Rutherford Definition and 95 Threads

  1. S

    Rutherford scattering experiment question

    Rutherford scattering experiment question (urgent) Homework Statement I need to find the value of the electrical force between the alpha particle and the nucleus of the atom at the point of closest approach. Closest approach = 7.27 x 10^-14 m Charge on atom = (79 * 1.60 x 10 ^-19) C initial...
  2. D

    I must be discomprehending the Rutherford scattering cross section.

    I do not understand the interpretation of the" . To me, that equation says: (1) for a given θ, the proportion of particles exiting at θ does NOT depend on mass or charge; (2) if you integrated over all possible scattering angles, you...
  3. S

    Rutherford Backscattering Spectroscopy Question

    In class we learned about the fundamentals behind RBS using a linear accelerator that accelerates He+ ions to 2MeV. We were then provided an example where those ions collided with a sample with layers of Silicon-Bismuth-Silicon, each of known thickness; and, we were then shown the corresponding...
  4. S

    Rutherford and nuclear transmutation

    Hi guys, got another problem here. This one's about nuclear transmutation; Would really appreciate help! Homework Statement Consider the reaction a + 14N7 -> 17O8 + X. a) Identify X. b) The following data are available: Rest mass of a: 3.7428 GeV c^-2 Rest mass of 14N7: 13.0942...
  5. U

    Rutherford scattering differential probability function

    Homework Statement Spray of alpha particles hit a gold membrane whose density is \rho and thickness d, with a kinetic energy of E_k. The spray's intensity is I. Alpha particles are measured from an area of A which is set R away from the membrane. If \theta is the angle between the spray...
  6. Q

    Rutherford Scattering: Troubleshooting Wrong Atomic Number

    according to wiki's rutherford scattering experiment, "The fraction of particles that is scattered into a particular solid angle at a given direction relative to the incoming beam is called the differential cross section and is given by...
  7. Q

    How to Plot a Straight Line Graph for Rutherford Scattering Data?

    Homework Statement in rutherford scattering formula, N is proportional to (sin T/2)-4 where T is the scattering angle, N is the count rate per min. i have to find the relationship between N and T so how do i get a straight line graph out of this relationship? if i plot lg N vs lg T...
  8. Q

    Rutherford Scattering: Why is Count Rate 10x at 1mm Slit?

    why is it that in rutherford scattering experiment, if i change my slit width from 5mm to 1mm with everything else the same, i get a 10 times difference in the count rate for the same angle say 30degrees? for example, 1 count takes about 100seconds for the 1mm slit width but 1 count takes...
  9. T

    How to Correct for 3D Scattering in Rutherford's Gold Foil Experiment?

    Homework Statement Hey. I've just conducted Rutherford's gold foil scattering experiment and am a little stuck on a part of the analysis. One of the objectives of the lab script is; 'To correct the counting rates measured in one plane for the fact that the foil scatters in a 3D cone'...
  10. M

    Rutherford Scattering: Inverse Relationship Explained

    Can anyone explain why there is an inverse relationship between target to detector distance and scattering angle? Thanks.
  11. R

    SCILAB - Thomson and Rutherford model

    Homework Statement I have a problem with differential scattering cross section. It says: "division by zero". My full work is in attachment. q = 2; - charge of particle Q = 79; - charge of nucleus m = 4; - mass of particle M =...
  12. T

    Question about Rutherford atomic model

    Rutherford postulated that the electrons are moving around the nucleus of the atom in circular trajectories, right? My professor said that or I believe in it or there is no more chemistry to study, because this does not agree with some law of Maxwell's theory of electromagnetism. He said...
  13. SredniVashtar

    Solving: What is Missing in Rutherford Formula?

    In "Concepts of Modern Physics", 4th ed., Arthur Beiser obtains the following Rutherford formula N[\theta ] = \frac { \left( \frac{q^2}{8 \pi \epsilon_0} \right)^2 \left( n d Z^2 \right) N_0 } { T^2 \left( r^2 \sin ^4 \left( \frac{\theta}{2} \right) \right) }...
  14. S

    Rutherford Scattering cross section

    Homework Statement Integrate the rutherford cross section over the backward hemisphere to get 4pi(sigma0(E)) Homework Equations Rutherford cross section is sigma0(E)/sin^4(theta/2) The Attempt at a Solution When I integrate this with the limits pi/2 to pi i get sigma0(E)*(8/3) i...
  15. C

    Rutherford Scattering Problem.

