Trebuchet Definition and 58 Threads

A trebuchet (French: trébuchet) is a type of catapult that uses a long arm to throw a projectile. It was a common powerful siege engine until the advent of gunpowder.
There are two main types of trebuchets. The first is the traction trebuchet, or mangonel, which uses manpower to swing the arm. It first appeared in China in the 4th century BC. Carried westward by the Avars, the technology was adopted by the Byzantines in the late 6th century AD and by their neighbors in the following centuries.
The later, and often larger and more powerful, counterweight trebuchet, also known as the counterpoise trebuchet, uses a counterweight to swing the arm. It appeared in both Christian and Muslim lands around the Mediterranean in the 12th century, and was carried back to China by the Mongols in the 13th century.

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  1. A

    Build a Steel Trebuchet to Throw 20-30lbs 300ft+

    I am building a Trebuchet That is made out of steel and is about 8 feet tall, with a 1000 pound weight. here is what i need to know. I want it to throw a 20 to 30 pound object 300 ft or more. What Does the length of the arm with the weight and the length of the trowing arm have to be. To...
  2. W

    How can I use math to calculate the distance of a trebuchet-launched projectile?

    I was just woundering how to find the distance of a projectile, when thrown by a trebuchet, mathematicly?
  3. S

    Trebuchet Circular Motion -> o.0

    I make trebuchet for my physics project and i need to calculate the distance it fires and compare it to my acctual firing. I know how to use the non vertical equations for circular motion but i don't know which equation to use for this. I can calculate the projectile motion after i have...
  4. N

    Optimize Trebuchet: Advice on Equations for Rope

    Can anyone give me advise on how i would optimize a trebuchet? I think i can figure out most of it except what equations should i use for the rope attached to the projectile.
  5. Integral

    Trebuchet | Brain Teaser | I Scored 2405

    I guess this qualifies as a brain teaser. I scored 2405 on my first try.
  6. C

    Measuring Accuracy of a Trebuchet Project

    For a physichs project I had to build a trebuchet. I measured how for it shot, and how long it took. After some calculations I got: Vi in the X= 6.258 VI in the y= 6.64 Accel in X= 0 Accel in Y= -9.8 Distance in the X= 4.8 Distance in the Y= 2.25 Time in the X= 1.36 Time In the Y= .68...
  7. I

    Building a waterballoon launching Trebuchet

    OK as you can tell I am 12 but fairly smart (wink,wink) This summer me and my friends plan to have a huge neighborhood water gun fight and I plan on building a waterballoon launching Trebuchet about 3 or 4 feet heigh. I need some help with the materials I should use and the weight of the well...
  8. E

    How to build a scale model of a trebuchet?

    Anyone have some ideas about how to build a scale model of a trebuchet?