Stephen hawking Definition and 97 Threads

Stephen William Hawking (8 January 1942 – 14 March 2018) was an English theoretical physicist, cosmologist, and author who was director of research at the Centre for Theoretical Cosmology at the University of Cambridge at the time of his death. He was the Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at the University of Cambridge between 1979 and 2009.
Hawking was born in Oxford into a family of doctors. He began his university education at University College, Oxford, in October 1959 at the age of 17, where he received a first-class BA (Hons.) degree in physics. He began his graduate work at Trinity Hall, Cambridge, in October 1962, where he obtained his PhD degree in applied mathematics and theoretical physics, specialising in general relativity and cosmology in March 1966. In 1963, Hawking was diagnosed with an early-onset slow-progressing form of motor neurone disease that gradually paralysed him over the decades. After the loss of his speech, he communicated through a speech-generating device initially through use of a handheld switch, and eventually by using a single cheek muscle.
Hawking's scientific works included a collaboration with Roger Penrose on gravitational singularity theorems in the framework of general relativity and the theoretical prediction that black holes emit radiation, often called Hawking radiation. Initially, Hawking radiation was controversial. By the late 1970s and following the publication of further research, the discovery was widely accepted as a significant breakthrough in theoretical physics. Hawking was the first to set out a theory of cosmology explained by a union of the general theory of relativity and quantum mechanics. He was a vigorous supporter of the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics.Hawking achieved commercial success with several works of popular science in which he discussed his theories and cosmology in general. His book A Brief History of Time appeared on the Sunday Times bestseller list for a record-breaking 237 weeks. Hawking was a Fellow of the Royal Society, a lifetime member of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, and a recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian award in the United States. In 2002, Hawking was ranked number 25 in the BBC's poll of the 100 Greatest Britons. He died on 14 March 2018 at the age of 76, after living with motor neurone disease for more than 50 years.

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  1. F

    How to get started with quantum mechanics?

    Hi users, by the past few months I've gotten really interested in space / quantum mechanics things. I had even read book written by Stephen Hawking 'History of time' which was really interesting but hard to understand as well. So the point it - I want to understand the Rules of Quantum...
  2. D

    What are some recommended books on popular science?

    I currently just finished reading the updated and illustrated version of "A Brief History of Time" and am almost finished reading "The Universe In A Nutshell" by Stephen Hawking. I really enjoyed both of these books and would like recommendations on other books to read. The only books that...
  3. A

    Seeking clarification on singularity at genesis

    Seeking clarification on singularity at "genesis" In Stephen Hawking's book, I read that there was no singularity in the beginning of the universe. However, practically every other source I come across seems to be under the impression that there was indeed a singularity before the big bang. I...
  4. C

    Cosmology questions, something that is puzzling me for days

    Hello folks My name is Mike. I am into Cosmology ever since I was a kid. Throughout the years I strayed away from Cosmology unfortunately but I am very very fond of Cosmology...and me an amateur Cosmologist :D Anyway... These days couple of questions puzzle me in the...
  5. E

    Schools School and university decisions.

    Good evening everyone, I have a great interest in physics, am sixteen years old, and totally stuck in what I should choose to study when I'm done with school. I live in the netherlands, we have a very different school system then other countries, but basically, I will have to choose a...
  6. T

    Black Hole Singularity of a Universe

    In a recent lecture by Stephen Hawking he mentions that our universe started as a singularity. Can this singularity be caused by energy from a Black hole in another space and time? This in turn would mean that an infinite number of universes can be and are created.
  7. D

    Status and proofs on Superstring Unified Field Theory ?

    So yet we have the Standard Model which tries to explain and unify the 4 fundamental forces or atleast 3 for now since the gravity is not quite well understood in particle physics.So people search for a theory of everything which unifies all forces and yet we didn't found any good theory as...
  8. Greg Bernhardt

    Stephen Hawking warning that our extinction is on the horizon
  9. L

    Exploring the Mysteries of Black Holes

    Hi, I'm at high school at the moment and i have gotten really interested in black holes and the way they work as i have been reading books from Stephen Hawking. So we know that black holes absorb matter and photons by the pull of gravity. And we also know that it emmits radiation. But because...
  10. R

    Could the Big Bang Have Been a Massive Black Hole Eruption?

    Ok so, I'm no astrophysicist (I'm only a High School senior, but I have a decent knowledge of Physics and I plan on studying Physics at Purdue University starting in the fall), but let me start... The Big Bang theory says that the universe began as a singularity (or close enough to one if it...
  11. A

    Black hole information paradox

    I watched this documentary about an argument involving information loss in a black hole, Stephen Hawking managed to wind everybody up by claiming information was lost and therefore broke existing laws of physics. Its an old recording so it may not be relevant anymore but one part of this...
  12. B

    Why Stephen Hawking says universe can create itself from nothing?

