TL;DR Summary: How can I variate the quadratic Riemann curvature tensor, I tried raising and lowering the indices.
Can you help me with this variation, I tried raising and lowering the indices.
I tried for months every possible method to reach the following answer without success.
Hi there!
I have a few related questions on Gaussian curvature (K) of surfaces and simply connected regions:
Suppose that K approaches infinity in the neighborhood of a point (x1,x2) . Is there any relationship between the diverging points of K and (non) simply connected regions?
If K diverges...
To calculate the Riemann coefficient for a metric ##g##, one can employ the second Cartan's structure equation:
$$\frac{1}{2} \Omega_{ab} (\theta^a \wedge \theta^b) = -\frac{1}{4} R_{ijkl} (dx^i \wedge dx^j)(dx^k \wedge dx^l)$$
and using the tetrad formalism to compute the coefficients of the...
Let ## \mathcal{S} ## be a family of probability distributions ## \mathcal{P} ## of random variable ## \beta ## which is smoothly parametrized by a finite number of real parameters, i.e.,
## \mathcal{S}=\left\{\mathcal{P}_{\theta}=w(\beta;\theta);\theta \in \mathbb{R}^{n}...
The actual word "mathematics" comes from Greek, meaning"inclined to learn"so could I consider myself a mathematician after mastering all mathematics? I considered the idea of having a Riemmanian Geometry tutorial in the mathematics forums...Do you believe that it would work?-Charles
Hello. If a closed ball is expanding in time would we say it's expanding or dilating in Riemannian geometry? better saying is I don't know which is which? and what is the function that explains the changes of coordinates of an arbitrary point on the sphere of the ball?
I've done a masters taught module in GR and from what I've learned these are two of some of the most important significance of needing a Riemannian Geometry:
1) If we consider the Lagrangian of a freely-falling particle given by ##L= \int ds \sqrt{g_{uv}\dot{dx^u}\dot{dx^v}} ## and find the...
Is the Berry connection compatible with the metric(covariant derivative of metric vanishes) in the same way that the Levi-Civita connection is compatible with the metric(as in Riemannanian Geometry and General Relativity)?
Also, does it have torsion? It must either have torsion or not be...
I have learned Riemannian Geometry, so the only connection I have ever worked with is the Levi-Civita connection(covariant derivative of metric tensor vanishes and the Chrystoffel symbols are symmetric).
When performing a parallel transport with the L-C connection, angles and lengths are...
I’m hoping to clear up some confusion I have over what the Lie derivative of a metric determinant is.
Consider a 4-dimensional (pseudo-) Riemannian manifold, with metric ##g_{\mu\nu}##. The determinant of this metric is given by ##g:=\text{det}(g_{\mu\nu})##. Given this, now consider the...
I was thinking about the Riemann curvature tensor(and the torsion tensor) and the way they are defined and it seems to me that they just need a connection(not Levi-Civita) to be defined. They don't need a metric. So, in reality, we can talk about the Riemann curvature tensor of smooth...
With the re-release of the textbook "Gravitation" by Misner, Thorne and Wheeler, I was wondering if it is worth buying and if it's outdated.
Upon checking the older version at the library, I found that the explanations and visualization techniques in the sections on differential(Riemannian)...
I am taking my first graduate math course and I am not really familiar with the thought process. My professor told us to think about how to prove that the differential map (pushforward) is well-defined.
The map
$$f:M\rightarrow N$$ is a smooth map, where ##M, N## are two smooth manifolds. If...
Basically the video talk about how moving from A to A'(which is basically A) in an anticlockwise manner will give a vector that is different from when the vector is originally in A in curved space.
$$[(v_C-v_D)-(v_B-v_A)]$$ will equal zero in flat space...
I do not get the conceptual difference between Riemann and Ricci tensors. It's obvious for me that Riemann have more information that Ricci, but what information?
The Riemann tensor contains all the informations about your space.
Riemann tensor appears when you compare the change of the sabe...
I have found the following entry on his blog by Terence Tao about embeddings of compact manifolds into Euclidean space (Whitney, Nash). It contains the theorems and (sketches of) proofs. Since it is rather short some of you might be interested in.
Hi friends,
I'm learning Riemannian geometry. I'm in trouble with understanding the meaning of ##g^{jk}\Gamma^{i}{}_{jk}##. I know it is a contracting relation on the Christoffel symbols and one can show that ##g^{jk}\Gamma^i{}_{jk}=\frac{-1}{\sqrt{g}}\partial_j(\sqrt{g}g^{ij})## using the...
I'm currently working through chapter 7 on Riemannian geometry in Nakahara's book "Geometry, topology & physics" and I'm having a bit of trouble reproducing his calculation for the metric compatibility in a non-coordinate basis, using the Ricci rotation coefficients...
Want to know (i) what does Riemannian metric tensor and Christoffel symbols on R2 mean? (ii) How does metric tensor and Christoffel symbols look like on R2? It would be great with an example as I am new to this Differential Geometry.
How does one derive the general form of the Riemann tensor components when it is defined with respect to the Levi-Civita connection?
I assumed it was just a "plug-in and play" situation, however I end up with extra terms that don't agree with the form I've looked up in a book. In a general...
Conventional GR is based on the Levi-Civita connection.
From the fundamental theorem of Riemann geometry - that the metric tensor is covariantly constant, subject to the metric being symmetric, non-degenerate, and differential, and the connection associated is unique and torsion-free - the...
Hi all, I was wondering what the relationship between the Riemannian Geometry exponential map and the regular manifold exponential map and for the reason behind the name.
Can someone recommend some background texts which can build me up with the necessary pre-requisites to learn about Riemannian Geometry? I have been self studying single and multi variable calculus but lack the mathematical rigour. Some resources/textbooks that can cover the background material...
Author: Manfredo Do Carmo
Title: Riemannian Geometry
Amazon link
Prerequisities: Basic differential geometry, topology, calculus 3, linear algebra
Level: Grad
Table of Contents:
How to use this book
I am a physicist trying to understand the notion of holonomy in principal bundles.
I am reading about the horizontal lift of a curve in the base manifold of a principal bundle (or just fiber bundle) to the total space and would like to relate it to the "classic" parallel transport one comes...
As I understand it, Riemannian geometry doesn't allow Torsion (a property of geometry involving certain permutations among the indices of Christoffel Symbols). Does this restrict the geometry of General Relativity (GR) to describing only a curved spacetime with the Riemann curvature tensor? Is...
Hey folks,
Is it generally true that for US Math PhD programs, Riemannian geometry is a 2nd year grad course? I was looking at JHU, one of the PhD programs I will be applying to, and they don't require you take any prereq grad courses. And the cirriculum seems to be the standard RG...
Homework Statement
the question i have is more of a conceptual question, i have no idea how to prove that a mapping would be an immersion. thus i have no clue how to start the assigned problem
here's the specific problem:
prove that (e~) is an immersion : note (e~ means phi tilda)
Let F...
I was wondering if Geodesic polar coordinates, Geodesic shperical coordinates and Riemann Normal coordinates are the same. Also, are there any standard techniques for computing these coordinates for a manifold given in terms of level set of a function. Are there any good references that...
Let M,N be a connected smooth riemannian manifolds.
I define the metric as usuall, the infimum of lengths of curves between the two points.
(the length is defined by the integral of the norm of the velocity vector of the curve).
Suppose phi is a homeomorphism which is a metric...
Hi all! I just found this site today, and I am really hoping that I can get some useful advice here. That said, I have two problems--one easy, one not so easy.
Easy problem:
Basically, I was wondering if anybody out there knows of an algorithm to calculate g_{ij} , given only the...