Swimming Definition and 95 Threads

Swimming is the self-propulsion of a person through water, or a liquid substance, usually for recreation, sport, exercise, or survival. Locomotion is achieved through coordinated movement of the limbs and the body. Humans can hold their breath underwater and undertake rudimentary locomotive swimming within weeks of birth, as a survival response.Swimming is consistently among the top public recreational activities, and in some countries, swimming lessons are a compulsory part of the educational curriculum. As a formalized sport, swimming features in a range of local, national, and international competitions, including every modern Summer Olympics.

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  1. T

    Solving Buoyancy & Swimming Problems: Advice for Tangler

    I have a question which relates to buoyancy and swimming. One of the basic skills required to be a good swimmer is to be able to maintain a horizontal postion throughout the length of your body whilst swimming front crawl but to rotate your whole body about a horizontal axis which passes...
  2. S

    Thermodynamics swimming pool question

    Homework Statement You are asked to design a heating system for a swimming pool that is 2 m deep, 25 m long, and 25 m wide. Your client desires that the heating system be large enough to raise the water temperature from 20°C to 30°C in 3 h. The rate of heat loss from the water to the air...
  3. M

    Goggles, depth perception, and swimming pools {Please aid a stumped student}

    1. One person wearing goggles and one person without goggles are standing at the side of a pool. Both see a coin on the bottom of the pool, and both jump into retrieve it. When they are underwater, the person without goggles sees the coin at a greater depth than it was when she was above the...
  4. R

    You are looking up from underwater in a swimming pool radius of circle?

    Homework Statement You are looking up from under the water in a swimming pool. If you are 2m below the surface, what is the radius of the "hole" at the water surface through which you can see out of the pool? Homework Equations n.sin(theta)1 = n.sin(theta)2 The Attempt at a Solution...
  5. stripes

    Solving for Rate of Change of Depth in Swimming Pool

    Homework Statement A swimming pool is 5 m wide, 10 m long, 1 m deep at the shallow end, and 3 m deep at its deepest point. A cross-section is shown in the figure. If the poole is being filled at a rate of 0.1 m^3 per minute, how fast is the water level rising when the depth at the deepest...
  6. D

    How Does Current Affect a Swimmer's Path Across a River?

    Homework Statement A swimmer can swim at a speed of 1.80m/s in still water. If the current in a river 200m wide is 1.0m/s [E], and the swimmer starts on the south bank and swims so that she is always headed directly across the river, determine: a) The swimmer's resultant velocity, relative to...
  7. A

    Swimming in short wavelength waves and high wavelength waves

    Hi all. Just wondering. Any difference - from the viewpoint of a swimmer - when one swims in water waves of short wavelength as compared to large wavelength? I read about this somewhere before in a newspaper article. The difference will be apparent when the length of the swimmer's body is...
  8. E

    Optimizing River Crossing Velocity Vectors

    Homework Statement A swimmer wants to cross a river, swimming directly from point A to point B, as shown in the figure. The distance d_1 (from A to C) is 185 m, the distance d_2 (from C to B) is 141 m, and the speed v_r of the current in the river is 5.00 km/h. Suppose that the swimmer's...
  9. Q

    Do Water Molecules at the Bottom of a Pool Move Faster and Get Closer?

    Since the water pressure at the bottom of the swimming pool is very high, are the water molecules there bouncing faster , or are they closer together?
  10. W

    Calculating Proton Decay in a Swimming Pool

    Homework Statement Grand unification theories predict that the proton has a long but finite lifetime. Current experiments based on detecting the decay of protons in water infer that this lifetime is at least 10^32 years. Assume 10^32 years is, in fact, the mean lifetime of the proton...
  11. Salazar

    Swimming Pools and Related Rates along with Implicit Differentiation

    Homework Statement A swimming pool is 40 feet long, 20 feet wide, 4 feet deep at the shallow end, and 9 feet deep at the deep end. Water is being pumped into the pool at 10 cubic feet per minute. a. When the water is 3 feet deep at the shallow end, at what rate is the water level rising? b...
  12. S

    Determine the depth of a swimming pool filled with water

    We wish to determine the depth of a swimming pool filled with water without getting wet. We measure the width of the pool, which is 5.50m. We then note that the bottom edge is just visible when we stand and look at an angle of 14.0 degrees above the horizontal line. a)Calculate the depth of...
  13. S

    Can osmotic pressure kill a man in a swimming pool?

    hi, suppose a man is swimming in a pool. as the potential of solvent(water) is greater in the pool than in the cells, water should seep into the cells causing them to become turgid and finally burst,but this doesn't happen... what is the reason for this?
  14. S

    Q-1: Weight of Body on False Balance Q-2: Maximizing Energy in Swimming

    Q-1 : A bodu weighs 8 gm when placed in one pan and 18 when placed on a other pan of a false balance . If the beam is horizontal when both the pans are empty , the true weight of the body is Q-2 : when one swims across a river max. energy is spent in second 1/3 of the distance why ?
  15. Jonathan Scott

    Does General Relativity Allow for Swimming in Space-Time?

