained in this Youtube video: Thinking a little more deeply about this derivation there are two things I don't get: 1) At 0:53, the video says the molecule...
  6. I

    Finding distance traveled by rebound when measured for surface

    Homework Statement Ball falling from 1m above a slanted surface 5 degrees from horizontal. KE conserved Find distance traveled along slanted surface on its second rebound Homework Equations S=(1/2)(at^2) (V^2)=(u^2)-2as The Attempt at a Solution V before hitting =sqrt(2*9.81) =4.42...
  7. W

    How does linear velocity of a spinning object affect its rebound

    Consider the case where a basketball rotating about its center of mass strikes a wall head-on. The velocity given it parallel to the wall due to the spin is caused by the friction between the wall and the ball as the ball is sliding against the wall during the collision. Friction is proportional...
  8. J

    Is this book wrong? Tennis ball rebound speed

    I am reading a book abut tennis physics and I have seen a result that I feel is wrong. We have a tennis ball and a racket, and several cases: 1.- Ball hitting stacionary racquet that is sustained with your hand. (I agree with the results of the book here, it is just to show how they are...
  9. J

    Physics Practical: Rebound height of a table-tennis ball

    Homework Statement For part aiii), the mark scheme states "Use of set squares to indicate height". I know what are set squares, but how does it aid to determine the rebound height, h? I thought set squares are to ensure two objects are perpendicular to one another? How does it help in...
  10. R

    Drumstick Rebound: Physics Behind Stick Stroke & Rotation Point

    Hello, I'm trying to figure out what effect does the rotation point where you choose to hold a drumstick have on the rebound of the stroke. Drummers usually find this point by feel, or by fiding out at which rotation point the stick produces the most rebounds. I'm curious to know what are the...
  11. R

    What is the rebound height of a ball?

    If I have the velocity an object is moving up (lets make it v here), and the mass (m), how do I calculate the height it bounces to, and by using the efficiency of the ball 60% and gravity as 10 (for simplicity), how do i calculate the original height? Assume there is no wind resistance.
  12. T

    Calculating Impact Force of a Schmidt Hammer

    Hi! I have apparently forgotten way too much college physics, and could really use some help here. I'm trying to calculate the impact force of an instrument (a Schmidt hammer--uses a spring-loaded piston) that produces an impulse against a surface. The instrument registers a rebound value (which...
  13. marellasunny

    Damper energy absorption during rebound is different from compression

    I understand that the purpose of a damper system is to stop the spring from bouncing during rebound. But,technically speaking,I do not understand the matter of energy absorption in the damper during rebound. 1.The damper is absorbing energy during compression along the bump and dissipating...
  14. J

    How High Does the Lighter Ball Rise After Collision?

    Homework Statement Amplified Rebound Height Two small rubber balls are dropped from rest at a height h above a hard floor. When the balls are released, the lighter ball (with mass m) is directly above the heavier ball (with mass M). Assume the heavier ball reaches the floor first and bounces...
  15. J

    What is it that makes light rebound off a surface?

    When we fire a particle at a surface it can bounce off, with the angle of incidence being equal to the angle of reflection. It's clear why this happens - electromagnetic repulsion due to the electrons of the two things getting too close, right? What about light though? We can fire a ray of light...
  16. R

    A rebound and kinetic energy problem with a little specific heat

    Homework Statement A ball is thrown vertically downward strikes a surface with a speed of 15m/s. It then bounces, and reaches a maximum height of 5 meters. Neglect air resistance on the ball. a) What is the speed of the ball immediately after it rebounds from the surface? b)What fraction...
  17. S

    Can the principle of rebound be applied to air molecules impacting a surface?

    Hi, so glad to be here. This is my first posting. I'm just a 61 year-old dummy, so please help! If a rubber ball is dropped to a hard surface the impact will compress the rubber, storing some of the kinetic energy as potential elastic energy. The rebound will come from this stored potential...
  18. G

    Cart on an inclined ramp, with rebound

    [SOLVED] Cart on an inclined ramp, with rebound A 500 g cart is released from rest 1.0 m from the bottom of a frictionless, 30° ramp. The cart rolls down the ramp and bounces off a rubber block at the bottom. The figure (below) shows the force during the collision. After the cart bounces...
  19. E

    How high does the ball rebound?

    I ONLY NEED HELP WITH LETTER G. I ALREADY HAVE THE CORRECT ANSWERS FOR A-F. I posted all of the questions so you guys can see all the information I have. Homework Statement A rubber ball with a mass of 200 g is released from rest from a height of 2.0 m. It falls to the floor, bounces...
  20. G

    Why is my rebound height not following the expected trendline?

    My Experiment consists of two balls of different masses falling together in the y-axis from the same fixed height.Im researching how mass of the smaller ball affects its rebound height. My method of adding mass however was very crude as I stuck weights on using tape. This surely altered the...
  21. G

    Find Out How High Bungee Jumper Rebound After First Jump

    i was wondering how you find out how high a bungee jumper will rebound back up after his first jump
  22. J

    Kinematics - Grabbing a Rebound?

    A basketball player grabbing a rebound jumps 73.0 cm vertically. How much total time (ascent and descent, in ms) (a) does the player spend in the top 13.2 cm of this jump? (b) in the bottom 13.2 cm? (a) The formula I use is dx = Vot + 0.5at^2 Vo = 0 (at the top of the jump) dx = -.132...
  23. A

    Finding Spring Rebound Distance with Given Mass and Constant k

    If I held a block of mass m directly above a vertical spring with constant k and dropped it, I need to find out how far down it would go before rebounding to the equilibrium position. I don't have a specific problem; I'm just trying to learn the concept. I know that the magnitude of the force...
  24. S

    How to calculate the rebound distance of the bungge jump

    Hie all, curently i working on a mini project which require us to design a bungee jumping game where we had to decide all the data by myself. here i got a few question want to ask n hope someone can help me a bit.. a) how to calcualte the rebound force and distance he will rebound??as i...
  25. L

    Exploring Rebound Height: A Simple Physics Lab

    In Friday we did simple lab in Physics. We took ball and dropped it measuring dropping height and rebound height. We did 10 trials and 10 times for every trial. We started from 100 cm and went all the way to 10 cm. Then we made a model y =0.75x+2 cm. Where x is dropping height in cm and y is...
  26. V

    To what angle does each ball rebound?

    need help ASAP [solved] :) I've been trying for hours... and couldn't get it right though A 100 g steel ball and a 200 g steel ball each hang from 1.00 long strings. After rest, the balls hand side by side, barely touching. The 100 g ball is pulled to the left until its string is at a 45...
  27. D

    Is it possible for an object to rebound from air friction?

    I believe that the common drag equation is this: Fdrag= 1/2*rho*velocity^2*Cross section*Constant D=1/2rv^2*s*c Please correct me if this is wrong. Anyway, I was wondering, what if the drag exceeded the velocity?? the Object would rebound, but certaintly this is not possible. what if...
  28. S

    Understanding the Physics of Rebound: Exploring Bounce Distance and Velocity

    ok my physics class jst did a lab on studying rebound and last question in the report says: An extrapolation of the data to a perfect bounce (ie. one that reaches to the height of the launch point) results in a bounce distance that is more than twice the horizontal distance of the point of...