Anyone knows if this transform ever been used in QT directly?
I just had seen it in one advanced course in complex analysis which I failed and in singals analysis courses in EE.
But in all the books and courses in QT never I had seen this transform being used.
Perhaps in Quantum Control...
I'm not sure if I have Fourier transformed the expression correctly
For the Fourier transformation, I used the following formula ##\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} f(t) e^{i \omega t}dt##
$$\frac{4 \pi d_0^2}{\hbar}\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \sin(\omega_0(t-t')) e^{i \omega t}dt$$
$$\frac{4 \pi...
This is my attempt at a solution. I have used Eulers formula to rewrite the sine function and then used the Fourier transform of complex exponentials. My solution is not correct and I don't understand if I have approached this problem correctly. Please help.
$$ \mathcal{F}\{\sin (4t-4) \} =...
For part (b),
I have tried finding the Laplace transform of via the convolution property of Laplace transform.
My working is,
##L[\cos^2 (2t)] = L[\cos 2t] * L[\cos 2t]##
##L[\cos^2 (2t)] = \frac{s}{s^2 + 4} * \frac{s}{s^2 + 4}##
##\int_0^t \frac{s^2}{(s^2 + 4)^2} dt = \frac{ts^2}{(s^2 +...
OBS: Ignore factors of ## (2 \pi) ##, interpret any differential ##dx,dp## as ##d^4x,d^4p##, ##\int = \int \int = \int ... \int##. I am using ##x,y,z## instead of ##x_i##.
Honestly, i am a little confused how to show this "triangle-star duality". Look, the propagators in positions space gives...
This is technically a Fourier transform of a quantum function, but the problem I'm having is solely mathematical.
Conducting this integral is relatively straightforward. We can pull the square roots out since they are constants, rewrite the bounds of the integral to be from ##-a## to ##a##...
Hey all,
I just wanted to double check my logic behind getting the Fourier Transform of the following Hamiltonian:
$$H(x) = \frac{ie\hbar}{mc}A(x)\cdot\nabla_{x}$$
where $$A(x) = \sqrt{\frac{2\pi\hbar c^2}{\omega L^3}}\left(a_{p}\epsilon_{p} e^{i(p\cdot x)} + a_{p}^{\dagger}\epsilon_{p}...
Let's say we have some observer in some curved spacetime, and we have another observer moving relative to them with some velocity ##v## that is a significant fraction of ##c##. How would coordinates in this curved spacetime change between the two reference frames?
For example, imagine a...
Trying to model friction of a linear motor in the process of creating a state space model of my system. I've found it easy to model friction solely as viscous friction in the form b * x_dot, where b is the coefficient of viscous friction (N/m/s) and x_dot represents the motor linear velocity...
I was wondering if the following is true and if not, why?
\hat{f}_1(\vec{k}) \hat{f}_2(\vec{k}) &= \hat{f}_1(\vec{k}) \int_{\mathbb{R}^n} f_2(\vec{x}) e^{-2 \pi i \vec{k} \cdot \vec{x}} d\vec{x}
&= \int_{\mathbb{R}^n} \hat{f}_1(\vec{k}) f_2(\vec{x})...
##\tilde{f}(\omega)=\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}e^{a|t|}\cos(bt)e^{-i\omega t} \mathrm{d}t##
We can get rid of the absolute value by splitting the integral up
##\int_{-\infty}^{0}e^{at}\cos(bt)e^{-i\omega t} \mathrm{d}t+ \int_{0}^{\infty}e^{-at}\cos(bt)e^{-i\omega t} \mathrm{d}t##
From my limited understanding the Galilean transform has 2 frames but 4 four perspectives. For example x is the stationary frame when using
## ∆x = ∆x′ + v ∆t ## and x' is moving. When using ## ∆x' = ∆x - v ∆t ## and x' is stationary and x is moving.
Now lets use the example of ## ∆x = ∆x′ + v...
I am unsure if ##h(x,t)## really is a wave packet, but it looks like one, hence the title. Anyway, so I'd like to determine ##\hat{h}(k,t=0)##. My attempt so far is recognizing that, without the real part in the integral, i.e.
