Trains Definition and 88 Threads

Trains is a monthly magazine about trains and railroads aimed at railroad enthusiasts and railroad industry employees. The magazine primarily covers railroad happenings in the United States and Canada, but has some articles on railroading elsewhere.
It is among the 11 magazines published by Kalmbach Media, based in Waukesha, Wisconsin. Founded as Trains in 1940 by Al C. Kalmbach as publisher, together with Linn Westcott as editorial director through 1953, the magazine was named Trains and Travel from October 1951 to March 1954.Jim Wrinn, formerly of the Charlotte Observer, was named editor in 2004.

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  1. C

    India's High Speed Trains: Reason & Solutions

    well, if i recall correctly, i read that India can't have high speed trains as the rails can't withstand the pressure and are too twisting and turning. 1) are these the only reasons India can't have high speed trains? 2) i read somewhere UK had the same kind of rails but they solved the problem...
  2. U

    Motion of two trains physics problem

    Two trains heading straight for each other on the same track are 850m apart when their engineers see each other and hit the brakes, giving both trains a constant deceleration (a). The Express is heading west at a speed of 15.0 m/s, while the east bound Flyer is traveling at a speed of 25 m/s...
  3. M

    Two trains and straight line movement

    Homework Statement The train travels from place A to place B for one hour. Forty minutes after the departure, first train meets with second train, which departed from place B ten minutes after first train, and it’s traveling with an average speed of 40 km / h. Homework Equations What...
  4. L

    Trains approaching constant acceleraton problem

    Homework Statement Two trains face each other on adjacent tracks. They are initially at rest, and their front ends are 40m apart. The train on the left accelerates rightward at 1.12m/s2. The train on the right accelerates leftward at 1 m/s2. How far does the train on the left travel before...
  5. L

    Constant acceleration problem involving trains

    I'm having trouble with this problem mostly because I can't think of the logic behind it, so I don't know which of the basic formulae to use. Excuse my "noobieness" as I'm a first-year physics student. The question states, "Two trains face each other on adjacent tracks. They are initially at...
  6. M

    Intro Physics problem - 2 oncoming trains, help

    Hey I'm in high school and I need help with this seemingly easy problem. I have 3 constant acceleration equations but I don't know how to use them in conjunction with this problem. A train leaves from Chicago toward Atl going 20 m/s. At the same time another train leaves from Atl going to...
  7. A

    Relativity, trains, and running passenger

    Homework Statement A train of proper length L moves at speed v1 with respect to the ground. A passenger runs from the back of the train to the front at speed v2 with respect to the train. How much time does this take as viewed by some one on the ground? a) Find the relative speed of...
  8. L

    How far does the bird travel before the trains collide?

    I really thought I could have found this on the search function but hey, here goes! Homework Statement Two trains, each having a speed of 26 km/h, are headed at each other on the same straight track. A bird that can fly 60 km/h flies off the front of one train when they are 66 km apart and...
  9. L

    What is the Evil Kinevil Ramp and How Does it Connect France and the UK?

    Hey people, A little question. I know France has trains running from Paris to London England. I was wondering if anyone knew if that train uses some type of underground tunnel or if it uses a bridge and what the name of it is? I've tried looking for it but its a difficult subject to...
  10. M

    2 trains colliding, where am I wrong?

    Homework Statement 2 trains approach each other on same track with equal speed of 20 m/s. When they are 2km apart, they see each other and deaccelerate. If deaccelerations are uniform, how large the acc. would be to avoid collision. Homework Equations v^{2} - v_{0}^{2} = 2ax The...
  11. D

    Four trains coupling - find speed of resulting train

    Three identical train cars, coupled together, are rolling east at 4 m/s. A fourth car traveling east at 6 m/s catches up with the three and couples to make a four-car train. What is the speed of the four-car train? I have no idea what to do. Please Help...thanks in advance :)
  12. R