    Homework Statement In an experiment, an alpha particle of mass 6.7e-27 kg; charge 3.2e-19C travels in a straight line with a speed 2.0e7m/s towards the centre of a gold nucleus. Find: 1. The kinetic energy(KE) of the alpha particle; 2. The potential(V) at a distance 'x' from the centre of the...
  16. K

    Singularity in Rutherford cross section

    The Rutherford differential cross section \frac{d\sigma}{d\Omega} goes like cosec(\vartheta)^4 which means at \vartheta=0 the differential cross section is infinite, which is ok. My question is, given that the differential cross section is proportional to the probability per unit solid...
  17. A

    MATLAB Help! MATLAB Code for Rutherford Scattering Won't Run

    What's wrong with this MATLAB code for Rutherford scattering, it won't run for me! :( Hi, I can't do matlab...and have to plot the trajectory of alpha particles in rutherford scattering. I've made an attempt, but i know I've gone wrong somewhere. Could someone tell me how to fix it? I'd be...
  18. T

    What is the Q value for lead in the Rutherford Experiment?

    in a problem using the Rutherford scattering experiment, i Need to find what the turning distance would be using lead instead of gold. I have that gold has a Q= 79e, what would the Q = ?? for lead?
  19. W

    How Did Rutherford Confirm Alpha Particles Struck the Zinc Sulfide Screen?

    How did Rutherford know?? How did Rutherford know that the Zinc Sulfide screen was indeed hit by alpha particles? The screen did fluoresce, but it could be because it was hit by electrons scattered from the gold foil, or maybe gold atoms... which would lead to conclusions different from the...
  20. S

    Rutherford Atom Model: Did He Know Structure of Alpha Particles?

    Did Rutherford knew the structure of alpha particles? If so, why was so important the scattering of alpha particles in the gold foil experiment? He knew the structure of helium atom! What is wrong with me? Thanks for your friendly collaboration and excuse me if the post makes no sense.
  21. R

    Explaining Hydrogen Atom's Line Spectra: The Rutherford Atomic Model

    Why the rutherford atomic model can't explain the line spectra of the hydrogen atom?
  22. R

    Rutherford Scattering in Landau book

    I'm reading Landau and Lifgarbagez's Mechanics book and am having a hard time proving the following: On page 53, they present theta_0 = arccos( ... ). As described on page 48 eqn 18.2 the integral should produce this theta_0. However, I am not quite sure what r_min is? On page 48, they say 'It...
  23. C

    Rutherford Scattering Homework: θmin & θmax, Probability σ

    Homework Statement The differential cross section for Rutherford scattering of alpha particles off a nucleus can be written as: \frac{d\sigma}{d\Omega} = (\frac{zZe^2}{4\pi\epsilon_0})(\frac{1}{4T_\alpha})^2\frac{1}{sin^4 \frac{\theta}{2}} where z and Z are the atomic numbers of the...
  24. N

    Rutherford scattering problem

    Homework Statement Alpha particle with kinetic energy 6MeV is scatterd on gold nucleus (A=197). Is Rutherford cross-section formula valid for this scattering? Explain ! Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution The Coulomb barrier is Ec=(1.03MeV)*(Z1*Z2)/(A1^1/3+A2^1/3) Z1=79...
  25. B

    How Close Does the Alpha Particle Get to the Platinum Nucleus?

    Homework Statement An Alpha particle of a Rutherford-type scattering experiment is shot directly toward a platinum nucleus. One of the particles was apparently aimed directly at the centre of the nucleus cause it shot 180 degrees back along the same path. How close does it come to the...
  26. N

    Can X-rays Cause Electrons to be Emitted from Gold Foil?

    X-rays striking a piece of gold foil may cause: a. electrons to be emitted b. isotopes of gold to form c. addition of protons to gold atoms d. addition of neutrons to gold atoms e. nuclear transmutation of gold into another element I think the answer is a or c. Can someone help me? Thanks.
  27. P

    How Does the Rutherford Experiment Illustrate Momentum Conservation?

    The Rutherford experiment An alpha particle (a helium nucleus, containing 2 protons and 2 neutrons) starts out with kinetic energy of 10.2 MeV (10.2 106 eV), and heads in the +x direction straight toward a gold nucleus (containing 79 protons and 118 neutrons). The particles are initially far...
  28. Pythagorean

    Understanding the Form Factor and its Role in Rutherford Scattering

    Homework Statement This is for a lab class, I'm writing a report and giving a presentation. Tomorrow is the day and I've just received the final remarks on my lab writeup, most of which are simple and obvious enough, but this one really bugs me: I think my teacher is wrong. Rutherford's...
  29. S

    Rutherford scattering calculation

    Homework Statement The fraction of 6.0 MeV protons scattered by thin gold foil, of density \rho=19.3 g/cm^{3}, from the incident beam into a region where scattering angles exceed 60 degrees is equal to 2.0 x 10^{-5} . Calculate the thickness of the gold foil using the result of the previous...
  30. U

    Rutherford scattering and nuclear physics

    hi, i am a new student here in this forums from uae and i am studing in uaeu my majore is general physics >>> in this corse i have problem in nuclier physics in rutherford scattering >>> can you help ma pleaseeeee the problem are : firest one is : Show that the distance of...
  31. D