##g(x,t)=\frac{1}{2\pi}\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} a(k)e^{i(kx-\omega...
I have a 2x2 hermitian matrix like:
A = \begin{bmatrix}
a && b \\
-b && -a
(b is imaginary to ensure that it is hermitian). I would like to find an orthogonal transformation M that makes A skew-symmetric:
\hat A = \begin{bmatrix}
0 && c \\
-c && 0
Could someone check whether my proof for this simple theorem is correct? I get to the result, but with the feeling of having done something very wrong :)
$$\mathcal{L} \{f(ct)\}=\int_{0}^{\infty}e^{-st}f(ct)dt \ \rightarrow ct=u, \ dt=\frac{1}{c}du, \
The 2D Fourier transform is given by: \hat{f}(k,l)=\int_{\mathbb{R}^{2}}f(x,y)e^{-ikx-ily}dxdy
In terms of polar co-ordinates: \hat{f}(\rho,\phi)=\int_{0}^{\infty}\int_{-\pi}^{\pi}rf(r,\theta)e^{-ir\rho\cos(\theta-\phi)}drd\theta
For Fourier transforms in cartesian co-ordinates, relating the...
I am unsure about what is being asked for in the question. At first I thought the question asks one to calculate the inverse Fourier transform and then to analyze its depends on ##t##, however, the "estimate" makes me think otherwise.
I was studying a Michelson interferometer for infrared absorption in Fourier transform and I've found these two images (taken from ) representing an infrared monochromatic beam of light going into the interferometer and the...
You see in the literature that the vector potentials in a gauge covariant derivative transform like:
A_\mu \rightarrow T A_\mu T^{-1} + i(\partial_\mu T) T^{-1}
Where T is not necessarily unitary. (In the case that it is ##T^{-1} = T^\dagger##)
My question is then if T is not unitary, how is...
Hello! I am reading about Fourier Transform MW spectroscopy in a FB cavity, which seems to be quite an old technique and I want to make sure I got it right.
As far as I understand, this is very similar to normal NRM, i.e. one applies a MW ##\pi/2## pulse which puts the molecules in a linear...
I was told that PI controller is a causal filter, and has frequency response represented by H(w) = Ki/(iw)+ Kp.
I was also told that causal filter should satisfy this relationship H(w) = G(w) -i G_hat(w) where G_hat(w) is the Hilbert transform of G(w).
Does this mean that we cannot freely...
What is the Fourier transform of a beat? For example, I want to calculate the Fourier transform of the function ##f(t)=\cos((\omega_p+\omega_v) t)+\cos((\omega_p-\omega_v)t),## where ##$\omega_p+\omega_v=\Omega,\space\omega_p-\omega_v=\omega## and ##\Omega\simeq\omega.##
I think it is equal to...
First of all, I checked several other threads mentioning duality, but could not find a satisfying answer, and I don't want to revive years old posts on the subject; if this is bad practice, please notify me (my apologies if that is the case).
For the past few days, I have had a lot of...
Doing the Fourier transform for the function above I'm getting a result, but since I can't get the function f(t) with the inverse Fourier transform, I'm wondering where I made a mistake.
##F(w) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2 \pi}} \int_{0}^{\infty} te^{-t(a + iw)} dt##
By integrating by part, where G = -a...
I have a quick question about the Galilean transform. If I have Alice running and Bob stationary. The Galilean transform will tell me the position of Alice from Bob's stationary position. Also if I have Alice's position which is moving it will tell me Bob's stationary position.
If I want Bob...
I found Laplace transform of this Dirac delta function which is ##F(s) = e^{-st}## since ##\int_{\infty}^{-\infty} f(t) \delta (t-a) dt = f(a)##
and that ##\delta(x) = 0## if ##x \neq 0##
Then the Mellin transform
##f(t) = \frac{1}{2 \pi i} \int_{\gamma - i \omega}^{\gamma +i \omega}...
Hi everyone!
I need to inverse an label transform with sklearn. I found this example on web:
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder
y = np.random.randint(0, 2, (10, 7))
y = y[np.where(y.sum(axis=1) != 0)[0]]
array([[1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1],
[1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0...