    "Swimming" in space-time On the main forums page, there is a link in the "Scientific American" section to an article http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=surprises-from-general-relativity". I've had a look at the article and I don't even begin to believe it. Even if you...
  16. S

    Can one float on petrol?Mechanics: in relation to one Swimming in the Dead Sea

    Can one swim in petrol? What would happen? Would one float?sink?
  17. J

    Evaporation from a swimming pool

    Homework Statement A) How much energy is required to evaporate all the water in a swimming pool of area 119 m2 and depth 2.4 m on a typical summer day? (Please note that the temperature of the water in the lake stays the same.) (For latent heat of vaporization use 2200 kJ/kg.) B) The...
  18. A

    What is the Derivative of a Swimming Pool with a Sloping Bottom?

    Homework Statement A rectandular swimming pool is 10m wide and 20m long. The bottom of the pools is a sloping plane with the depth of the pool varying along the length of the pool from 1m at the shallow end to 5m at the deep end. Water is being pumped into the pool at the rate of 30 m^3 /...
  19. K

    What happens to the current when lightning strikes a swimming pool?

    Hi all, In response to the above question, i read somewhere before that when lightning strikes a pool, or the sea, the current will dissipate along the water surface. The current will penetrate only to a small depth into the water. A simple search on Google throws up the simple...
  20. L

    Question about naked swimming at great depth after pressurisation

    Question about "naked" swimming at great depth after pressurisation In the 1989 movie The Abyss, we see Ed Harris' character briefly swim without pressure suit (couldn't fit this into the title, hence the word 'naked') from one cabin to an other, several hundreds of meters below sea level...
  21. F

    Nonconservative work while swimming

    Homework Statement Starting at rest at the edge of a swimming pool, a 67.0 athlete swims along the surface of the water and reaches a speed of 1.15 by doing the work = 171 . Find the nonconservative work, , done by the water on the athlete. Homework Equations (m)(a)(x initial) +...
  22. R

    Solve Urgently Needed: Related Rates Swimming Pool Problem

    Homework Statement A swimming pool is 24 m long by 8 m wide, 1 m deep at the shallow end and 3 m deep at the deep end, the bottom being an inclined plane. If water is pumped into the empty pool at a rate of 2m^3/min, then how fast is the water level rising at the moment when the water is 1 m...
  23. C

    Calculating Work in Swimming: Science Fair Project Guide

    I'm doing a science fair project about swimming. Is it crazy for a swimmer (just pulling, no kicking) swimming a length of freestyle pull only to take 400-700 J of work? I'm using an equation W = kv^2s where k is a constant, v is velocity, and s is the distance. The k that is provided with...
  24. R

    Swimming pool pressure on bottom drain fittings

    I have a practical question about my new above ground swimming pool that is 48 inches deep and 16 feet by 32 feet in width and length. My question is, there is a bottom main drain that the water travels through to the filter/pump and is returned through the side return piping. My question...
  25. A

    Fluid Mechanics of swimming polar bear

    Homework Statement A polar bear partially supports herself by pulling part of her body out of the water onto a rectangular slab of ice. The ice sinks down so that only half of what was once exposed now is exposed, and the bear has 70 percent of her volume(and weight) out of the water...
  26. P

    Free Body Diagram of a Fish Swimming

    I have this project to do; it's of a free body diagram of a swimming fish. But I can't seem to find any good sites that give much info about a fish swimming. All the sites come up as a fish out of water, or a person swimming. Does anyone know sites that may help, or the forces that act on the...
  27. C

    Optics: Distance of Key in swimming pool

    [SOLVED] Optics: Distance of Key in swimming pool Homework Statement After a long day of driving you take a late-night swim in a motel swimming pool. When you go to your room, you realize that you have lost your room key in the pool. You borrow a powerful flashlight and walk around the pool...
  28. manjuvenamma

    Ampere's swimming rule about magnetic field around a current carrying conductor

    We know that if current is flowing in the direction of z-axis (verical), magnetic field is formed in a plance perpendicular to that line i.e., in the XY plane. That is if you keep a compass in the XY plane it will experience a force as per the rule. But what will happen to a compass that is...
  29. M

    Is it safe to dive into a swimming pool from a 2nd floor?

