What is Red giant: Definition and 20 Discussions

A red giant is a luminous giant star of low or intermediate mass (roughly 0.3–8 solar masses (M☉)) in a late phase of stellar evolution. The outer atmosphere is inflated and tenuous, making the radius large and the surface temperature around 5,000 K (4,700 °C; 8,500 °F) or lower. The appearance of the red giant is from yellow-orange to red, including the spectral types K and M, but also class S stars and most carbon stars.
Red giants vary in the way by which they generate energy:

most common red giants are stars on the red-giant branch (RGB) that are still fusing hydrogen into helium in a shell surrounding an inert helium core
red-clump stars in the cool half of the horizontal branch, fusing helium into carbon in their cores via the triple-alpha process
asymptotic-giant-branch (AGB) stars with a helium burning shell outside a degenerate carbon–oxygen core, and a hydrogen-burning shell just beyond that.Many of the well-known bright stars are red giants, because they are luminous and moderately common. The K0 RGB star Arcturus is 36 light-years away, and Gamma Crucis is the nearest M-class giant at 88 light-years' distance.

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  1. Vanadium 50

    B Which star is the closest red giant to Earth according to The Guardian?

    The Guardian claims Betelgeuse is the closest red giant to Earth. Not even close. Aldebaran Arcturus Mira Delta Andromedae The abominably named Gacrux Capella, which despite the color is a red giant Possibly Antares (distances are similar) And, what is likely the correct answer, Pollux. Think...
  2. Philosophaie

    I What happens first -- Sun Red Giant or Andromeda collision?

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  3. S

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  4. O

    B Will Big Stars Turn Into Red Supergiants or Red Giants?

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  5. T

    B Why will Betelgeuse go supernova?

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  6. T

    B Why don't high mass stars expand and cool?

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  7. Madi Araly

    Increase in Radius when a Star becomes a Red Giant

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  8. 2

    Difference between a red giant and red supergiant?

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  9. JohnPrior3

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  10. 1

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  11. J

    Will the Earth survive the Sun becoming a red giant?

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  12. C

    Would Jupiter steal matter from our Sun when it reach red giant phase?

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  13. R

    How Long Do Red Giant Stars Last?

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  14. G

    Formation/Expansion of Red Giant

    Hello Physics Forums, complete astronomy noobie here. My question is about how a main sequence star turns into a red giant and starts expanding. Reading from here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_giant "When the star exhausts the hydrogen fuel in its core, nuclear reactions in the core stop...
  15. D

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  16. L

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  17. F

    The time of becoming a red giant

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  18. L

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  19. O

    Why Do Stars Turn Red Giants as They Age?

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  20. marcus

    How long before the sun goes red giant?

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