Retake Definition and 39 Threads

A breath mark or luftpause is a symbol used in musical notation. It directs the performer of the music passage to take a breath (for wind instruments and vocalists) or to make a slight pause (for non-wind instruments). This pause is normally intended to shorten the duration of the preceding note and not to alter the tempo; in this function it can be thought of as a grace rest. It is usually placed above the staff and at the ends of phrases. Its function is analogous to the comma in several written languages. Indeed, a common notation for the breath mark looks very similar to a written comma.

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  1. A

    Other Got a C- (63-66%) In a MATH class. Should I retake it?

    I'm in a physics program going onto my final year of study. My cGPA is currently 4.01 (on a 4.3 scale) however during my second year, I took an upper year math class on Graph Theory and performed very poorly in it, I got a C- (roughly 63-66%). I'm hoping to apply to graduate schools come next...
  2. V

    Courses Is it Worth Retaking a "C" in Differential Equations?

    I got a C last semester in elementary differential equations. It was an online class using ProctorU and I always had technical difficulties, so while my homework category was a 95% my test category was around a 60%. I am a spring-semester sophomore right now and my GPA is 3.611. If I retake...
  3. G

    Should I retake Organic Chemistry 2? Got a C-

    I was wondering if I should retake this course for a better grade. I got numerous responses from the colleges I am interested in for grad school. Probably will be taking Advanced Organic Chemistry as an advanced elective. If they have other courses that are offered like instrumental analysis I...
  4. Y

    Programs Retake Undergraduate Course for Your Masters

    So I took a course for electrical engineering as an undergraduate, I'm going to a different school for my masters in electrical engineering, I see as part of the curriculum a course that looks very familiar to a course I took in my undergrad. Because I can't use the same course for more than...
  5. J

    Courses Retaking Physics I: Is it Worth the Time and Money?

    Hi everyone, Somehow I ended up passing my calculus based Mechanics I class with a 60. I did well on the lab work and the problem sets but I bombed the exam and I'm really thinking whether or not I know the material well enough to continue. I feel like I know the basics but the exam was pretty...
  6. S

    Testing GRE General Score Question -- Should I retake it?

    Hello! I just had my general GRE and I got 158 on the verbal part. How good/bad is it? I want to apply for a phD in physics, should I retake it? I got 170 for math and I am talking about graduate schools as MIT and Caltech. Thank you!
  7. majormuss

    Attend an average PhD program or wait a year to retake the GRE?

    Hi all, I got accepted to 2 Astrophysics phd programs ( University of Connecticut and the University of Cincinnati). To be honest, I am not thrilled by the prospect of attending either school but my only other option is to retake the GREs again and wait another year to attend graduate...
  8. K

    Should I retake pre-calc before calculus 1

    I have taken precalculus class a few years ago. I finally took calculus 1 and the same school just last quarter and got a 3.2. I had a pretty cool teacher. I'm transferring to a four year school and have to retake calculus 1, but I'm contemplating on retaking a pre calculus at the four year...
  9. N

    Courses When is it worthwhile to retake a class?

    I'm a freshman who just finished their first semester at (insert elite university that I don't want to namedrop here), and I am an engineering physics major with a hope to one day do grad school in applied physics at a similar school. Anyway, due to the almost non-existence of a curve and the...
  10. Josep

    Courses Should I retake Real Analysis I?

    Hi all, I am currently in my first semester of my sophomore year, taking Real Analysis I. This class covers formal proofs, properties of the real line, sequences, series, limits, continuity and differentiation, and Riemann Integration. I apparently got stuck with the worst professor at my...
  11. F

    Courses Retake a C+ in upper level physics elective?

    I had some medical problems last semester and ended up "bombing" all my classes; I got a smattering of B+/-'s in major courses, A-'s in non-major courses, and a C+ in a computational physics course. This last one especially distressed me because I was so excited to take the class, but things...
  12. J

    Should I retake topology to improve my grad school prospects?

    This September I will be going back to school after being away for 3-4 years. When I was going before, I took a class in point-set topology. I passed the class, but only with a 53. This wasn't for lack of ability, but for a lack of motivation. I dropped out of school after that semester and did...
  13. PhotonSSBM

    Transferring-should I retake this class?

