Rip Definition and 200 Threads

  1. Astronuc

    News RIP Tim Hetherington & Chris Hondros

    Tim Hetherington: 1970 – 2011 Hetherinton and Hondros were covering the rebels and civilians in Libya. Hetherington was killed by an RPG while covering the conflict in Misrata. Hetherington, co-directed the Oscar-nominated war documentary Restrepo...
  2. N

    News Elizabeth Taylor RIP: Movie Legend & Celebrity Icon

    One of the greatest movie legends we've ever had.
  3. lisab

    News How Did Jane Russell Impact Hollywood?

    Jane Russell has died. She was 89. RIP, Jane!
  4. D

    Cyclic Universe, Big Rip version

    I wonder if someone has ever considered the following scenario: 1. "Standard" Big Rip model (phantom energy-dominated) 2. Close to the Big Rip, Universe becomes crossed with Cosmological horizons 3. Based on semiclassical approach, these horizons emit Hawking radiation 4. As a (slightly...
  5. lisab

    News RIP Jack Lalanne: Fitness Pioneer & TV Icon

    Jack Lalanne has died! I remember my mom watching him, when I was a kid. RIP!
  6. A

    Is College a Rip Off? - John Stossel & Physics Majors

    ...that's the claim I'm hearing. Anyone ever see that 20/20 segment with John Stossel? I understand that the claim that a college grad makes a million more than a high school grad may be misleading, but the big question that seems to be neglected is what are these unsuccessful grads...
  7. Chi Meson

    News Did Captain Beefheart's Genius Go Unappreciated by the Masses?" Sun zoom spark faded out Hot head expired
  8. Ivan Seeking

    News RIP Elizabeth Edwards: News of Her Passing

    Early reports...
  9. lisab

    News Remembering Leslie Nielsen: A Comedy Legend Gone Too Soon?

    Oh no! Leslie Nielsen died today - "Airplane" has to be in my top 5 movies, I laugh like a crazy woman watching it. Thanks for the laughs :cry:!
  10. D

    The fate of the Universe - big rip, then big crunch?

    I envision the Universe to be like a stellar sized star. When it expands, it explodes into a supernova, then collapses/contract into a black hole singularity. Since the Universe rate of expansion is accelerating, would it rip apart, and then contract into a singularity, just like the star?
  11. J

    News Inderjit Khurana: A Lifelong Contribution to Education & Community

    She passed away last week. In fact, I didn't know who she was until someone sent an obituary note. Here's something about her work. Starting a preschool in Orissa, India in 1978 she had been running education, health, nutrition, emergency...
  12. A

    News RIP Benoit Mandelbrot: Father of Fractal Geometry Passes Away

    Not sure if others have heard, but Benoit Mandelbrot, the father of fractal geometry, passed away this week, as confirmed by the New York Times: And now the line "Mandelbrot's in heaven, at...
  13. T

    The Big Rip: Will Black Holes Be Ripped Apart Too?

    Question about "The Big Rip" With dark energy accelerating the expansion of the Universe, has anyone done calculation on how long it will take for black holes to be ripped apart? I'm assuming here that space is going to be expanding so fast that the acceleration of the material towards itself...
  14. A

    Any way to rip DVD movies into my hard drive?

    I don't want to "pirate" any movies, but would like to rip DVD's that I bought into my computer so I can put them on my iPod. Are there ways to rip copy protected DVD's with many chapters/episodes etc? Which software allows me to do it? Is it legal?
  15. Astronuc

    News RIP H. Edward Roberts, PC Pioneer

    H. Edward Roberts, PC Pioneer, Dies at 68 I remember some of the first PCs, like the Altair, and Tandy's version, Commodore-64, and the first IBM PC (based on an 8086 processor). I bought my first PC in 1985 and added an 8087 math...
  16. G

    Can you rip the space time fabric?

    Can you rip the space time fabric!? if there is a fabric of space, the four dimension you could call it, space time, is it possible to rip it or open it up, for example do black holes do that, if not what, what would happen?
  17. N

    Could an Earthquake Rip Open a Nuclear Powerplant?