    Hi guys, I have a swimming pool which is 2m deep and was wandering whether I will be safe if I dive from 2nd floor which is around 4m high. [I'm 175cm tall and weigh 65kg] Working out gravitational energy = mg = (65)*10 = 650 Equating to kinetic energy, (1/2)*(65)*v^2 = 650 v=4.47m/s. I will...
  30. T

    Force on the sides of a swimming pool, differeniation

    [SOLVED] Force on the sides of a swimming pool, differeniation Homework Statement A swimming pool measures a length of 5.7m , width 3.8m , and depth 2.9m. Compute the force exerted by the water against either end. Do not include the force due to air pressure. I have already calculated...
  31. S

    Exploring the Physics of Swimming in Blood

    I am sorry, I didn't know exactly where to put this. I do believe it has to do with physics but I am not completely sure, so I hope it's OK to place the thread here. If not, I apologize greatly. I had a discussion at school about swimming in various liquids. I came to the conclusion that it...
  32. S

    A man on an air mattress in a swimming pool

    Homework Statement A man is lazily floating on an air mattress in a swimming pool. (a) Draw a free body diagram for the system of the man and mattress. (b) Apply Newton’s second law to the man and mattress system. (c) If the weight of the man and air mattress together is 806 N, what is the...
  33. P

    How Do You Calculate Pool Depth Using Refraction Principles?

    Homework Statement A 4.0-m-wide swimming pool is filled to the top. The bottom of the pool becomes completely shaded in the afternoon when the sun is 20 degrees above the horizon. How deep is the pool?Homework Equations Snell's law (n1)sin(x1) = (n2)sin(x2) Index of Refraction of Air = 1 Index...
  34. P

    How Much Heat is Lost from a Swimming Pool?

    woudl anyone know how to do this by any chance?:rolleyes: The temperature of a swimming pool is 32ºC at 2 p.m. in the afternoon. At 6 p.m., its temperature decreases to 26ºC. Given the pool contains 1200 liters of water and water’s specific heat is 4.186 J/gºC. How much heat does the pool...
  35. S

    Listing all forces on someone swimming in a pool

    I have this assignment where I am supposed to list all the forces acting on someone who is swimming in a standered olyimpic sized pool. The obvious force to me was the mass of the swimmer acting downwards and presuming the guy was swimming forward there would be a drag force acting backwards...
  36. cronxeh

    Family Guy - Is it Sinking or Swimming?

    Did anyone notice that Family Guy is starting to suck? The last 5 episodes were getting worse and worse :frown:
  37. C

    Force on the bottom of a swimming pool

    I don't understand WHY my Webassign says I have this wrong. Here is the problem: " What are the total force and the absolute pressure on the bottom of a swimming pool 2.6 m by 1.6 m whose uniform depth is 2.0 m?" My book says the force = density X Area X depth below the surface X g so f...
  38. P

    Diver falling into swimming pool - forces

    A 88.0 kg diver falls from rest into a swimming pool from a height of 5.30 m. It takes 1.94 s for the diver to stop after entering the water. Find the magnitude of the average force exerted on the diver during that time. I found the acceleration to be 1.41 m/s^2 and then multiplied it by the...
  39. P

    Lightning strikes a swimming pool

    If a lightning strikes a swimming pool, what happens to me if I am swimming? I think it is not a complete circuit, so I won't get enormous current. But, will the sharing of excess charge too fast and I get hurt?
  40. I

    Swimming pool chlorine questions

    Something has always mystified me about swimming pool care. Why is it that owners need to keep adding chlorine products to their pools? My understanding of chemistry is that ionic salts don't evaporate with water. So, in my mind I picture water constantly evaporating and leaving the chlorine...
  41. T

    How Can You Reach Europe Without Flying?

    Is there a way for person to get to Europe other than flying on a passenger jet?
  42. I

    Troubles with Swimming Underwater: Tips for Staying Submerged

    When I go swimming (or rather walk in the water; I can't swim but I can pretend :redface: ), I like to try to swim under water and when I try, I can't. Why? Because I only stay under for a few seconds and float right back up again. I took a swimming class once, and the teacher couldn't figure...
  43. N

    Can swimming in a dirty pool lead to giving birth to a frog?

    Obviously she was cursed for infidelity with a Frenchman. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/3844441.stm Njorl
  44. B

    Swimming on the Moon: Adapting Sports for Spacemen

    Anyone want to give a guy a helping hand? Just wondering if anyone understands how the physics of swimming would be different from swimming on the moon. My project is to adapt a sport (to help our spacemen of course) so that they can continue to work out while outside of our planet. I play...
  45. M

    Relative Velocity while swimming

    Hey I need a little help with this (B) question: Find: (I) P and Q (II)How long will it take her to swim in a straight line back to the original starting point. Ive done some of the basics here, which i know to be right, including the answers to part 1 - when i tried to bring it further...