Subtracting Definition and 67 Threads

  1. M

    Vectors. Adding, subtracting, and velocity questions

    So I have a few problems that I need help with. Any help would be greatly appreciated as I am new here and stumped. 1. A woman walks 220 m in the direction 27 degrees east of north, then 205 m directly east. (a) find the magnitude (finished it). 362.5 m (b) Find the angle of her final...
  2. I

    Coulomb Gauge Fixing: Adding Gradient & Subtracting Partial Time Derivative

    Coulomb gauge fixes gauge by setting div(A)=0. What has it to do with adding a gradient to A and subtract a partial time derivative from V?
  3. K

    How Do You Calculate Vector Operations Such as C - A - B and 2A - 3B + 2C?

    If A= 60.0 and theda = 56.5 degrees of this graph can you help me find C - A - B? magnitude and direction (counterclockwise from the +x axis is positive) Also how do I find 2A - 3B + 2C? Thank you
  4. S

    Subtract Vectors A & B: Calculate Components & Magnitude

    I am completely lost. Here is a similar equation, I changed the lengths and angles. Vector A is 3.0 meters long, and is 45 degrees from the x axis. Vector B is 6.0 meters long, and is 130 degrees from the x axis. What are the x and y components of the vector C=B-A? What is the magnitude...
  5. N

    Subtracting Vectors: How to Find Magnitude of A-B

    This is the problem that I was given: Given two vectors A and B, with magnitudes |A| = 45.7 and |B|=38.2 and directions (from the x-axis) θA=64° and θB=145°, find the magnitude of (A-B) I know that this somehow involves triangles and trigonometry, but I am really confused as to how I do...
  6. T

    How Do You Calculate Vector Sums and Differences in Physics?

    Homework Statement Three vectors a , b , and c each have a magnitude of 42 m and lie in an xy plane. Their directions relative to the positive direction of the x-axis are 29°, 197°, and 314°, respectively. What are (a) the magnitude and (b) the angle of the vector a+ b + c, and (c) the...
  7. X

    Gradient of A*B: Adding and Subtracting Terms

    grad(A*B)=(A*grad)B + (B*grad)A + A curl B + B curl A i'm not sure how to read the RHS to begin to work out the index definition.i'm thinking if add and subtract terms this will work out. i think i can see the first two terms, but the last two maybe "A cross nabla" is what they mean acting on...
  8. M

    Subtracting out a random variable

    "Subtracting out" a random variable let X be a discrete R.V. and let Y = f(X) for some function f. I wish to find a function g, such that Y and Z = g(X) are independent, and also such that the uncertainty H(Z) is maximized. For example, suppose X is uniformly distributed over...
  9. P

    Subtracting integers with powers

    Homework Statement Hey, sorry about this. Its really obvious, i think there's just some really simple way to do it. Its annoying me, my teacher couldn't do it either! Evaluate 6667²-3333² (without a calculator) Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I know there is just...
  10. N

    Linear transformation - adding and subtracting?

    [SOLVED] Linear transformation - adding and subtracting? Homework Statement Suppose T : P2 -> P2 is a linear transformation satisfying T(3 − x + 4x^2) = 1 + x − x^2 and T(2 − 3x + 2x^2) = 7 + 3x + 2x^2. Find T(7x + 2x^2). The Attempt at a Solution First of all, it's linear. To find...
  11. H

    Solving Vector C: 3.00A - 4.00B Homework Statement Use unit vectors to express the vector C, where C = 3.00A - 4.00B Keep in mind that C, A, and B are vectors, I could not get the Latex to work. Homework Equations There are no relevant equations, but I don't...
  12. Nick666

    Subtracting any finite quantity from an infinite quantity

    Between a finite amount of x and in infinite amount of x, is there an infinite amount of x ?
  13. C

    Adding and subtracting Rational Expressions

    I'm stuck on how to do this problem My attempt: the answer to the second one is 3x + 2/(x+2)(x-2) Can someone point out my mistake?
  14. fargoth

    Does Subtracting a Constant from a Hamiltonian's Diagonal Change Its System?

    correct me if I am wrong.. as i see it, i can subtract any constant from the diagonal of the hamiltonian without really changing the system it describes... am i right? if i got a two state system, the hamiltonian can look like this: \left( \begin{array}{cc} 0 & P_{2->1} \\ P_{1->2} & \Delta...
  15. B

    Subtracting Exponents with Same Base but Different Exponent

    How do you do this problem (without a calculator) that looks deceivingly simple, yet is utterly confusing. (2 ^ 30 - 2 ^ 29)/2 = ?. The answer is 2 ^ 28, but how was this done without using a calculator. The furthest I can take this without using a calculator is 2 ^ 29 - 2 ^ 28
  16. R

    Adding & Subtracting Vecots And Relative Velocity

    Adding & Subtracting Vectors And Relative Velocity Hey everyone, I am so confused with this it's not funny. This is my first time accessing a site like thisss, but I am desperate seeing as though it's school holidays atm where I am and I can't talk to my physics teacher for help. Anyhow, I hope...
  17. chroot

    Designing a Voltage Subtractor Circuit Without an Op-Amp

    Can anyone think of a circuit that takes two input voltages and produce an output voltage equal to the difference in input voltages? In other words, a "voltage subtractor?" And don't answer "op-amp!" I don't want to use an op-amp. The circuit also must function with only one positive...