    This is just a question that has been bugging me for awhile, but, in a worst-case scenario, if you say had an earthquake where the ground split open, and a nuclear plant was right over the split, could the reactor literally be "ripped open" in such an instance? And if so, would this cause the...
  18. J

    Discussing the Big Rip Theory: Have You Heard About It?

    Somewhere, I read about the "Big Rip Theory". Has anyone here heard about the Big Rip Theory? Joe L. Ogan
  19. MTd2

    Does the big rip happen in LQC?

    Does anyone know?
  20. Ivan Seeking

    RIP Radio Shack - No more ICs [or nearly so]

    While their electronics stock has been slowly diminishing for years, until recently it was still possible to make a quick run to Radio Shack for an emergency 7805 or 741, but it seems that day is over. I stopped by the local store yesterday and found only two drawers of stock with only the most...
  21. Ivan Seeking

    What was Farrah Fawcett's lasting impact on American culture? I can remember when her most famous poster was seen EVERYWHERE! For a decade she was America's hearthrob.
  22. Cyrus

    News Is China Taking Advantage of Their Position to Sell Cheap Goods in the US? **** you China!
  23. Astronuc

    News How Dangerous Can a Skiing Concussion Be?

    Two days ago, on 16 March 2009, Natasha Richardson was injured in a skiing accident at the Mont Tremblant Resort. She apparently took a spill and received a concussion. It seems that she initially felt fine, but her trainer and others insisted she see a doctor and she eventually went to...
  24. Astronuc

    News What legacy did Michael Crichton leave behind?

    'Jurassic Park' author, 'ER' creator Crichton dies :frown: The Andromeda Strain was the first Crichton book I read as a kid.
  25. Integral

    News Who was Dr. Victor A. Madsen and why was his memorial service so special?

    This is the 2nd Saturday in a row I have spend at Memorial services. :cry: Some of you may even be familiar with the work of Dr. Madsen, he was a world class theoretical Nuclear physicist. He was much more beyond that, a warm, kind man who was much appreciated by all who knew him. He had a...
  26. J

    News Will the Boston Red Sox Regret Trading Away a Hall of Famer?

    Congratulations on trading a hall of famer for an average player. Enjoy the two titles you have won. They will help you cope with the frustration and disappointment in the years ahead. Hopefully, you will learn not to trade hall of famers away. Unfortunately, 1918 and 2008 show otherwise so I...
  27. lisab

    News George Carlin Dies at 71 | Celebrating a Lasting Legacy

    Wow. George Carlin died today at age 71, of heart failure. I remember my brother had a recording of his "Dirty Words" routine - so shocking at the time! Yet it would seem quite mild to today's youth. RIP, George!
  28. C

    News How do airline prices vary based on booking dates?

    So, I've been looking for a flight to the US* towards the end of July. A few weeks ago, most of the airlines had a sale on May/June fares, during, and after which, the cheapest fare I could find for my dates was £650. However, today I have another search and every carrier has massively reduced...
  29. U

    E-field strong enough to rip all electrons from copper atoms

    Not just free electrons, ALL electrons. How strong would that be?
  30. turbo

    News Edward Lorenz RIP: Father of Chaos Theory Dies at 90

    I didn't know where to put this notice, but the father of chaos theory died yesterday at his home in Cambridge at the age of 90.
  31. Integral

    News Charlton Heston RIP - News from Yahoo"
  32. P

    Do You Believe in the Big Rip Theory?

    ... R.I.P... rest in peace? I would be interested to know how many of you accept this theory as the probable fate of our universe. For me, this is probably one of the harder ideas to swallow because even if it is true, the idea of everything ceasing to exist is hard!
  33. C

    Big Bang and Big Rip Theory: Is Expansion the End?

    The preferred (Big Bang) theory is that the universe started as a super hot, super dense dit that was the size of an atom or less. The end of the universe (Big RIP) theory states that space will expand to the point that eventually every atom -- or maybe even every subatomic particle -- will...
  34. Evo

    News Robert Jordan RIP | September 16, 2007

    He passed away on September 16, 2007, the day I fell and broke my arm. This is the first I heard of his passing. It was his book "Eye of the World", first in the "Wheel of Time" books that got me hooked on fantasy novels. I would wait anxiously for the next book in the series to come out...
  35. Integral

    News Farewell Mr. Wizard - 89 Years of Legacy

    RIP Mr. Wizard...89!" has passed away at 89. I remember him well. :cry:
  36. K

    How Does Infinite Density Lead to the Big Rip?

