Summation Definition and 627 Threads

  1. Rfael69

    I Evaluation of the sum 1^m+3^m+5^m+ ....................(2n+1)^{m}

    how can i evaluate the sum $$ 1^m+3^m+5^m+ ....................(2n+1)^{m} $$ for the case of the normal sum $$ 1^m +2^m +........................+n^, $$ for positive 'm' i know they are related to the Bernoulli Polynomials
  2. P

    I Question on an infinite summation series

    Is the infinite series ##\sum_{n=1,3,5,...}^\infty \frac {1} {n^6}## somewhat related to the Riemann zeta function?The attached image suggest the value to be inverse of the co-efficient of the series.Is there any integral representation of the series from where the series can be evaluated?
  3. Sciencemaster

    I Finding ##\partial^\mu\phi## for a squeezed state in QFT

    I'm trying to apply an operator to a massless and minimally coupled squeezed state. I have defined my state as $$\phi=\sum_k\left(a_kf_k+a^\dagger_kf^*_k\right)$$, where the ak operators are ladder operators and fk is the mode function $$f_k=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2L^3\omega}}e^{ik_\mu x^\mu}$$...
  4. Vanilla Gorilla

    B Beginner Einstein Notation Question On Summation In Regards To Index

    So, I have recently been trying to learn how to work with tensors. In doing this, I have come across Einstein Notation. Below is my question. $$(a_i x_i)_{e}= (\sum_{i=1}^3 a_i x_i)_r=(a_1 x_1+a_2 x_2+a_3 x_3)_r$$; note that the following expression is in three dimensions, and I use the...
  5. E

    I From Einstein Summation to Matrix Notation: Why?

    I know that if ##\eta_{\alpha'\beta'}=\Lambda^\mu_{\alpha'} \Lambda^\nu_{\beta'} \eta_{\alpha\beta}## then the matrix equation is $$ (\eta) = (\Lambda)^T\eta\Lambda $$ I have painstakingly verified that this is indeed true, but I am not sure why, and what the rules are (e.g. the ##(\eta)## is in...
  6. M

    How to prove this using Abel's summation formula?

    Before I apply/use the Abel's summation formula, how should I find ## f(x) ##?
  7. M

    Use Euler's summation formula to prove the following....

    Proof: Let ## x\geq 2 ##. Then ## \frac{d}{dt}(\frac{ \log {t}}{t^3})=\frac{1-3\log {t}}{t^4} ##. By Euler's summation formula, we have that ## \sum_{n\leq x}\frac{ \log {n}}{n^3}=\int_{1}^{x} \frac{\log {t}}{t^3}dt+\int_{1}^{x} (t-[t])(\frac{1-3\log {t}}{t^4})dt+(x-[x])\frac{log {x}}{x^3} ##...
  8. D

    I Einstein summation convention in QM

    Hi For an operator A we have Aψn = anψn ; the matrix elements of the operator A are given by Amn= anδmn My question is : is this an abuse of Einstein summation convention or is that convention not used in QM ? Thanks
  9. S

    Maple Summation of a Finite Series: Seeking the Sum with MAPLE or Other Software

    Dear Colleagues I hope this post belongs here in calculus. It concerns a finite series for which I am seeking the sum. I tried using MATHEMATICA which didn't accept it. Perhaps if someone has Maple or any other software who can do it. Here it is attached. I shall be most grateful
  10. tworitdash

    A How to Derive a Closed Form for a Double Sum with Stochastic Variables?

    I have a equation with a double sum. However, one of the variables in one of the sums comes from a stochastic distribution (Gaussian to be specific). How can I get a closed form equivalent of this expression? The U and Tare constants in the equation. $$ \sum_{k = 0}^{N_k-1} \bigg [ \big[...
  11. MevsEinstein

    B Is ##\sum^n_{k=0} 2k+1 = n^2## useful? Has it been found already?

    I was looking at the tiles of my home's kitchen when I realized that you can form squares by summing consecutive odd numbers. First, start with one tile, then add one tile to the right, bottom, and right hand corner (3), and so on. Can this be applied somewhere? And has someone found it already?
  12. ReubenDS

    I How Can Nested Summation Functions Be Simplified or Reversed?

    1. I have come across a few times I would like a more straightforward way to run a summation function on a summation function. I don't have the educational groundwork to know if there is another way to do this or a good technique to simplify these problems. example...
  13. A

    What is the summation of this partial sequence?