    Hello all . I can not explain good but hope you will understand my purpose . I read in University Oregon's website that universe came from a pure energy in vacuum If we want to say exactly , we can say universe came from Potential energy in vacuum . We know in physics there are some...
  13. B

    Accelerating Universe: Stephen Hawking, Carl Sagan, Arthur C. Clarke

    Hi, first post on the forum :smile: I am watching this video of a conversation with Stephen Hawking, Carl Sagan and Arthur C. Clarke and about 9 minutes into the film Carl Sagan says: "The galaxys are running away from each other. The further away they are from each other, the faster they are...
  14. N

    Question about Expansion Speed exceeding Ligth Speed

    I was recently watching "Into the Universe with Stephen Hawkings" (a general video about the universe on Science Channel) when I heard the statement "Just 10 minutes after the Big Bang, the Universe was 1,000s of light years across." How is this possible if nothing can travel faster than light...
  15. O

    (ask) Novel or Science Book In Electronics

    hi guys, have you ever read any science book which have stories involving electronics or semiconductor? i mean not a textbook, maybe similar to Brief History of time by Stephen Hawking or Elegant Universe by Brian Greene which is fun to read without advance knowledge in Physics do you...
  16. B

    Gravitational Dilation of Time

    Im having trouble understanding the gravitational dilation of time concept. I know its states that time go slower on higher gravitational potentials and i know it has to do with light loosing energy (decrease in frequency) as stated in Stephen Hawking's Book "A brief History of Time". How does...
  17. M

    Why aren't there famous chemists/mathematicians in the public?

    Ok, so everyone in the public knows about Albert einstein, stephen hawking, etc. Yet no one knows any chemists or mathematicians. Are they just bad at marketing themselves, or is it just that physics is more interesting to the public at large since it deals with the grandiose of the universe?
  18. Mordred

    Exploring the Possibilities of a Pre-Big Bang Energy Balance

    Several articles I've read describing one theory of how everything could have started from nothing. State that all the energy of nothing equals zero as gravity is negative energy. One of those articles was written by Stephen Hawkings. He also stated that quantum fluctations will always exist...
  19. C

    Time Before Big Bang: Stephen Hawking & Other Universes

    Can Stephen Hawking really claim that there was no time at all before the Big Bang when a black hole can have an outside observer on normal time? And what about other Universes in relation to our Universe? Don't they have a normal time at the time of our Big Bang?
  20. U

    After watching the Stephen Hawking Series

    I just finished watching a few Stephen Hawking specials. I watched "Did God create the universe" and the one about black holes. I am by far not even close to knowing anything about Astrophysics, so please forgive my ignorance. I just found the shows interesting and have a few questions...
  21. jaumzaum

    Feymman's theory, double slit experiment - Stephen Hawking

    Hi all, I was studying Stephen Hawking's new book (very good, by the way). He was explainning Feymann's theory, that says a particle travels by all the ways possible to reach a given point. So single particles CAN have interference by themselves. Then he explain why, in the double slit...
  22. MartinJH

    Stephen Hawking starring in The big bang thoery.

    I can't wait for this. I suspect it to be only a short appearance, you know how it is. I wonder if he argues with Sheldon I know some of you may hate TBBT as it stereotypes, I guess. But take it as it is.
  23. C

    Do you agree with Stephen Hawking when say Philosophy is dead ?

    Do you agree with Stephen Hawking when say "Philosophy is dead" ? *I would have posted it in the philosophy sub-forum , but I thought the material might not meet the guidelines . The content of this thread would fit a general and informal discussion more , I thought. Please move it to any...
  24. W

    Stephen Hawking says there is no God. But,

    After watching Discovery's documentary "Curiosity: Did God Create the Universe?", I can't stop but wondering,... Dr. Hawking claims that there is no time in a black hole. Time stops due to the Gravitational time dilation. The very beginning of the universe is also a black hole. There is no time...
  25. P

    Stephen Hawking on Discovery's curiosity

    Stephen Hawking on Discovery's "curiosity" I recently watched Stephen Hawking on Discovery's "Curiosity" and found his assertion that a grand designer could not exist based on the logic that there was no time before the big bang troubling.(Due to the fact that the universe before the big bang...
  26. R

    I was watching Stephen Hawking Into the universe and he was talking

    I was watching Stephen Hawking Into the universe and he was talking about time travel. So I got to thinking if time travel into the future is possible then that would mean time isn't a paradox mankind made up and it is physical. Not sure if the formula is even any where right but this is what...
  27. Topher925

    Stephen Hawking gives his take on the afterlife

    Stephen Hawking gives his take on the "afterlife" Stephen Hawking recently gave his view on death and apparently people are shocked by the answer. Since so many people...
  28. Drakkith

    Who Would Win in a Battle Between Albert E and Stephen Hawking?

    Awesome! See the rest of the series for more awesome!
  29. M

    What is everyone's opinion on Stephen Hawking?