    Hello, in the eqn of state [density prop. to a^-3(W+1)] if you subbed in W=-2 you get density prop. to a^3. If you then plot a graph of density vs. scale factor it is a straight-forward graph. Good up until then, but then I got the interpretation wrong. This represents the "big rip". But how? I...
  37. M

    Big Crunch or Big Rip? Universe's Future

    I remember reading some time ago that in 2001, they discovered that the speed at which the universe was expanding was accelerating. According to current models, that would mean that the universe may expand forever and maybe even rip itself apart. But then, there is still some debate as to...
  38. Integral

    News What Will Happen to the USS John F Kennedy CVA-67 After Decommissioning?

    The" will be decommissioned on 23 March 07. She was my home from Sept '71 to Sept '73. I spent 15 of those months deployed to the Mediterranean. Our 10 month deployment from Dec '71 to Oct '72 stood as the longest cruise until the Nimitz returned from the...
  39. K

    Big Rip Red Sky? - Universe's Fate Explored

    Hi, I'm curious about one thing. Suppose the universe will end in a Big Rip. Then since the universe will be accelerating at a very fast rate, could it be that the sky will look redder and redder towards the Big Rip?
  40. Astronuc

    News What is the legacy of beloved journalist Ed Bradley?

    CBS and 60 Minutes Correspondent Ed Bradley died at age 65 from Leukemia One of my favorite correspondents, although I have seriously watched 60 Minutes or CBS News in years. Mike Wallace and Dan Rather were a bit too much.
  41. W

    Will the universe end in a Big Crunch or a Big Rip?

    How do you think our universe will end like? I think it would be the Big crunch! One evidence is that the amount of mass in stars divided by the total amount of mass in the universe is nonzero. After some length of time, any given star will convert too much hydrogen into helium (or heavier...
  42. dduardo

    RIP Mr. Miyagi: Karate Kid's Teacher Passes Away

    The guy that played the karate kid's teacher passed away this past week. It is a real shame too, he was quite the actor.
  43. Integral

    News What happened to Little Bear while I was in Ireland?

    My Ireland trip got off to a bit of a rough start, the hotel I was in did not have consistent hot water and I had some trouble figuring out international calling. Then I realized that the very thin soled shoes I chose to bring were not ideal for all of the walking I was doing on pavement, by the...
  44. wasteofo2

    News Good, minimalistic program to rip CD's to MP3

    So, I've got a very slow computer that as of now only has Windows Media Player on it. I'm looking for a very basic program that can rip my CD's to MP3 files that doesn't take up too much ram and doesn't have lotsa fancy extras. Things like Real Player and Musicmatch are just so full of crap that...
  45. Simfish

    News Who is Hans Bethe and What Were His Accomplishments?

    Great physicist who worked in the Manhattan project and won a Nobel Prize for his explanations of stellar fusion. Alas, but he is no more.
  46. Greg Bernhardt

    News Dimebag Darrell: Metal Icon's Tragic Death (64 Characters)

    Sad day for the metal culture
  47. Ivan Seeking

    News Can one tragedy inspire a change in teenage driving habits?

    While working to start my business I also worked for the school district as a private tutor. I got kids of all ages who could not attend school for medical [or other] reasons, or who weren't allowed to attend due to behavioral problems. Although most of my kids were in high school, my youngest...
  48. V

    News I watched a kid rip apart his laptop

    So here's the setup: I'm walking out of taco bell in my college's union which exits through the gameroom. I sit down at a seat and watch some people play DDR and this kid comes up next to me (he was at least 18 but you'll see why I call him a kid in a moment) and thinks it would be fashionable...
  49. Ivan Seeking

    Universe can surf the Big Rip; Nature article
  50. J

    What exactly will happen if the big rip occurs

    What exactly will happen if the big rip occurs. I understand that all matter will be torn apart. But I still don't think that I fully understand. What will happen to the matter after it is ripped apart. It can't just disappear can it.