    I'm going from a community college to a 4 year school-a good one-for physics. I'm starting in the spring which is awkward because I won't have many options for physics classes to take while I'm there other than an honors intro E&M course. I had a really watered down experience with my E&M course...
  14. B

    Repeating Second Year: A Second Chance to Master the Basics of Physics

    So I got killed this past year in physics. Combined with the fact that I slacked off a lot in first year, I have an awful GPA. It's currently sitting at 1.66 ( out of 4.3) I need ~2.0 to get into honors physics. I'm guessing the possibility of grad school is out the window. I've been studying...
  15. Jadenee

    Should I retake freshmen math classes?

    I know that there are multiple threads regarding retaking classes but everyone's situation is different and I wasn't sure if those posts were going to apply to my situation. I suffered medical problems, both mental and physical, before even entering university and had them all through freshmen...
  16. B

    Retaking Calc 2 Exam: Is it Worth the Effort?

    hey everyone so i just took my calc 2 exam and the whole class basically bombed it. the professor is giving us a chance to retake the exam or to keep the score we had the first time around. the exam is on integration by parts, trig sub, trig integrals and partial fractions decomposition. i got a...
  17. jbrussell93

    Should I Retake the GRE for Geophysics PhD Programs?

    Hey all. It has been a while since I've posted a question in the academic guidance section so here we go. I am a physics major who just took the general GRE and am a bit disappointed in my scores. V 157 (74%) Q 161 (80%) I scored much higher on the quantitative during practice tests (>90%)...
  18. A

    I'm about to fail Calc 1. Should I give up or retake it this fall?

    After taking an astronomy course in college, I decided I want to major in physics with a concentration in astronomy. My current major has nothing to do with science or mathematics. This summer I took a physics class and I'm currently still taking Calc 1. I got an A in physics, but so far in...
  19. H

    Should I Pursue a BS in Physics After a Finance Degree?

    Hi guys, could you please give me some advices? I am wondering if I should retake a bachelor degree after my graduation from a business college last year. Some detail about myself: I have finished my bachelor of finance studying last year. But I like physics very much and want to...
  20. sheldonrocks97

    Schools Should I Retake Physics I at University?

    I am a senior going to a university in the Fall and I was wondering if I should retake General Physics I, which I took at community college, at a university rather than moving on to General Physics II. I got a B in Physics I, so I did alright considering tests were 70% of our grade and Quizzes...
  21. A

    Fortran Retake: Reading an existing file into a fortran code

    Thank you very much for the reply. I placed the file in the same directory as the program and opened the file before executing and everything was just perfect. But my other problem is that, in my data, there consists of negative numbers. Is there a way to read the positive inputs without the...
  22. R

    Should I retake GRE for Medical Physics (Master's)

    I just finished taking my GRE and I am a bit unsatisfied with my scores and am debating if I should retake it before the application deadlines. I got a 156Q and 150V... below is my resume thus far. I posted the following on here before.. so apologies for repeating the same post, but I felt it...
  23. M

    MATLAB Irritated by Matlab should I retake the course?

    Hey fellas how are you all doing? This is my first year as an engineering student and so far I am enjoying most of my classes(Math, chem, programming) except for one, my MATLAB class. This class is really a pain in my ***. This is my first time seeing a programming language and I have a grade...
  24. P

    Schools Retake PGRE for 2nd time admission to grad school?

    Hi there, If any people who have sat on grad school admissions committees are lurking out there, I would love to hear your opinion on this: I'm reapplying to grad school for next fall after I took my Masters and left at another institution. I made a right mess of things there; was going...
  25. L

    Retake physics 1 or take modern physics?

    Hey guys, looking for some input. I've taken algebra based physics 1 (got an A-) and calc based physics 2. It's my last year of undergrad but I am planning to enter a second degree electrical engineering program in the future. Should I retake calc based physics 1 or take modern physics? Would...
  26. J

    C+ in E&M1 and C in Mechanics, should I retake Mechanics or take E&M 2

    I have been learning a lot of the Math in parallel with Physics so I'm not sure how many of my issues are Physics issues or Math issues. I feel like some of my Physics issues could be Mechanics issues. Is it better to retake Mechanics or move on to EM 2. If I do take EM 2 I'm wondering...
  27. N

    Another PGRE post: be happy with percentile or retake?