    I have heard a lot of mixed opinions regarding Stephen Hawking and some of his publications. He is widely considered to be a genius and one of the greatest scientists of modern times but most of these opinions come from outside the scientific community. I have also heard that he is rather up...
  30. B

    Stephen Hawking contra philosophy

    Article : Hawking contra Philosophy Do you think Stephen Hawking's comments on philosophy ought to be embarrassing to the great physicist?
  31. Y

    Stephen Hawking fools people using massive words instead of mathematics.

    Here is a question I put in Yahoo Answers: As I said earlier in another thread in this board, I am not a mathematician, here. Just the same I can think and I believe that I can see foolery when I see it and think about it. What do you mathematicians here say about my question...
  32. Y

    The Grand Design - Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow

    I've been wanting to read the book lately but before I do, I wish that some can give me a preview of what's ahead. What will be the major/interesting points of the books for someone like me who is just very interested with astrophysics and cosmology but doesn't have a lot of physics...
  33. G

    When The Stephen Hawking Young and Walking

    When i surf internet, i have meet a photo about Stephen Hawking and i have surprised when saw the Stephan Hawking standing.
  34. S

    Stephen Hawking Books: Use for Engineering Benefits

    Recently on my high school graduation an engineer uncle of mine gave me two books by hawking 1)God created the integers 2)On the shoulders of giants I have gone through the books but could not understand how will they be helpful in engineering please guide me how to use them to my benefit
  35. F

    Alternative to "God Created the Integers" by Stephen Hawking

    Alternative to "God Created the Integers" ~ Stephen Hawking Hi! I was thinking about buying a decent book covering the history of mathematics (from a fairly technical point of view), and "God Created the Integers" by Stephen Hawking seemed to be the perfect book. However, after having read some...
  36. W

    Stephen Hawking: Communicating with the World?

    Hi All, Is Stephen Hawking still able to communicate with the outside world or has he become totally incommunicado? If he is able to communicate, is he still contributing to the field? Thank you, Bob
  37. E

    Why does Stephen Hawking omit all mention Loop Gravity?

    Why does Stephen Hawking omit all mention Loop Gravity? I have read his popular books from Brief history of time to Universe in a nuthsell to "Stephen Hawking and the Theory of Everything" Stephen Hawking's Universe A Briefer History of Time From what I recall, he absolutely spends...
  38. B

    Does Stephen Hawking give autographs?

    I'm going to a talk he's giving tonight, and I don't want to offend him somehow. I also don't know if he actually can, practically speaking...
  39. marcus

    Lenny's battle with Stephen Hawking to make the world safe for quantum mechanics

    Backreaction blog picked up on the subtitle of Susskind's new book THE BLACK HOLE WAR: My battle with Stephen Hawking to make the world safe for quantum mechanics. Peter Woit pointed this out. I like having Susskind be...
  40. wolram

    Was Stephen Hawking wrong in dublin? Was Hawking wrong? This is only part of the article.
  41. B

    Is Infinity Possible? A Discussion on Hawking's Theories of the Universe

    Quoting Stephen Hawking: "... In "Universe in a Nutshell", if in english sounds like that, Hawking said: "universe cannot be infinite because...bla bla...if it would be, every view line will approach to a star, and the sky would appear to us brighter than the sun; obviusly this does not...
  42. J

    Stephen Hawking and time travel

    Hi, In Hawking's A Brief History of the Universe, he describes a scenario in which it is possible to travel "back" in time. He says, if faster-than-light time travel is possible, it would then be possible to see a race in one location in space, travel to another part of space to relate the...
  43. dduardo

    Can Stephen Hawking Really Play Dance Dance Revolution? :eek:
  44. O

    Stephen Hawking Grand Unified Theory

    Stephen Hawking states three possabilities of a Grand Unified Theory: 1.There really is a complete unified theory, which we will someday discover if we are smart enough. 2. There is no ultimate theory of the universe, just an infinite sequence of theories that describe the universe more...
  45. marcus

    Alan Guth and Stephen Hawking on Eternal Inflation

    Alan Guth and Stephen Hawking on "Eternal Inflation" It is an interesting topic and Alan Guth had two papers discussing it in 2003, also Hawking had one I found in 2003. might be interesting to check out their recent words on the subject Hawking defined it as follows and then proceded to...
  46. wasteofo2

    Someone beating up Stephen Hawking For some reason it doesn't seem to add up. The man can talk, if someone were just randomly beating him I don't get why he wouldn't say something. And how could someone be left stranded in the middle of their own garden in an electric...
  47. R

    The Universe In a Nutshell by Stephen Hawking

    "The Universe In a Nutshell" by Stephen Hawking I'm reading the book "The Universe In a Nutshell" and I've become confused with a couple of parts... "What do rotating Einstein universes have to do with time travel and time loops? The answer is that they are mathematically equivalent to other...