    Aerodynamic Effects of Moving Trains

    hi friends, can anyone gimme a link describing the aerodynamic effect of a moving train on its vicnity space. a study about how the air around it becomes when the train moves.
  13. G

    Two trains headed toward each other

    Homework Statement As two trains move along a track, their conductors suddenly notice that they are headed toward each other. Figure 2-27 gives their velocities v as functions of time t as the conductors slow the...
  14. N

    Two Trains: 200m & 150m, 40km/hr & 45km/hr

    [b]1. two trains 200 meteres and 150 meters are running on the parallel rails at this rate of 40 km/hr and 45 km/ how much time will they cross each other if they are running on the same direction Homework Equations [b]3. speed=distance/time train1 =200*40*5/18...
  15. D

    Modelling Einstein's Thought Experiments (Trains + Mirrors)

    OK, I have an assessment task to create a 3D model of SOME of Einstein's thought experiments involving trains and mirrors, and present it to the class. Therefore a minimum of 2 thought experiments. The task is unique (ie each student is required to model a different part of the course), and I'm...
  16. R

    YBCO & Maglev Trains: Superconductor Properties & Levitation

    I'm interested in the superconductors they use to levitate trains. One of the most talked about high-temp-superconductors seems to be Ytriuum Barium Copper Oxide. I know this has a critical temperature of around 90-93K. Does anyone know any of its mechanical properties, such as Young's Modulus...
  17. Mk

    Solving Subterranean Trains Problem

    Problem statement The first thing that I notice, is that T = 2\pi\sqrt{\frac{R ^3}{g}} looks suspiciously like T = 2\pi\sqrt{\frac{\ell}{g}} And g_x=G\frac{M}{R^3}x looks suspiciously like: F = G \frac{m_1 m_2}{r^2} F=m_1 a_1 a_1= \frac {F}{m_1} a_1 = G \frac{m_2}{r^2} And other than that...
  18. baywax

    Clean Trains in Japan & Wind Powered Cars

    I believe this has just been tested (again) yesterday (Sept 17th/07) From: The electric car just got a boost from the power generated by its own wind...! Article from JCNNetwork...
  19. Y

    Do the trains collide or stop before collision?

    For phys 170 we do assignments on a website from the textbook Homework Statement A red train traveling at 72 km/h and a green train traveling at 144 km/h are headed toward each other along a straight, level track. When they are 870 m apart, each engineer sees the other's...
  20. J

    Aerodynamic of shipping contatners on trains

    I am developing a new transportation system using Industrial Design methology and need to know aerodynamic smoth shipping contatners and capsules moving in ihe form of a train would be (as described in my blog). How does the number of units in the train effect its...
  21. Z

    Bird & Trains: Calculating Distance & Speed

    using instantaneous vs. velocity/speed Two trains, each having a speed of 34 km/h, are headed at each other on the same track. A bird that can fly 58 km/h flies off the front of one train when they are 102 km apart and heads directly for the other train. On reaching the other train it flies...
  22. E

    Electric Trains and The Third Rail

    So we're always told not to touch the third rail, as it's at a very high potential. Makes sense. But how does return current work in such a system? Let's say there is some load (the motor - we'll simplify and assume DC). One terminal of the motor is connected to the third rail, what's the...
  23. P

    Doppler's effect for two trains

    A train on one track moves in the same direction as a second train on the adjacent track. The first train, which is ahead of the second train and moves with a speed of 28 m/s, blows a horn whose frequency is 125 Hz. If the frequency heard on the second train is 132 Hz, what is its speed? so...
  24. H

    Determine the probability the trains meet at the station

    Train X and Y arrive at a station at random between 8 am to 8.20 am trains stop 4 min assuming that the trains arrive independently. 1. Determine the probability the train X. 2. Determine the probability the train meet at the station. 3. Assuming that the trains meet; Determine the...
  25. ZapperZ

    VOTE - Planes, Trains, and Automobiles.