    Calculating Distance of Closest Approach in Rutherford's Scattering Experiment

    Homework Statement In Rutherford's scattering experiments, alpha particles (charge = +2e) were fired at a gold foil. Consider an alpha particle, very far from the gold foil, with an initial kinetic energy of 3.6 MeV heading directly for a gold atom (charge +79e). The alpha particle will come...
  32. T

    Rutherford alpha particle scattering

    Homework Statement A parallel beam of alpha particles with fixed kinetic energy is normally incident on a piece of gold foil. a) if 100 alpha particles per minute are detected at 20 degrees, how many will be counted at 40, 60, 80 and 100 degrees? b) If the kinetic energy of the incident...
  33. M

    Rutherford Scattering and relativistic effects

    Homework Statement n a Rutherford scattering experiment a target nucleus has a diameter of 3.5 10-14 m. The incoming has a mass of 6.64 10-27 kg. What is the kinetic energy of an particle that has a de Broglie wavelength equal to the diameter of the target nucleus? Ignore relativistic...
  34. S

    How Do You Derive the Angular Momentum Equation from Rutherford Scattering? d(chi)/dt =l/(mr^2), I don't see how to get there if you use the definition of angular momentum, you get l=r x mv(vectors where appropriate) so you can write v as v=dr/dt*r + rdx/dt*x where x is the symbol chi(close enough)and that r...
  35. O

    Rutherford Scattering: Using Beam Current & Intensity

    How do you use a beam current in rutherford scattering? Is it related to the intensity? All the book's questions and reading talks about is intensity, briefly, but the teacher's giving beam current. Thanks!
  36. S

    Rutherford Scattering problem with a heavier nucleus

    An alpha particle approaches a Au (gold) nucleus with atomic mass number 197 with a speed of 1.5*10^7 m/s. The alpha particle is then scattered 49 degrees from the horizontal at the slower speed of 1.47*10^7 m/s. In what direction does the Au nucleus recoil below the x-axis (the horizontal)...
  37. A

    Exploring Physics: Is the Rutherford Scattering Formula Necessary?

    i'm interested in physics, but i don't major in it... i look at physics in my free time, and i just came across the rutherford scattering formula and was wondering is it necessary to memorize it?
  38. P

    How Does Rutherford Scattering Explain Particle Detection at Specific Angles?

    A) While reproducing the Rutherford scattering experiment in an advanced laboratory class, a student uses a gold foil with thickness 16.7 nm. The radioactive source emits a particles at 10.50 MeV, and the detector is placed at 24.5 cm from the target foil. What fraction of the a particles is...
  39. P

    Maximum energy transefer in COmpton effect - rutherford

    In the Rutherford scattering experiment a very thin gold foil target is bombarded with a beam of a particles of known kinetic energy. A detector which can be moved on a circle around the target counts the scattered particles. What was the impact parameter of a 4.57 MeV a particle if it was...
  40. P

    Impact Parameter of Alpha Particle Rutherford

    In the Rutherford scattering experiment a very thin gold foil target is bombarded with a beam of a particles of known kinetic energy. A detector which can be moved on a circle around the target counts the scattered particles. What was the impact parameter of a 4.57 MeV a particle if it was...
  41. J

    How Does Momentum Transfer Affect Scattering Angles in Rutherford Scattering?

    Calculate the Rutherford cross section for a 10 MeV alpha particle scattered at firstly an angle greater than 90 degrees and secondly for an angle greater than 10 degrees. What does the relative magnitudes tell you in relation to the probabilities of the momentum transfer at large and small...
  42. C

    Rutherford and electric force

    Rutherford and electric force... Rutherford thought that most of the alpha particles would pass throught the cloud of positive charge if the thomson model was correct - but why did he think this would be the case? I've read that apparently the charge would be spread over a greater area so it...
  43. E

    Calculating Cross Section for Ion-Atom Scattering with Rutherford Potential

    Ok, so we have a potential energy V(r)= -C/r^4 which exists between an atom and ion at distances greater than contact. Note that C=e^2/2(P^2) where e is charge of ion and P is polarizability of atom. I have to calculate the cross section for an ion of velocity v to strike an atom, while assuming...
  44. N

    The Rutherford Experiment?

    [SOLVED] The Rutherford Experiment? hello jimmy! you are my hero! i love physics, i was wondering if you could explain the Rutherford Experiment in great detail, as i have been unable to understand it. Can you also link it with the Plum Pudding Experiment, and how they differ...
  45. B

    Why Does Rutherford Scattering Calculated Value Differ from the Book?

    I'm having problems with some of the more advanced questions about Rutherford Scattering and the Gieger-Marsden experiment. Can anyone suggest somewhere online where I can read up on this and that explains it well. One question that bugged me was this: use Rutherford scattering...