In a future supposed “room temperature” superconducting cable that is carrying a large current (I ), would there not always be a risk of explosion if part of the cable accidentally reached a higher critical temperature so that this part suddenly developed a resistance (R) and all the power would...
Google, IBM, Rigetti, and IQM all manufacture superconducting quantum computers. What are the main reasons for the differences in the accuracy of their chips?
IBM has recently released its latest chip, please analyze and see what is the advancement in the technology...
"Airbus UpNext, a wholly owned subsidiary of Airbus, and CERN, the European Laboratory for Particle Physics, are launching a project to evaluate how superconductivity can...
An interesting paper in NATURE "A superconductor free of quasiparticles for seconds"
showing that superconducting (paired) electrons don't hop into normal states for seconds. The measurement device detects single pair-breaking-events for a large...
Summary:: Looking for articles/books to prepare myself for the course: Quantum computation with superconducting qubits
Hello everyone. I am about to take a course in Quantum computation with superconducting qubits and I am searching for material to prepare it. I took a first course on that...
I have read a little about cqed, "circuit quantum electrodynamics".
I would be interested in references to dig a qbit deeper in this topic!
I have seen lumped circuit diagrams for superconducting qbits.
The correspondance between classical and quantum models for these circuits is really...
Hi. There has been a fair amount of research into electric generators and motors with superconductive coils. If traditional iron cores is used that obviously limits the power density because of the iron cores magnetic saturation point. But for coreless/ironless designs i don't understand what...
Summary is from abstract in Nature.
Anybody know whether this is a big deal ?. It looks technically challenging (very high pressure) but great oaks from little acorns. I'm not current in superconductivity.🔎...
Let the length of the spring be ##x##, so that the extension in any given configuration is ##\delta = |x_0 - x|##. The magnetic flux through such a coil is $$\Phi = \frac{\mu_0 I N^2 A}{x}$$The fact that the coil is superconducting means that the flux linked will always remain constant even with...
So far the best I've been able to come up with is to use ##\vec{B} = \mu_0 \vec{H}## which gives me
i_c = H 2\pi r
j_c = \frac{H 2\pi r}{\pi r^2} = \frac{2H}{r}
\therefore B = \mu_0 \frac{r j_c}{2}
I'm fairly confident this is just terrible math and physics on my behalf but I'm struggling to...
A team of scientists from China's Institute of Plasma Physics announced this week that plasma in its Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST) would be ready to begin attempting to generate more energy than it uses, in a world first.
I am dubious about more news that comes out of...
Hello to all
Can we consider the core of the Earth to be a superconductor ,for example Aragon national laboratory hinted for some thing like that
That been said , what test could...
I cam across SMES (Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage) while researching superconducting and had a few questions I'm hoping to have answered.
1. I have read that SMES devices are primary used in the event for short interruptions in power, and aiding in efficiency in the power grid. Can a...
Alright, I'm trying to calculate the power requirements for a 30 Weber =( 30 Tesla/m2) Strong magnet
According to this document it would require about 88 MW using a steady-state copper coil magnet
The question is, how much power is required to do the same using cryogenicly cooled...
My little home made air-core solenoid makes 1.5T, why is it that superconducting electromagnets often aren't stronger than one would expect.
Take the japanese maglev train for example:
According to this article the...
Hi! I am trying to derive the wavefunctions of the zero energy solutions of the Schrodinger equation in a 1D p-wave superconductor (Kitaev model). I am starting with the Hamiltonian
H =
\epsilon_k & \Delta^{\ast}_k\\
\Delta_k & -\epsilon_k...
Superconductors can be used to store energy in the form of magnetic fields, because the current in a superconductor can persist indefinitely. In fact, some large power grids are already using this as a way to regulate power flow in the grid.
My question is how are the coils "charged"? How do we...
I am sorry but this question I have described is a long one.
Ok so before I start a quick background , I have read and understand the Meissner effect of the superconductor expelling it’s magnetic field , also I understand that superconductor has zero resistance so a once induced or applied...
If you have:
A Linear Induction Coilgun, basically like a series of Induction Furnaces, using copper coils with high AC current at a high frequency.
Where the projectile traveling inside those coils has a shorted superconducting coil around the outside of it, embedded in the ceramic projectile...
I read this article by MIT Technology Review which I believe states that thin sheets of super conducting material reflect gravity. is this article true or am I just reading it wrong. I know this...
How large would a superconducting magnetic energy storage device be if it were to safely carry 100 kilowatt-hours of energy? How much cryogen (liquid nitrogen) would it consume per hour if the device were made from high-temperature superconducting materials (YBCO or similar).
Homework Statement
Suppose you have two superconducting loops, concentric, in a plane. Also suppose that their radii, R2 (outer) and R1 (inner) have the same order of magnitude (so you can't assume B through the inner loop is constant everywhere over the inner loop's surface.)
If a constant...
Carver Mead writes in his book, "Collective Electrodynamics", that experimental evidence indicates a superconducting ring and capacitor resonator circuit will increase from zero voltage (scalar potential difference) to an energy matching a 3 degree Kelvin black body radiation spectrum...
How can superconductors improve motor/generator's performance?
