Summary:: Looking for people who can guide me in what I want to pursue
I am a 15 year old and I am an enthusiast. I have been fascinated by rocket science and I have been learning some advanced rocket science principles from the past year. I have a few Ideas for Launch Vehicles and would like...
Summary:: In need of help determining the exhaust velocity of a rocket nozzle given temperature and propellant molar mass
Greetings and salutations! My name is Robert DeVries, world builder extraordinaire. I have come with questions in search of answers.
So for the last few days I've been...
I am using the derivative of momentum (dp/dt) with Newton’s 3rd Law with the gravitational force of Earth.
F - [Force of gravity on rocket] = dp/dt
F - (G * m_e * m_r / r2 ) = v * dm/dt + ma
F = Force created by fuel (at time t)
G = Gravitational Constant
m_e = Mass of Earth
m_r = Mass of...
I stumbled upon a 3-year old article from Wired that poses this question on rockets:
Suppose I have two rockets with a mass M and fuel mass m. Rocket A shoots all the fuel at once (again, like a nuclear propulsion engine) with a fuel speed of u and rocket B shoots two blobs of fuel—first a shot...
Hey Guys,
I'm on a rocket team at my university and we are attempting to figure out the force of opening acting on some of our parachutes. Typically this is done using the following equations, in particular, the one in the top right corner.
This is where our trouble begins. In the Recovery...
110kg sounding rocket that runs on apcp
im trying to understand the steps to building this rocket what equations do i use to find nozzle parameters and estimated burn time etc. initial surface area for the fuel block is 5020cm^2
burn rate is .6 to 1.2mm a second fuel weight is 100kg gamma for...
just an odd question that passed through my mind when i was watching a SpaceX youtube vid have we (as in humans)ever gotten a rocket to land on the ground with the nose up and the thrusters down (the same position the rocket took of in)?
I was wondering if there is an actual definition given by a recognised organisation over what is meant by the word "rocket". In case there is not, I wanted to reflect upon what do we really mean when we say rockets.
Hi! So I'm a college student and I was looking at trying to get together a group to compete in NASA's student launch initiative. However I don't really know anything about rocketry and don't know where to start. I'm currently studying mechanical engineering and planning on emphasizing in...
Hi I was wondering why are model rocket engines disposable after one use? Is it because it is more economically feasible to buy a new model rocket engine than to repair a used one because the process of using a model rocket engine always ruins it? Also, if it is the case that model rocket...
If your rocket is of a certain power range you need a certain license. My question is of you need these license's if you are only doing horizontal thrusts tests and never actually launching it vertically into the air?
This is a direct quote from I understand everything up until the last equation.
Can it not be written like F = mdot(v2-v1) ?
Also, this equation F = d(mv)/dt is the same as this F = (m dot * V)e - (m dot * V)0 ? Or no?
I understand Mass x Velocity is momentum and they want the...
Heya. Let's say I want to build a water rocket and I want to pressurise it with a 12 or 16 g CO2 canister used for powering airguns. I want to calculate the optimal size of the pressure tank, and I want to predict the thrust of this device at various nozzle diameters.
So here's the...
I know that the Specific Heat Ratio when referring to the gass(es) comming out the back of a rocket engine is the ratio of the specific heats at a constant pressure/volume and then what I am trying to do is use that to help me solve for what the theoretical force I can expect from the...