    Hello, I will only be applying to US Grad schools next year (circumstances...), but I took the GRE this year anyway cause there was no real reason not to and it would allow me to take it without too much pressure at the time. So I just got my scores: 980, in the 94-th percentile. From what I...
  28. C

    Did bad in undergrad EM. retake or directly go to grad EM?

    I did pretty bad in undergrad EM and remember nothing. However, my advisor says that since I'm doing well in my mathematical physics class, and if I get an A, I should directly take the grad EM course to not waste time. However, he acknowledges that I had difficulties with EM in the past, so...
  29. N

    Took DiffEq Over 5 Weeks and Didn't Learn Anything; Retake?

    Two summers ago back when I was a lazy and all-around poor student, I took DiffEq at a community college in 5 weeks because I had heard it was easier than during the regular semester. It was easy, but I didn't end up learning anything (mostly my own stupid fault), and now I'm wondering if I...
  30. D

    Struggling with teacher and class: Should I CLEP or retake?

    Hello, I think this is my first post here, but I've lurked for quite a while as a silent user and even before then as a non-user. I'm currently enrolled and majoring in pre-engineering at a community college in Mississippi. So far, I've taken Algebra, Trig, and calculus 1, and I'm...
  31. K

    Should I Retake Calculus? Expert Advice for an Engineering Student [Texas A&M]

    I graduated college with a bachelor of arts in political science in 2001. [Texas A&M]My gpa was a 3.5 and I managed to graduate in 2 1/2 years. I was set on going to law school but instead have been teaching for a while. I earned college calculus credit when I was in high school. I did...
  32. S

    Probably getting a C or C+ in Calc 1. Retake?

    My major is chemical engineering. (I feel more like just a wannabe at this point, not an actual chemE student.) I'm really discouraged right now as I am questioning my suitability for the major/field. Basically I for the first two months of the semester I was working a lot. (32+ hours per...
  33. C

    Courses Should I retake this course for my applied math major?

    I intend to eventually go to graduate school for some type of applied math...I'm leaning towards either computational or statistics. I just recently transferred to a major research university from a small teaching college, and academically it was a bit of a shock for me. I took mechanics...
  34. D

    Should I retake the GRE? 450/800

    Hi all, I'd like to enter a mechanical engineering master's program at a respectable university (I'm aiming for at least Penn State. I'd LOVE to get into Stanford/MIT/CalTech). I took the GRE for the first time today. I was surprised by both my verbal and quantitative scores because my...
  35. B

    Should I Retake the General GRE?

    Hi all, is it a good idea to re-take the general GRE if your initial scores were so-so? I mean, my initial scores were Not Bad...I got 700 on quant, 570 verbal, and 4 on writing. But that was back in Feb 2007, and preceeded my seeking an engineering degree. In the middle of my engineering...
  36. Q

    Testing Retake Physics GRE? Evaluating Options for Physics PhD

    I'm sure this has been posted by, like, a gazillion other people, but I'd also like an evaluation. Goal: Physics PhD (the PhD is primarily for my own personal benefit...I know that I could work with just a Masters, but I really, really, really want my PhD). Overall undergrad GPA...
  37. B

    Courses Is it common for people to retake a course in order to boost their GPA?

    By courses I mean like Multivariable Calculus, Differentials, Physics 301, etc...
  38. J

    Retake General GRE? Advice on Improvement in Q Score

    I just took the General GRE and received V: 560 Q: 740. Would it be advisable to take it again, or would the improvement in quantitative not matter that much? Thanks for any advice.
  39. B

    Should I Retake the GRE for Cornell or MIT Admissions?

    I need someone to be honest with me. I just got back from taking the GRE and I got a 410/610 for verbal/quantiative. I have 3.79 gpa with a double major in EE & physics with some research experience. But I want to get into cornell or MIT. Do I definitely need to retake? I hate these stupid...