A superconductor will expel a magnetic field, how can it generate a Lorentz force in the case of a motor, and a induced EMF in the case of a generator?
It's makes sense that we can only improve the windings of the electromagnet...
Hi everyone,
I need some help to look if I did these calculations right.Let us assume a three dimensional magnetic field:
##\vec{B}(x,y,z) = B_x(x,y,z)\hat{x} + B_y(x,y,z)\hat{y} + B_z(x,y,z)\hat{z}##
The equation for the force on a superconducting particle in a magnetic field is given by...
Consider two parallel superconducting wires. Both the wires carry the same current and the current is going in the same direction. do they experience a magnetic force attracting them together? Or do their magnetic fields behave differently?
There is a conservation law for superconductors " the flux through a superconducting ring cannot change". This can be shown using Faraday's law: -
E.M.F=-d/dt (BA) where B is the measured magnetic field passing through the ring and A is the area enclosed by the ring
therefore for a ring...
Hi guys!
I'm making my Phd on cavity QED but wish to move towards superconducting quantum circuits, could you give me some good references (articles or books) at an introductory level (for self-study)?
Thanks in advance
Dear Friends,
The great problem lies in here : I have calculated the power requirement of an electromagnet. That Its huge . To minimize this power requirement I would like to see if its possible with super conducting magnet, but I am having a problem, because the power requirement are so low...
Storing energy in a system means to raise the internal energy of it. A system could be in superconducting phase because the latter has correspondingly lower internal energy. How can energy be stored in a phase that has the lower energy? When energy is injected into the system, it would leave...
Hey guys, I am building a superconducting magnet. The wire I have is extremely thin, and is flat. To put it more into perceptive it has a width and height. When I wind it into a magnet, it is more like a disk coil, or racetrack coil. Because it has a different geometry than most other...
i believe that superconducting generators are now in use,We have hydropower plants in our country still using the conventional generators. My idea for my masters dessertation would to replace these generators with the superconducting ones, and hopefully get better efficiency.
Would this make a...
When the B field gets too high it breaks the superconducting state. And then the B field can exist inside the conductor. When the field increases to point where it breaks the state is this because the cooper pairs flowing near the surface experience a force on their spin and then break them...
I am wondering if this class is senior undergrad level or graduate level.
Here is a published PPT from the lectures of this class.
The material is fascinating. I understand it enough to be intrigued, but I cannot unpack it all.
Chris Maness
Hi I was about to fall asleep last night and was thinking about breakdown voltage, when electrons are pulled from the surface of a conducting plate and form a channel that discharges a capacitor. This is called a vacuum arc, some other keywords are thermionic emission and work function...
My (chemistry) textbook states that maximum work is never achieved in a galvanic (electrochemical) cell due to frictional heating. I've been wondering, could a cell be made with superconducting wires, cathodes, and anodes in order to achieve maximum work? Would this violate the law of entropy?
After watching a fascinating youtube video demonstrating the Lenz Effect using a 1.5T MRI machine and an aluminum block, I was wondering if it would stop a bullet fired along the axis of the machine. If so, would there be any defensive military application?
The title, basically. If we're at a temperature below the critical temperature (let's just say for a Type 1 superconductor) and an applied magnetic field less than the critical magnetic field, it will be in the superconducting state.
But if we increase the field beyond the critical point, it...
Hi everyone,
- Could you explain for me the meaning of "net" in the phrase "small net attraction between electrons" in superconductivity, (or synonym of it)?
- We usually say that BSC theory explains the superconductivity of conventional superconductors, one feature of superconductivity is...
If I take an enclosed superconducting wire loop, and apply a time dependent magnetic field in the space enclosed by the wire ( and therefore a time dependent magnetic flux) , this should induce electromotive force ( according to faraday's law). However any potential difference should not...
8 months ago we discharged a 3 Tesla superconducting magnet which is part of old FT-ICR mass spectrometer. Magnet was charged some 20 years ago and working since (which is exceptionally long since it worked in persistive mode, which means no charging in all this time).
It is possible for a permanent magnet to be attracted to a cooled superconductor magnet as shown in many experiments, but why does it not attract the permanent magnet to the point that their surfaces come in direct physical contact similar to the attraction that causes two permanent magnets join...
I'm trying to learn the basics of designing superconducting magnets for guiding particles, but I'm having a hard time knowing where to start. I don't have a background in this field (besides EM classes). Right now I'm thinking about ordering "Superconducting Magnets" by Wilson and studying...
A question:-
Is it possible to create a magnetic field inside a perfectly superconducting torus if you did not have any to start with? I am talking about a field that goes all the way around the torus, not one that goes partway and doubles back. I am having trouble visualizing how the field...
Preferably YBCO or BSCCO as I only have liquid nitrogen at my disposal. The issue I'm running into is that no HTS producer makes superconductors in this configuration. I was thinking of just buying the YBCO powder and then either pressing it into the desired shape or mixing in a binder of some...
I'm doing an experiment which requires the fabrication of a superconducting hollow cylinder but I am unable to find a firm which does custom manufacturing of this nature. I have found numerous which sell the high Tc powders (YBCO BSCCO). My question is if I do just buy the powders what could I...