Spring force Definition and 120 Threads

Hooke's law is a law of physics that states that the force (F) needed to extend or compress a spring by some distance (x) scales linearly with respect to that distance—that is, Fs = kx, where k is a constant factor characteristic of the spring (i.e., its stiffness), and x is small compared to the total possible deformation of the spring. The law is named after 17th-century British physicist Robert Hooke. He first stated the law in 1676 as a Latin anagram. He published the solution of his anagram in 1678 as: ut tensio, sic vis ("as the extension, so the force" or "the extension is proportional to the force"). Hooke states in the 1678 work that he was aware of the law since 1660.
Hooke's equation holds (to some extent) in many other situations where an elastic body is deformed, such as wind blowing on a tall building, and a musician plucking a string of a guitar. An elastic body or material for which this equation can be assumed is said to be linear-elastic or Hookean.
Hooke's law is only a first-order linear approximation to the real response of springs and other elastic bodies to applied forces. It must eventually fail once the forces exceed some limit, since no material can be compressed beyond a certain minimum size, or stretched beyond a maximum size, without some permanent deformation or change of state. Many materials will noticeably deviate from Hooke's law well before those elastic limits are reached.
On the other hand, Hooke's law is an accurate approximation for most solid bodies, as long as the forces and deformations are small enough. For this reason, Hooke's law is extensively used in all branches of science and engineering, and is the foundation of many disciplines such as seismology, molecular mechanics and acoustics. It is also the fundamental principle behind the spring scale, the manometer, the galvanometer, and the balance wheel of the mechanical clock.
The modern theory of elasticity generalizes Hooke's law to say that the strain (deformation) of an elastic object or material is proportional to the stress applied to it. However, since general stresses and strains may have multiple independent components, the "proportionality factor" may no longer be just a single real number, but rather a linear map (a tensor) that can be represented by a matrix of real numbers.
In this general form, Hooke's law makes it possible to deduce the relation between strain and stress for complex objects in terms of intrinsic properties of the materials it is made of. For example, one can deduce that a homogeneous rod with uniform cross section will behave like a simple spring when stretched, with a stiffness k directly proportional to its cross-section area and inversely proportional to its length.

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  1. T

    How can I determine the instant the block overcomes static friction?

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  2. A

    How to calculate the stiffness of a spring wire cantilever beam?

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  3. P

    Difficulty in deciding when to apply work energy theorem

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  4. pandatime

    Finding the Right Spring Force: A Tale of Error and Redemption

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  5. hquang001

    Work by a Spring Force - Understanding Uinitial and Ufinal

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  6. aspodkfpo

    Spring Force vs Height on a Trampoline

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  7. R

    Spring force after fixating with limited stiffness

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  8. Amik

    Spring force question with a mass suspended on a spring

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  9. Hajarmq

    Rotation and spring force exercise

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  10. Prabs3257

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  11. Sofa

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  12. E

    Does the spring force do work on the spring itself?

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  13. C

    Spring force and the force of friction

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  14. O

    What's the importance of a spring force constant of 1634N/m?

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  15. jybe

    Solve Spring Force Problem: Displacement, Velocity & Acceleration

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  16. navneet9431

    Why doesn't the Spring Force change on splitting?

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  17. isukatphysics69

    Find the work done by the spring force on a box

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  18. Y

    Im back, and with a question about spring force

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  19. jzzdrmr

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  20. Leah12

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  21. SirChris93

    Find the time when the spring force reaches max magnitude

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  22. A

    Minimum spring force required to keep a car level

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  23. C

    Solving for the internal forces and reactions

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  24. H

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  25. R

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  26. F

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  27. M

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  28. D

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  29. astrocytosis

    Gas inside an expandable cylinder raises lid on spring

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  30. Chevreuil

    Spring+mass to do known job. How dimension? Impulse? Energy?

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  31. Mouadys

    Hooke's Law: Spring Force Negative?

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  32. B

    What Went Wrong with Calculating Spring Force in This Physics Problem?

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  33. CK328

    Equation for spring force for a cylinder on compressed air

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  34. CK328

    Mathematical modeling of a mountain bike rear shock

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  35. P

    Finding the spring constant of a spring in a pulley system

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  36. A

    Determining the Spring Constant for a Pendulum with a Spring-Loaded Launcher

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  37. CMATT

    Spring Force and kinetic energy

    A novelty clock has a 0.0109 kg mass object bouncing on a spring that has a force constant of 1.34 N/m. How many joules of kinetic energy does the object have at its maximum velocity if the object bounces 3.49 cm above and below its equilibrium position?
  38. M

    Spring force due to Axial and Torque load?

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  39. L

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  40. A

    Solve Spring Force/Energy: Find Velocity

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  41. I

    Solving Spring Force Equation: 2X

    Hello, If we have a spring at rest and has a constant k=2 N/m (at its natural length with one end at origin (x=0) and the other end held stationary) is having a force applied on it. The force varies in same way as the the spring with function 2X. My question is how is it possible to start the...
  42. A

    Friction/spring/inclined plane problem

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  43. Nayef

    Work-Energy principle and spring force

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  44. M

    Impact force calculation of a Full Suspension Mountain Bike

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  45. 0

    Kinda silly, but what's the sign of v?

    I have a block with a certain mass attached to a spring. I pull it and then release. Spring pulls block back. When spring is back to its relaxed position, is the velocity of the block positive or negative? Exercise does provide k, mass and x, but that's not where the error is comming from...
  46. A

    What is the magnitude of the spring force given M,K and X

    Homework Statement 1.In a game a .12kg disk is shot across a frictionless surface . The spring is compressed by 6cm. The spring constant is 230 N/m. What is the magnitude of the spring force? 2. A piece of plastic is attached to a spring. The spring is compressed 2cm and the released. If the...
  47. Z

    Elastic Potential Energy to Aid Electromagnetic Induction

    Matter can neither be created nor destroyed...but potential energy can be converted into a different kind of energy. Let's say we have a spring with a mass connected to it. This mass is a magnet, and the apparatus is inside a copper coil. It's a horizontal magnet with friction minimized at the...
  48. E

    Calculating the Force Constant of a Bungee Cord Using Newton's Laws

    Homework Statement You've attached a bungee cord to a wagon and are using it to pull your little sister while you take her for a jaunt. The bungee's unstretched length is 1.3m and you happen to know that your little sister weighs 220N and the wagon weighs 75N. Crossing a street, you accelerate...
  49. W

    Spring force and frictionless mass vs speed

    Homework Statement A mass (m = 1.35 kg), originally at rest, sits on a frictionless surface. It is attached to one end of an unstretched spring (k = 747 N/m), the other end of which is fixed to a wall (see figure below). The mass is then pushed with a constant force to stretch the spring...
  50. G

    Torsion spring force required to open a door

    I have a heavy door that I am adding torsion springs too in order to make it easier for a human to open. -The door weighs 460lbs. -It is hinged on one side by two heavy duty hinges and uses a thrust bearing in each hinge with a friction coef. of .008 -the effective radius of the thrust bearing...