Supernovae Definition and 54 Threads

  1. Chronos

    Supernovae GRB Research: Insight for Fans

    Supernovae fans may find this of interest, I know I did:
  2. T

    What is the calculated mass of a post supernovae star

    if you have a three solar mass star then it eneters into supernovae, how much mass is lost into space?
  3. P

    Why do we believe ultra high energy cosmic rays come from supernovae?

    Why is it that we think ultra high energy cosmic rays are emitted from supernovae.
  4. wolram

    Type Ia Supernovae Evidence of Cosmic Deceleration & Acceleration We have discovered 16 Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) with the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) and have used them to provide the first conclusive evidence for cosmic deceleration that preceded the current epoch of cosmic acceleration. These objects, discovered...