    Another terrific set of pictures by everyone involved. Well done! This will be another tough contest to vote on. 1. GeoMike 2. larkspur 3. Janus...
  26. M

    Kinematics - Trains crossing eachother

    ok so, i have a problem.. it says: two trains have the eame length L=150m, are traveling in a parallel itinerary. the first is going with 60 km/s, the second 90km/s. 1) the trains are going in the oppsite way. how much time is it going to take them to cross each other? 2) same question...
  27. mbrmbrg

    Bird flying b/w colliding trains

    I'm sure there's already a thread about how else to solve the famous problem re: the distance covered by a bird flying between two trains on a collision course (other than adding up the sums, of course), but I can't find it. Can anyone give me a quick link? Thanks!
  28. C

    Transformers in electric trains?

    I have an exam on monday and looking through the past papers I came across a question I couldn't find a suitable answer to: List the economical advantages of using a transformer in a train rather than run the overhead lines at 400V? any help would be very much appreciated... Phil N
  29. H

    Need a little bit of help on trains and buses

    It may be that I'll leave New York alone and travel far far to other states. However I've never done such a thing. I mean, I always travel with my parents, and never by train or bus (except within NYC). So, do you know any websites out there, that let me play a tiny bit, and find the cheapest...
  30. S

    Calculating Braking Distance for Trains: 72 km/h and 133 km/h Speeds

    I guess my brain is fried, I can't figure out what formula to use for this problem: Two trains, one traveling at 72 km/h and the other at 133 km/h, are headed toward one another along a straight, level track. When they are 860 m apart, each engineer sees the other's train and applies the...
  31. R

    Train and Bird Collision: Calculating Trips and Distance

    Two trains, each having a speed of 34 km/h, are headed at each other on the same track. A bird that can fly 58 km/h flies off the front of one train when they are 102 km apart and heads directly for the other train. On reaching the other train it flies directly back to the first train, and so...
  32. O

    The physics behind tilting trains - my oral physics exam

    Hi folks! I'm having my oral exam in physics here in Norway this tuesday. The theme for my exam is "tilting trains". Here is the translated assignement: What is a tilting train, and how does the physics behind the tilting work? Why is traveling with tilting trains more comfortable...
  33. S

    Closest approach of two trains on perpendicular tracks

    Kinda confused on this one becuase of the time difference involved A train leaves a station going south at 60 km/hr at 10:00. Another train heading due west reaches this station at 11:00. The latter train was traveling at 45km/hr. At what time are they the closest? To start with the 45...
  34. T

    Two Trains: 500 km Apart in 2.549 Hours

    I am trying to help a friend through this problem train problem - 2 trains going oposite direction leaving from same station - train A going 120 km/hr (velocity) - train B going 20 km / hr / hr (acceler) Time when are they 500 km apar What i did was Trying to solve 500=...
  35. S

    Two trains leave a station, and an observer misses them both what does he see

    Using Speical relativity, of course If two trains leave a station on the same track. An observer missed both these trains and is standing close to the track sees the westbound train recede at 0.6c and sees the eastbound train recede at 0.8c. There is a ticket collector on the westbound train...
  36. H

    Bird Travels Distance Between Trains

    Plz help me w/ this problem...thanks Two trains, each hav ing a speed of 30 km/h, are headed at each other on the same straight track. A bird that can fly 60km/h flies off the front of one train when they r 60km apart and heads directly for the other train. On reaching the other train it...
  37. Monique

    Commuter trains should have sleeping cabinets

    Why don't commuters trains have sleeping cabinets.. I could really use them :frown: ofcourse I would wake up somewhere in white russia.. but at least I'd get my sleep
  38. M

    A two trains problem (distance and speed)

    Hello, this is the problem: Two trains, each having a speed of 30 km/hr, are headed at each other on the same straight track. A bird that can fly 60 km/hr flies off the front of one train when they are 60 km apart and heads directly back for the other train. On reaching the other train it...