Transition matrix Definition and 64 Threads

In control theory, the state-transition matrix is a matrix whose product with the state vector


{\displaystyle x}
at an initial time



{\displaystyle t_{0}}


{\displaystyle x}
at a later time


{\displaystyle t}
. The state-transition matrix can be used to obtain the general solution of linear dynamical systems.

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  1. E

    Steady state transition matrix

    Ok, I'm lost. I've an exam coming up so could so with a speedy reply. This whole transition matrix stuff is not explained at all in our lecture notes. Here's an example question: "Suppose that a country has a fixed number of voters, all of whom vote for either party D or party R. Every...
  2. K

    Find Matrix of Linear Transformation T w/ Respect to Basis B

    I came across this problem in one of my linear algebra books. A linear transformation T:R^3 ->R^3 has matrix 2 3 0 -1 1 2 2 0 1 with respect to the standard basis for R^3. Find the matrix of T with respect to the basis B={(1,2,1),(0,1,-1),(2,3,2)} The answer given is...
  3. R

    [markov chain] reading expected value from the transition matrix

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  4. H

    Transition Matrix for a betting game

    Suppose that a casino introduces a game in which a player bets $1 and can either win $2 or lose it, both with equal chances. The game ends when the player runs out of money, or when he wins $4. (a) Build a transition matrix for the game, and show that it is not a regular transition matrix...
  5. H

    What is a Regular Transition Matrix

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  6. N

    Exponential of (Markov Chain) Transition matrix

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  7. J

    Analyzing the Surfing Process: Transition Matrix and Singularity

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  8. S

    Help with determining the transition matrix for a markov chain

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  9. Q

    Help finding a transition matrix between the Jordan form and a general form

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  10. M

    Finding the Transition Matrix and [x]C for B and C Vectors

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  11. L

    Solving Transition Matrix: Find Coefficients of B to B

    Im trying to figure out how to do this question. This is an example in the book i have. I am not sure how they got the answer. Here is the example from the book: Find the Transition Matrix P from the basis B={t+1, 2t, t-1} to B'={4t^{2}-6t, 2t^{2}-2, 4t} for the space R[t]. A little...
  12. L

    Tricky Integral, H-Atom Dipole Transition Matrix Elements

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  13. O

    What Is the Long-Term Vector Response for Markov Transition Matrix?

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  14. H

    Probability of coin and markov transition matrix

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