    Greetings! I want to caluculate the summation of this following serie I started by removing the 4 by and then and I thought of the taylor expansion of Log(1-x)=-∑xn/n but as the 2 is not inside (-1,1) I couldn´t use it any hint? thank you! Best !
  14. A

    A Simplifying a double summation

    Is it possible to simplify the function below so that the sums disappear. $$\displaystyle g \left(x \right) \, = \, \sum _{j=-\infty}^{\infty} \left(-A +B \right) \sum _{k=-\infty}^{\infty} \frac{1}{2}~\frac{\sqrt{2}~e^{-\frac{1}{2}~\frac{\left(x -k \right)^{2}}{\sigma...
  15. L

    A Klein Gordon Lagrangian -- Summation question

    Klein Gordon Lagrangian is given by \mathcal{L}=\frac{1}{2}\partial_{\mu}\phi\partial^{\mu}\phi-\frac{1}{2}m^2\phi^2 I saw also this link Can someone explain me, what is...
  16. D

    Trouble with a double summation

    the inner sum is just adding 1/365 n-i number of times. so ##\frac{(n-i)}{365}## the outer sum adds over the index i, so I thought the expression is equal to ##\frac{(n-1)n-(n-1)!}{365}## but it's obviously not equal to that. where did I go wrong?
  17. D

    I Einstein summation convention confusion

    Hi If i have a vector r = ( x1 , x2 , x3) then i can write r2 as xixi where the i is summed over because it occurs twice. Now is xixi the same as xi2 ? I have come across an example where they are used as equivalent but i am confused because xi2 seems to be the square of just one component of r...
  18. E

    A Non-Linear Theory: Summation Meaningful in Einstein Gravitation?

    In the famous book, Gravitation, by Misner, Thorne and Wheeler, it talks about the stress-energy tensor of a swarm of particles (p.138). The total stress-energy is summed up from all categories of particles. Is summation meaningful in the non-linear theory of Einstein gravitation? Thanks.
  19. M

    I Summation notation and general relativity derivatives

    Does $$\partial^\beta(g_{\alpha\beta}A_\mu A^\mu)$$ mean the same as $$\frac {\partial (g_{\alpha\beta}A_\mu A^\mu)}{\partial A^\beta} ?$$ If not could someone explain the differences?
  20. baby_1

    A Summation simpilification process

    Hello, Here is my summation: sum(1/(25+n*B)),n=0 to (N/2)-1:=A where A is between .01 to 2, N is between 10 to 2000 and I need to find the B for different values of N. I calculate this summation online (check here) But the Digamma function makes the output function complex and it is not easy to...
  21. anemone

    MHB How Can We Prove the Summation Inequality for a Given Sequence?

    Assume that $x_1,\,x_2,\,\cdots,\,x_n \ge -1$ and $\displaystyle \sum_{i=1}^n x_i^3=0$. Prove that $\displaystyle \sum_{i=1}^n x_i \le \dfrac{n}{3}$.
  22. Condereal

    A How to optimize a parameter that is the index of a summation?

    Hi everyone! So, the problem I'm having has more to do with "how to pose the problem to solve it in some software as Matlab or similar". I have experimentally measured values ##\varepsilon_{exp}^i## with ##i=1,\cdots,6##, that is, I have 6 detectors. Then, I know (from a Monte Carlo...
  23. S

    Integral as approximation to summation

    Writing down several terms of the summation and then doing some simplifying, I get: $$\sum_{r=1}^n \frac{1}{n} \left(1+\frac{r}{n} \right)^{-1}= \frac{1}{n+1}+\frac{1}{n+2}+\frac{1}{n+3}+...\frac{1}{2n}$$ How to change this into integral form? Thanks
  24. A

    I What does it mean to summate from 1 upwards to something less than 1?