Hello, would anyone be willing to provide help to the following problem? I can find the Fourier Transform of the complex envelope of s(t) and the I/Q can be found by taking the Real and imaginary parts of that complex envelope, but how can I approach the actual question of finding the carrier...
Lets consider very simple equation ##x''(t)=0## for ##x(0)=0##, ##x'(0)=0##. By employing Laplace transform I will get
s^2X(s)=0 where ##X(s)## is Laplace transform of ##x(t)##. Why then this is equivalent to
why we do not consider ##s=0##?
From that I am getting
f(t)=\frac{1}{4}e^{2(t-5)}-\frac{1}{4}e^{-2(t-5)}. And this is not correct. Result should be
Hello everybody!
I have a question concerning the Fourier transformation: So far I have experimentially measured the magnetic field of a quadrupole but as the hall effect sensor had a fixed orientation I did two series, one for the x, one for y component of the magnetic field, I have 50 values...
I Normally can solve these but when Vo is embeded into the circuit, is throwing me for a loop (no pun is intended). My question is, if I apply Kirchoff's voltage law: VR+VC+VL-Vi=0, I'm not quite sure how this would be set up when Vo is between R1R2 & C1C2?
I believe this ia 4 Loop circuit:
I1 =...
Probability distribution - uniform on unit circle. In polar coordinates ##dg(r,a)=\frac{1}{2\pi}\delta(r-1)rdrda##. This transforms in ##df(x,y)=\frac{1}{2\pi}\delta(\sqrt{x^2+y^2}-1)dxdy##. The problem I ran into was the second integral was 1/2 instead of 1.
I have tried to Fourier transform in ##x## and get the result in the transformed coordinates, please check my result:
\tilde{u}(k, y) = \frac{1-e^{-ik}}{ik}e^{-ky}
However, I'm having some problems with the inverse transform:
Homework Statement:: .
Relevant Equations:: .
I am having a hard time thinking about Fourier transform, because there are so many conventions that i think i got more confused each time i think about it.
See an example, "Find the Fourier transform of $$V(t) = Ve^{iwt} \text{ if } nT \leq t...
Hello again. Having some issues on Fourier transform. Can someone please tell me how to proceed? Need to solve this then use some software to check my answer but how to solve for a and b. Plzz help
I am trying to understand the relationship between Fourier conjugates in the spherical basis. Thus for two functions ##f(\vec{x}_3)## and ##\hat{f}(\vec{k}_3)##, where
\hat{f}(\vec{k}_3) &= \int_{\mathbb{R}^3} e^{-2 \pi i \vec{k}_3 \cdot \vec{x}_3} f(\vec{x}_3...
The Laplace transform gives information about the exponential components in a function, as well as oscillatory components. To do so there is a need for the complex plane (complex exponentials).
I get why the MGF of a distribution is very useful (moment extraction and classification of the...
I want to know the frequency domain spectrum of an exponential which is modulated with a sine function that is changing with time.
The time-domain form is,
s(t) = e^{j \frac{4\pi}{\lambda} \mu \frac{\sin(\Omega t)}{\Omega}}
Here, \mu , \Omega and \lambda are constants.
A quick...
Attempt: This is where I am having difficulties understanding and getting a start at a solution. I get a lot of definitions and yet no worked examples. The plot will be constant piece-wise functions, as I understand, but I am having trouble visualizing. Any guidance is much appreciated.
So, I know the direct definition of the Laplace Transform:
$$ \mathcal{L}\{f(t) \} = \int_0^\infty e^{-st}f(t)dt$$
So when I plug in:
I get a divergent integral.
is supposed to be the...
I just want to make sure I am on the right track here (hence have not given the other information in the question). In taking the Fourier transform of the PDE above, I get:
F{uxx} = iω^2*F{u},
F{uxt} = d/dt F{ux} = iω d/dt F{u}
F{utt} = d^2/dt^2 F{u}
Together the transformed PDE gives a second...
My attempt at finding this was via convolution theorem, where we take F(s) = 1/s^2 and G(s) = e^(-sx^2/2). Then to use convolution we need to find the inverses of those transforms. From a table of Laplace transforms we know that f(t) = t. But I am sort of struggling with e^(-sx^2/2). My 'guess'...