Tangent vector Definition and 55 Threads

For a more general — but much more technical — treatment of tangent vectors, see tangent space.In mathematics, a tangent vector is a vector that is tangent to a curve or surface at a given point. Tangent vectors are described in the differential geometry of curves in the context of curves in Rn. More generally, tangent vectors are elements of a tangent space of a differentiable manifold. Tangent vectors can also be described in terms of germs. Formally, a tangent vector at the point


{\displaystyle x}
is a linear derivation of the algebra defined by the set of germs at


{\displaystyle x}

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  1. T

    Finding the Unit Tangent Vector for a Given Curve

    Homework Statement Let bar r(t) = < -1t^(2)+2, -3e^(5t), -5sin(-4t) > Find the unit tangent vector `bar T(t)` at the point `t=0` The Attempt at a Solution Attempt: r(t) = -1t^2 + 2, -3e^5t, -5sin(-4t) v(t) = -2t, -3e^5t, -5cos(-4t)*-4 T(t) = (-2t - 3e^(5t) -...
  2. R

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  3. S

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  4. W

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  5. D

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