    Hello, I was finding the average value of the expression ##(1-1/n^2)## for values from 1 to infinity by evaluating the limit as N→∞ for: ## \displaystyle\sum_{n=1}^{N} (1-1/n^{2})/N ## and got what I expected, ##1## What I didn't expect was to find that the general solution ##1-H_N^{(2)}/N##...
  25. anemone

    MHB Summation Challenge: Evaluate $\sum_{k=1}^{2014}\frac{1}{1-x_k}$

    Let $x_1,\,x_2,\,\cdots,\,x_{2014}$ be the roots of the equation $x^{2014}+x^{2013}+\cdots+x+1=0$. Evaluate $\displaystyle \sum_{k=1}^{2014} \dfrac{1}{1-x_k}$.
  26. T

    A Ramanujan Summation, Variations of

    Hi, I've seen several videos and documents that state that "the sum of all natural numbers is equal to -1/12". The "proof" in general is using ramanjuan summation and analytic continuation of the riemann function. In this proof, the election of the riemann function in order to perform the...
  27. L

    MHB Summation and product notation rules

    As per the image, I am supposed to select all the valid statements. Apparently I'm only partially correct, and so I took another look at the statements. I believe the third statement is wrong, since c * (a_m*a_{m+1}*a_{m+2}*...*a_n) =/= (c*a_m)(c*a_{m+1})(c*a_{m+2})*...*(c*a_n) Thus there...
  28. K

    MHB How Do You Solve a Geometric Sum with Alternating Signs?

    Hey! I'm stuck again and not sure how to solve this question been at it for a few hours. Any help is appreciated as always. Q: (1) Let the sum S = 3- 3/2 + 3/4 - 3/8 + 3/16 - 3/32 +...- 3/128. Determine integers a , n and a rational number k so that...(Image) (2 )And then calculate S using...
  29. H

    MHB Double summation: inner index = function of outer index

    Here N, a, and b are integer constants. M is also an integer but changes for every value of x, which makes the index of the second summation dependent on the first. The problem is the relationship M(x) is analytically difficult to define. Is there a way to solve/simplify this expression?
  30. rxh140630

    Finding a formula for the following summation

    ive used google and I was surprised that there was no relevant formula found How do I get/even begin to get the formula for...
  31. T

    B A summation that "feeds back into itself"

    Hi everyone! I need to use sigma notation to build a summation that "feeds back into itself". By that I mean that it should model a sum whose terms are f(x) + f(f(x)) + f(f(f(x))) and so on. How would I do this?
  32. anemone

    MHB Summation Challenge: Evaluate $\sum_{n=0}^\infty \frac{16n^2+20n+7}{(4n+2)!}$

    Evaluate $\displaystyle \sum_{n=0}^\infty \dfrac{16n^2+20n+7}{(4n+2)!}$.
  33. K

    Does Summation Over n from -∞ to +∞ in Quantum Mechanics Equal Ψ(x)?

    I have a (trivial) question regarding summation notation in Quantum mechanics. Does ∑cnexp(iknx) = Ψ(x) imply that n ranges from -∞ to +∞ (i.e. all possible combinations of n)? i.e. n ∞ ∑exp(iknx) -∞ I believe it does to be consistent with the Fourier series in terms of complex exponentials...
  34. A

    I Converting a summation into an integration

    Hello, I want to convert a summation in reciprocal space and I am unsure about the integration volume. I have started with the formula: $$\sum_{\vec{k}} \rightarrow \frac{V_{k}}{(2\pi)^{3}}\int\int\int \mathrm{d}V_{k}$$ where: $$\mathrm{d}V_{k} = k^{2}\mathrm{d}k...
  35. Z

    Load Balancing: Can't understand the summation term

    I can’t understand the term Summation of (j tj). Are we multiplying j and tj. But the text is not talking about multiplying, it says”Total processing time Somebody please guide me. Zulfi.
  36. Athenian

    Einstein Summation Convention Question 2

    Below is my attempted solution: $$\epsilon_{ij \ell} \, \epsilon_{km \ell} \, \epsilon_{ijm} \, a_k$$ $$\Rightarrow (\delta_{ik} \, \delta_{jm} - \delta_{im} \, \delta_{jk}) \epsilon_{ijm} \, a_k$$ $$\Rightarrow \delta_{ik} \, \delta_{jm} \, \epsilon_{ijm} \, a_k - \delta_{im} \, \delta_{jk}...
  37. Athenian

    How Can I Simplify and Solve the Einstein Summation Convention Problem?

