Schizophrenia Definition and 17 Threads

  1. L

    Medical Derealization parts of brain? (schizophrenia)

    I have read people with schizophrenia and DID may experience thinking that the world has become less real. Are certain parts of the brain acting up that could be making reality seem less real?
  2. O

    Is There a Link Between Schizophrenia and Physics Ability?

    I'm a therapist who in the past worked primary with people who had a diagnosis of schizophrenia. I was thinking about the connection between people diagnosed with autism and math ability, and then thought about John Nash and his portrayal in "A Beautiful Mind." Some of the people I worked with...
  3. wolram

    Is TMEM108 Effective for Treating Schizophrenia in Humans?

    I have found this article about schizophrenia, It talk's about TMEM working on mice, I wonder if there is similar treatment for humans. in a gene that should enable memories and a sense of direction instead can result in...
  4. wolram

    Living with Schizophrenia: Is it Fair to be Treated as a Guinea Pig?

    So I have been living with this (illness) for 8 years, I say illness because it is an illness not a Condition, people including psychiatrists class it as a condition that can be controlled by drugs, this is only partly true, I consider this unfair, I am not allowed to drive a vehicle or work...
  5. Charles Xavier

    Admissions Backing back on track after 16 years of mental issues

    Hi all, I graduated from university with a BSc in Physics (3rd class) in 2000. I was having some issues with depression then in my university years but I managed to graduate with a B average in my basic degree. In 2005, I was warded in a psychiatric hospital and diagnosed with schizophrenia. I...
  6. B

    Medical Schizophrenia, anti-psychotics and Physics PhD

    Well, I was diagnosed with schizophrenia almost three years ago during my Masters degree when I was homeless since I was too paranoid to live in a house/apartment. Since then I have been on heavy anti-psychotics, completed my thesis and now am at the end of my second year of PhD of a top...
  7. E

    Prolonged solitary confinement causes schizophrenia?

    I read an interesting bit in the magazine psychology today about how prison inmates who are kept in solitary confinement for very long periods of time (months/years on end) can develop severe mental illnesses like schizophrenia, delusions, as well as visual and auditory hallucinations. This can...
  8. jk22

    Medical Can Schizophrenia Affect Math Skills?

    I was diagnosed with schizophrenia when i was almost finishing my studies in physics. It took me 8 years to finish them. Then i had to stop and I am now living in a home for people with psychic diseases. Can schizophrenia impair math skills so that i had to stop or can math cause that disease ...
  9. nukeman

    What is the role of Glutamate in modulating Schizophrenia ?

    Hey all, Can anyone let me know what the main role of Glutamate is in modulating Schizophrenia? I can't seem to find a answer to this. Thanks!
  10. murshid_islam

    Medical A couple of questions about schizophrenia

    1. How common is schizophrenia among children (e.g. 10-15 year old or even younger)? 2. Does schizophrenia has any cure? Is there any instance of a person being fully cured of it? Thanks in advance!
  11. N

    Medical Why is Schizophrenia considered a disease?

    I was wondering, if Schizophrenia has to do with more than average neural connection-things (I'm no neuroscience major) wouldn't it be more of a blessing instead of a curse? Everyone looks down on it like the people will try to kill them for no reason. If they're something other than the...
  12. N

    Medical What is relation between dopamine and schizophrenia?

    Please teach me this: Are there any relation between dopamine and schizophrenia?What is the role of blood-brain barrier in protecting dopamine penetrate into ''system of nervous''(because it is seem to me dopamine cause schizophrenia).If the blood-brain barrier is not in good condition in the...
  13. rhody

    Creative minds 'mimic schizophrenia'" and" Hopefully this will generate some interesting discussion, zooby, fuzzy ? lurkers... Rhody...
  14. F

    Heritance percentage of schizophrenia?

    Hi I can't find the exact answer anywhere. What is the heritance percentage of the disease for children or grandchildren from a male person? So let's say "granddad" has the disease, what are the chances his grandson will inherit it? Yes, my grandfather had it, but I am not afraid of the...
  15. P

    Medical What are the chances I'll inherit schizophrenia from my father?

    Given that I'm not a psychologist or therapist, I don't know much about the disease or even his diagnosis, but he is paranoid and talks of his phone being tapped, hidden cameras, has grandiose ideas, claims experiencing things that could only be hallucinations, and makes illogical connections...
  16. A

    How could I know that I'm not suffering from Schizophrenia ?

    Am I I ? Am I I or in someone's fantasy ? Am I I or a part of someone who is imagining me ? Am I I or an imaginary part of a psycho ? How could I/yuo know that I'm not suffering from Schizophrenia ?
  17. J

    Medical Neuroprotection in schizophrenia

    I have schizophrenia, and apparently I am a long cycler. I developed it when I was 17, and it went into remission when I was around 21. It stayed as such and recently came back in the last few months now that I am 27. What all can I do to protect my brain, and encourage a neuroprotective...