Rectilinear motion Definition and 36 Threads

Linear motion, also called rectilinear motion, is one-dimensional motion along a straight line, and can therefore be described mathematically using only one spatial dimension. The linear motion can be of two types: uniform linear motion with constant velocity or zero acceleration; and non-uniform linear motion with variable velocity or non-zero acceleration. The motion of a particle (a point-like object) along a line can be described by its position


{\displaystyle x}
, which varies with


{\displaystyle t}
(time). An example of linear motion is an athlete running 100m along a straight track.Linear motion is the most basic of all motion. According to Newton's first law of motion, objects that do not experience any net force will continue to move in a straight line with a constant velocity until they are subjected to a net force. Under everyday circumstances, external forces such as gravity and friction can cause an object to change the direction of its motion, so that its motion cannot be described as linear.One may compare linear motion to general motion. In general motion, a particle's position and velocity are described by vectors, which have a magnitude and direction. In linear motion, the directions of all the vectors describing the system are equal and constant which means the objects move along the same axis and do not change direction. The analysis of such systems may therefore be simplified by neglecting the direction components of the vectors involved and dealing only with the magnitude.

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  1. N

    How to show that P moves with a constant speed u

    For particle Q: The resultant force on particle Q would be zero since it is at rest. Thus$$ T - Mg = 0$$ which gives $$T = Mg$$ For particle P: This is where I am struggling. I can't seem to write out the polar equations of motion. I have to show that $$u^2 = (Mgb)/m$$ I know that $$\vec a =...
  2. Terrycho

    Rectilinear motion, not uniform accleration

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  3. L

    I Having a hard time remembering what this equation is

    Ok, so it has been about 4 years since i have had physics for scientists and engineers. I am a full time mechanical and areospace student. I just started dynamics class and right off the bat, i ran into an equation that i am not sure how to infer. It is from our rectilinear example: d^2x/dt^2 =...
  4. Alexanddros81

    Pytels Dynamics 12.40: The rocket sled is propelled....

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  5. N

    MHB How Do You Analyze Particle Motion Along the X-axis Using Calculus?

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  6. P

    A question about Rectilinear motion

    Homework Statement Q: If a particle moving along a straight line under uniform acceleration covers successive equal distances ( S each) in time intervals t1, t2 and t3 respectively, then the expression for average speed of particle in covering the given distance of 3S is: Options: A) (S/t1)...
  7. Abel Cavaşi

    The informational paradox of rectilinear motion

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  8. H

    Rectilinear motion of two attracting masses

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  9. D

    Does quantum gravity argue that space is not singularly....

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  10. F

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  11. M

    Calculate Distance Traveled: Car Acceleration from 30 km/hr to 88 km/hr in 7s

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  12. L

    Piecewise Rectilinear Motion Integration

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  13. M

    Can't seem to integrate this rectilinear motion equation.

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  14. M

    Rectilinear Motion Take-Home Exam - DEAD END

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  15. X

    Rectilinear Motion: Solving for t=0 Velocity

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  16. X

    Rectilinear motion (displacement, position) calculus

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  17. X

    Kinematics of a point in rectilinear motion

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  18. @

    Solving Rectilinear Motion: Find Velocity & Position

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  19. J

    Rectilinear motion of a particle

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  20. BloodyFrozen

    Solving Rectilinear Motion Equations - Deriving at^2+v+h

    I can't remember how to derive this equation... x(fluxion) a=acceleration x=a From that, how do we get-> at^2+v+h I think it had to do with integration, but I can't seem to get it to match the above.
  21. L

    Kinematics: Rectilinear Motion (calculus)

    Hello, first post here. I've used these forums as reference for quite some time, just never actually made an account until now. I'm working through the textbook for my upcoming Intro to Dynamics class and I am having trouble figuring out this problem. It seems like it should be pretty...
  22. X

    Kinetmatics of rectilinear motion

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  23. D

    Kinematics of rectilinear motion - multiple displacements

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  24. 0

    Rectilinear Motion (Object dropped 500m, will it burst?)

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  25. L

    Motion along a line (Rectilinear Motion) Help

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  26. A

    Calculating Total Time for an Inclined Plane Motion Problem

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  27. F

    Rectilinear Motion with Constant Acceleration

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  28. A

    Mechanics - Rectilinear Motion

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  29. A

    Rectilinear Motion of Particle

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  30. E

    AP Calc Q: Find Time When Object at x=10/3

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  31. Saladsamurai

    Solving Rectilinear Motion: Find Car Acceleration at t=4s

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  32. T

    How Does Gravitational Acceleration Affect a Helicopter's Upward Motion?

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  33. S

    How Do You Solve Rectilinear Motion Problems with Missing Data?

    Hi, I recently stumbled across your forums whilst trying to find help for my homework. I have managed to do all the questions on the homework except these 2, and i cannot seem to get the right answers to them. This is because they both miss one piece of data and i would normally use the suvat...
  34. C

    Momentum-impulse vs. rectilinear motion equations

    Here we are again...We have apully system as seen on page 1 of the attachment. I tried using the rectilinear motion equations, assuming a=constant, but the book's solution used the momentum-impulse equations and got a different answer. I don't understand why my approach is incorrect... Thanks.
  35. M

    Transitions from Rest State to Rectilinear Motion: Infinite Jerk?

    Anyone- From long ago IIRC a body that transitions from a rest state to a rectilinear moving state undergoes nearly infinite jerk (change in 'a'). On the one hand, my memory is reinforced by the idea that not all functions have infinitely many derivatives... But on the other hand, I may not...