    Attempted Solution: $$a_i \, b_j \, c_k \, \epsilon_{ij \ell} \, \epsilon_{3k \ell}$$ $$a_i\, b_j\, c_k\, (\delta_{i3} \, \delta_{jk} - \, \delta_{ik}\, \delta_{j3})$$ Beyond this, though, I am quite lost. I know I am very close to the answer, but seeing this many terms can become fairly...
  38. Arman777

    Deriving an identity using Einstein's summation notation

    I have an identity $$\vec{\nabla} \times (\frac{\vec{m} \times \hat{r}}{r^2})$$ which should give us $$3(\vec{m} \cdot \hat{r}) \hat{r} - \vec{m}$$ But I have to derive it using the Einstein summation notation. How can I approach this problem to simplify things ? Should I do something like...
  39. user15197573

    I Order of summation in series with multiple indices

    Can someone help me understand why what I wrote is correct? That is: If I have a sequence with double indices and if the summation of the elements modules of this sequence converges (less than infinite) than it does not matter how I make this sum (second line) they are going to be always the...
  40. olgerm

    I Summation Convention in Einstein Notation

    I got another basic question: should the summation in einstein notation start from first occurance of index or in beginning of equation? For eampledoes this equation ##R_{\alpha \beta }={R^{\rho }}_{\alpha \rho \beta }=\partial _{\rho }{\Gamma ^{\rho }}_{\beta\alpha }-\partial _{\beta }{\Gamma...
  41. Hiero

    B Einstein summation notation, ambiguity?

    If I see ##f(x_ie_i)## I assume it means ##f(\Sigma x_ie_i)## (summing in the domain of f) but what if I instead wanted to write ##\Sigma f(x_ie_i)## (summing in the range)? Is there a way to distinguish between these in Einstein’s summation notation?
  42. C

    A Help required to sum an infinite series in a given equation

    Hi, I have a particular equation in a paper, wherein the author specifies an infinite series. The author has apparently found the sum of the series and calculated the equation. Can anyone please help me in understanding how to sum such a series. I have attached part of the paper with the...
  43. M

    How to solve summation equations with different indices

    To analyze the LHS of this equation, I used (k-1) , k and (K+1) to get ## \frac {(-1)^{k-1} } { (k-1)} \ . \frac {(-1)^k} { (k)} \ . \frac {(-1)^{k+1} } { (k+1)} \ ## Nothing cancels out in these terms and the sign of each term is the opposite of the previous term. I calculated...
  44. jisbon

    Evaluating Summation of an Infinite Series

    Evaluate ##\lim_{n \rightarrow +\infty} \frac {1} {n} [(\frac {1}{n})^{1.5} + (\frac {2}{n})^{1.5} +(\frac {3}{n})^{1.5}+ (\frac {4}{n})^{1.5}+...+(\frac {n}{n})^{1.5}]## Hello. So I'm solving this question at the moment. I know I'm supposed to find out the summation of this before being able...
  45. hilbert2

    A Summation formula from statistical mechanics

    I ran into this kind of expression for a sum that appears in the theory of 1-dimensional Ising spin chains ##\displaystyle\sum\limits_{m=0}^{N-1}\frac{2(N-1)!}{(N-m-1)!m!}e^{-J(2m-N+1)/kT} = \frac{2e^{2J/kT-J(1-N)/kT}\left(e^{-2J/kT}(1+e^{2J/kT})\right)^N}{1+e^{2J/kT}}## where the ##k## is the...
  46. C

    Calculating Integrals Using the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus

    Here, width of first bar, y=x^2=a^2 y=x^2=(a+Δx)^2 height of nth bar=y=(a+(N-1)Δx)^2 Total area,I={a^2+(a+Δx)^2+(a+2Δx^2)+...+[a+(N-1)Δx]^2}Δx I={Na^2 + 2aΔx +...} I can't seem to get forward to get the required result which is 1/3(b^3-a^3)
  47. M

    Is There a Formula for These Summation Problems?

    I look though some algebra and calculus books but I didn't see any formula for this some, and I am stuck here. I can just represent it in a notation but I cannot think a formulation to obtain the result. ##\sum_{k=1}^{n=5}=\frac {n!}{n!k} ## Thank you.
  48. Abhishek11235

    I How Is Summation Changed to Integration in Reif's Statistical Mechanics?

    This is the text from Reif Statistical mechanics. In the screenshot he changes the summation to integral(Eq. 1.5.17) by saying that they are approximately continuous values. However,I don't see how. Can anyone justify this change?
  49. Chris Miller

    B Sum of Series 1/n: Is it Infinity?

    I've seen the proof that the sum of 1/n for = 1 to infinity is infinity (which still blows my mind a little). Is the sum of 1/nn for n = 1 to infinity also infinity? i.e, 1 + 2/4 + 3/27 + 4/256+...