Tensor analysis Definition and 77 Threads

In mathematics and physics, a tensor field assigns a tensor to each point of a mathematical space (typically a Euclidean space or manifold). Tensor fields are used in differential geometry, algebraic geometry, general relativity, in the analysis of stress and strain in materials, and in numerous applications in the physical sciences. As a tensor is a generalization of a scalar (a pure number representing a value, for example speed) and a vector (a pure number plus a direction, like velocity), a tensor field is a generalization of a scalar field or vector field that assigns, respectively, a scalar or vector to each point of space.
Many mathematical structures called "tensors" are tensor fields. For example, the Riemann curvature tensor is not a tensor, as the name implies, but a tensor field: It is named after Bernhard Riemann, and associates a tensor to each point of a Riemannian manifold, which is a topological space.

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  1. mnb96

    Question on generalized inner product in tensor analysis

    Hello, some time ago I read that if we know the metric tensor g_{ij} associated with a change of coordinates \phi, it is possible to calculate the (Euclidean?) inner product in a way that is invariant to the parametrization. Essentially the inner product was defined in terms of the metric...
  2. S

    MHB How many possibly unique entries are there in a symmetric tensor?

    Show that a symmetric tensor has n(n+1) \ 2 quantities. In a symmetric tensor we have that Aij = Aji which means that A12 = A21 A23 = A32 and so on. Thus these n quantites are similar. What do we do next?
  3. J

    Wishing to go on to Tensor Analysis

    Hello, I know all my algebra, trig, and I'm still fine tuning calculus and I've solved ODEs using the Laplace transform. Now, my question is... what else must I know to study Tensor calculus/Tensor Analysis? I really want to know so that I have a true understanding of relativity(the famous...
  4. F

    Partial differential problem in introductory tensor analysis

    So far I have only seen ∂/(∂y) as being interpreted as an operator being of no use unless it is applied to some vector etc. Now, however, my course literature asserts the following equality: y=∂/(∂y) What is the interpretation of the differentials in this case?
  5. V

    Calculate Det[A] Using Tensor Analysis

    εHomework Statement show that the determinant of a matrix A can be calculated as followings: det[A]= 1/6 (A_ii A_jj A_kk + 2 A_ij A_jk A_ki - 3 A_ij A_ji A_kk Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution use ε_pqr det[A]= ε_ijk A_ip A_jq A_kr ε_pqr...
  6. G

    Where can i find tensor analysis expained physically in simplest words?

    Tensor analysis is backbone of General theory of relativity... But it is a difficult mathematical concept. How can i know more about tensor analysis not in just a pure mathematical way?
  7. Fantini

    MHB What books should I read to fill my knowledge gap in tensor analysis?

    I had a badly taught Advanced Linear Algebra course and it covered tensor algebra, resulting in a knowledge gap. What books would you recommend, if any? Exterior algebra, exterior calculus, Clifford and Grassmann algebras included wouldn't be bad ideas as well.
  8. R

    What is the Best Tensor Analysis Text for Engineering Applications?

    Hello, Does anyone know of a REALLY good tensor analysis text. I am a chemical engineer who is working on a masters in EE and would like a text that covers fluids applications as well as rank 3 EE applications and even some rank 4 general relativity would be nice to see. It would also be...
  9. J

    Prerequisites for Tensor Analysis

    Hey there, I am a Physics major and currently in my freshmen year. I would love to study General Relativity in the senior year of college. One of the requirements of General Relativity is the knowledge of tensors. But, which math courses should I take? I read in some blogs that Group Theory...
  10. D

    Tensor Analysis: quadric, bases, MOI, bisectors

    Homework Statement 1) Let e, e' be two orthonormal bases(not necessarily the standard basis). Prove that the matrix S = [Id]e-e' (direct transformation from e to e') is orthogonal, i.e. SS^T = S^TS = [Id]_3. SS^T is S * S transpose. 2) The moment of inertia tensor of a right circular cylinder...
  11. M

    Tensor Analysis and Linear Algebra, what's the difference

    Hi, I think I have been having this question for some time now. What is the difference between tensor calculus and linear algebra? Both seem to make frequent use of matrices, but they seem to be different subject matter. Can anyone please enlighten me on this issue?
  12. S

    Which book is well suitable for the study of tensor analysis and group theory

    Please introduce me a good book for my self_study of tensor analysis and group theory. I am a sophermore preparing to self-study them!
  13. S

    What are some recommended books for understanding tensor analysis?

