Hi, my son is fan of the Quantum Physics and we developed a cloud chamber. I'm attaching an image of particle sequence and I will like to find some help to know witch particle is. I will appreciate any help on it. Thanks
absolute zero is exaclty 0 Kelvin, or -273 degrees celcius; if it were possible to acheive that tempreture, what would be the result on subatomic particles... would the uncertainty princepal not apply??best regards,suneet
I've been reading about Quantum Field Theory and what it says about subatomic particles. I've read that QFT regards particles as excited states of underlying quantum fields.
If this is the case, how can particles be regarded as objective? It seems to me that this also removes some of the...
I've been researching the proof of subatomic particles given the fact that we have never seen them before. It has always been recognized that protons, electrons, and neutrons exist; but I question how we know for certain they exist.
Across my studying I've realized that in 1897, J. J. Thompson...
Time travel, or more precisely time dilation, has been a well known proven result of Relativity. It has been demonstrated most notably in satellites traveling thousands of mph around the world with GPS. You can only go forward with our current understanding of physics.
Have there been any...
Given that absolute zero is the lowest temperature possible, were all particles have zero vibration. And given that the speed of light is the highest speed any object, particle, sub atomic or not can travel. Using 2 of the most fundamental laws of physics thermodynamics and general relativity...
My interests include;
Large telescopes & Astrophotography
Sub-atomic particles
The Copenhagen Interpretation
Black Holes
Bubble universes and the Multiverse
Many Worlds Theory
The Holographic Proposal
Quantum entanglement
Causality, determinism and free will
I have a simple two-part question, or two simple questions.
1. What is energy?
2. What is charge?
The charge I'm referring to is the charge on charged subatomic particles. And atom's charge is defined by the number of electrons and protons present in it. But an electron itself is called a...
Subatomic particles can take the form of a wave or a particle. While in wave form, it is not like a physical wave, but rather a probability wave, (i.e. a wave of information about where the particle is probably located etc.) And while in particle form, a photon, for example, can knock electrons...
A subatomic particle can either be a wave or a particle.
When it is a particle, what actually is it? is it literally like a tiny physical ball rattling around? (If not, then what is it?)
And when it is a wave, what is it?
From my understanding, when a particle behaves like a wave, the...
Atoms make up all the material stuff around us, but most of an atom is empty space. The nucleus at the centre of an atom (99.95 percent of its mass) is orbited by tiny electrons (only 0.05 percent or less of the overall atomic mass). And as you've probably heard, an analogy is to think of the...
What subatomic particle is emitted when a diatomic Hydrogen molecule transitions from Orthohydrogen to Parahydrogen? e.g. during cooling
And why can you cool a sample of Hydrogen to assure that all H2 molecules are para-, but you cannot heat to have any more than 3:1 ortho-:para- ?
is the exsistance of a new subatomic particle (i.e. electron, proton, neutron) possible is said particle is able to carry a positive and a negative electrical field? (+-)==<|> ==
say if the particle emits energy that can push and "pull" in all directions can it in theory stop energy and other...
Is there any reason why the masses / sizes of all subatomic particles -- for instance, protons -- must necessarily be identical to each other? In other words, could individual protons or neutrons vary in their masses or sizes beyond our current ability to detect?
Can we say that each subatomic particle affects space time such that collectively as big as a planet it explains why there is gravity?
Thank you very much.
why is it that a composite particle such as a hadron have a mass which is more than the combined rest mass of it's components? For example the proton has mass 938.27... MeV/c^2 whereas the quarks have masses only totalling approximately 8-12MeV/c^2?
I assume there is a formula used to...
Can this be measured? ie - "What's the density of a proton?" If so, what exactly are we measuring?
If not, at what point does density as a concept break down?
Apologies if this needed to be under the "Classical" forum.
If a subatomic particle is moving with an energy equal to 240. mev, what is the frequency associated with this particle ?
E=hv where E = energy of the particle, h = Planck's constant and v = frequency
I thought I would solve this by first converting MeV into joules, and then using the...
I'm looking for a list,as complete as possible, of decay modes and their probabilities, for all known subatomic particles.
I've been googling, but found only bits and pieces. Perhaps someone knows a place on internet, or has found a free document to share, or anything like that
Homework Statement
a subatomic particle called lambda zero decas spontaneously at rest into 2 other particles. Their masses are m(lambda zero) = 2183.3 me, m(1) = 273.2 me, m(2) = 1836.2 me, where me = 9.11E-31.
a) How muchkinetic energy in this process by loss of mass?
b) What is the...
I made this subatomic particle simulator, but I haven't accurately placed the atoms in each molecule yet, you may be interested...enjoy!
Here's a picture of it:
plus there are other...
Need some pointers handling this question:
"Invent a subatomic particle and describe its likely properties. Where in the atom would you expect your particle to exist, would it be stable, what is its mass, what is its charge, etc.? Present your findings to the class via whatever media you wish."