two dimensional Definition and 1 Threads

A two-dimensional space is a mathematical space with two dimensions, meaning points have two degrees of freedom: their locations can be locally described with two coordinates or they can move in two independent directions. Common two-dimensional spaces are often called planes, or, more generally, surfaces. These include analogs to physical spaces, like flat planes, and curved surfaces like spheres, cylinders, and cones, which can be infinite or finite. Some two-dimensional mathematical spaces are not used to represent physical positions, like an affine plane or complex plane.

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  1. damarkk

    Quantum Harmonic Oscillator, what is #E_0#?

    Hello to everyone. I'm sorry for the foolish question. The text is My attempt. = There are one fundamental state ## |0_x 0_y \rangle## with energy ##E_0=E_{0x}+E_{0y}=\frac{\hbar \omega}{2}+\frac{\hbar \omega}{2}=\hbar \omega ##. The first level has ##E_1 = 2\hbar \omega## and degeneration...