    Hi All , I am looking for a book on introduction to tensor analysis . I do not have much of a background in mathematics .. I have an undergraduate degree in engineering . My aim is to understand General Relativity ... I would also like to understand Quantum Mechanics ... It feels odd that there...
  14. U

    Introduction to Tensor Analysis: Texts for Beginners

    Can anyone reccomend a good introductory text on tensor analysis? My college has neither a GR nor a tensor analysis course but i'd still like to read a good introductory text to prepare for an independent research project.
  15. M

    Christoffel symbols and tensor analysis

    Hi all! I read about tensor analysis and came about following expressions, where also a questions arose which I cannot explain to me. Perhaps you could help me: I: Consider the following expressions: d\vec v=dc^k e^{(k)} d\vec v=dc^k e_{(k)} where: dc^k=dv^k+v^t\Gamma_{wt}^k dx^w...
  16. S

    Tensor Analysis: Solving Isotropic Second-Rank Tensors in 3-D Space

    Homework Statement I am having trouble solving this problem. From an analysis of the behavior of a general second-rank tensor under 90 degree and 180 degree rotations about the coordinate axes, show that an isotropic second-rank tensor in 3-D space must be a multiplier of delta ij...
  17. M

    Which book should I buy for Tensor Analysis?

    I'm just starting out with learning a bit of general relativity and have read the first 3 chapters of Schutz's 'A first course in General Relativity' (up to and including the Tensor analysis chapter). I have managed to do about 90% of the exercises but I don't really feel confident with it. I've...
  18. F

    Tensor Analysis: Best Books for Beginners to Experts

    Could anyone tell me what a good book is that describes Tensor Analysis from the basics to the advanced material? It would be truly helpful.
  19. Q

    Tensor Analysis Basics for Non-Experts

    Okay, second question - does anyone know of a good text that covers the basics of manipulating tensors without assuming a very extensive math background? I am reasonably good at linear algebra and taking a differential geometry class, but that's about the extent of my math background. I am in a...
  20. Z

    What Is the Best Order to Study Group Theory, Tensor Analysis, and QFT?

    I want to study 3 subjects on my own,the subjects are Group Theory, tensor analysis, and QFT. I know this might be a silly question, but regardless of what textbook material i have or how much I know, what is the best order to study these 3 subjects ? I feel I should leave QFT to the last...
  21. C

    The Lie Derivative: Physical Significance & Tensor Analysis

    what is the physical significance of the lie derivative? What is its purpose in tensor analysis?
  22. S

    Why Study Tensor Analysis? Benefits & History

    why tensor analysis ? Hi Im studying tensor analysis this course but i don't know why we study it ? is it helpfull ? what is the history 4 it ? what tensor mean ? :confused: :confused: :confused: i hope i can find answer !
  23. H

    Tensor analysis in curvilinear coordinates

    Im taking a course in contiuum mechanics and had some questions that I am sure are pretty basic but I'm not getting. We just started curvilinear coordinates and I was curious if someone could explain in a little simplier language of what the superscript and subscripts mean. Or if you...
  24. Q

    Tensor Analysis Books: Learn for Continuum Mechanics

    Does anyone know good books on tensor analysis, especially need to learn it to understand continuum mechanics. Thank you.
  25. M

    Exploring the Curvature of Space: Tensor Analysis & Beyond

    When Enstein developed tensor analysis because all the other math fell apart, there was another type of math that was developed to measure the curvature of space. What is it? How does it work?
  26. S

    Quick Introduction to Tensor Analysis

    Ruslan Sharipov has a nifty online textbook on this subject. It's written in interactive do-it-yourself style. Give it a glance, and see what you think.
  27. P

    Tensor Analysis - Request for opinion

    [SOLVED] Tensor Analysis - Request for opinion Seems that a few people refer to things like vectors and tensors as quantities which are invariant. For example Dr. Bertschinger (Cosmologist at MIT) has online notes at http://arcturus.mit.edu/8.962/notes/gr1.pdf "Introduction to Tensor...