A few publications - as they provide the basis for any discussion. The publications present an approach to derive both the standard model and general relativity from the same fundamental principle. In particular they show that the standard model of particle physics is unique and simple...
I will try to word this in a way that does not violate forum rules.
As I look at the struggles of string theory and loop quantum gravity and the struggles of trying to unify quantum mechanics and general realtivity in general such as the need for a framework for quantum physics which does not...
do these proposals violate the Coleman-Mandula theorem since they combine space-time and internal symmetries via SU(2)r and SU(2)l
how plausible are these proposals as actual physical theories that unify gravity with SU(2) weak force?
Graviweak Unification
F. Nesti, R. Percacci...
I'm a graduate theoretical physics student at the (almost) end of his master's degree with a fairly varied curriculum, as I attended both QFT (and sub-courses on qed qcd etc) and GR courses. However in my latest intro to quantum gravity classes I familiarised with tetrads and, after a lot of...
In this video, Freeman Dyson shows a peculiar opinion when the subject comes about the unification of GR and Quantum physics. In fact, while the most currently opinion is to support or String theory, or QLG, Dyson claims that maybe nature has two different aspect of itself. With this he means...
It came to my attention yesterday this, from my ignorant point of view, amazing paper that describes what it looks as another Theory of Everything: https://arxiv.org/abs/2110.02062
If I didnt understand incorrectly, from first principles / a pre quantum theory (Trace Dynamics, 8D octonionic...
From what I know Newton's 2nd law in classical mechanics can be derived from the principle of least action. Also from what I know, two of the Maxwell's equations (those that contain the time derivatives, i.e. Maxwell-Faraday law and Maxwell-Ampere law) also can be derived from the principle of...
Hello all!
Here is a brief description of myself.
In 2015, I completed my Ph.D. in theoretical physics at NYU and subsequently spent two years as a postdoc researcher at YU. My research was on many-body quantum systems out of equilibrium, a subject that permeates multiple fields, including...
Dr James Farnes of Oxford's e-Research Centre recently proposed a new model which unifies dark energy and dark matter into a single phenomenon - a fluid which possesses "negative mass".
The paper...
new scientist latest issue covers this paper
SU(5) Unification without Proton Decay
Bartosz Fornal, Benjamin Grinstein
(Submitted on 26 Jun 2017 (v1), last revised 13 Nov 2017 (this version, v2))
We construct a four-dimensional SU(5) grand unified theory in which the proton is stable. The...
Maxwell's equations reveal an interdependency between electric and magnetic fields, inasmuch as a time varying magnetic field generates a rotating electric field and vice versa. Furthermore, the equations predict that even in the absence of any sources one can have self propagating electric and...
Is the possibility of unification of gravitation with the other three fundamental forces compatible with the idea of an 'eternally existing self-replicating inflationary universe' as proposed by Linde? In other words, for unification of the four fundamental forces, is it necessary for the...
I have been reading that until the universe was one Planck time old (10-43 seconds) all the forces were unified into one. Do we know why would they be unified? Is it very large temperatures and pressures? Could we replicate it in the labs one day? Today Electric and Magnetic force are unified...
Hi there,
My question about grand unification based on SU(5) symmetry group ..
I read in some papers, like that
The Higgs scalars grand representation are only 5, 24, 45, and 15, while the fermions grand representations are only 5, 10 , and 24..
I wonder...
<<Mentor note: Split from https://www.physicsforums.com/threads/can-we-calculate-the-coupling-constants.855036/ >>
is it possible there is no GUT and no unification of the 3 forces?
In decoherence, regarding the problem of outcomes or how improper mixture becomes proper.. is there any unification program (any papers, etc.) that can shed light on it or will the two remain forever not connected?
1.- Electroweak interaction broke its symmetry about 1ps after the Big Bang and two different types of interactions appeared: weak interactions and electrodynamics.
2.- The LHC at Geneva is routinely conducting experiments above the energy threshold of electroweak unification. Could these...
I was wondering if anyone here is familiar with Jim Beichler's Single(operational)Field Theory (SoFT)? In particular, I wanted to know if anyone could refute his work.. <crackpot link deleted>
. More than anything, I would just like some opinions of it, as I don't have anyone to discuss such...
Hello all,
I'm curious about Electro Weak relationship.
I differentiate between mechanism and mathematics, with the equilibrium falling heavily to the left.
Good with the former, weaker with the latter.
Anybody aware of relevant philosophy/findings?
Thanks much.
Hey there - just a simple question. I've heard of the electroweak and grand unification energies, but was wondering if there was such thing as an electromagnetic unification energy. If such a thing exists, do we know what that energy is?
Do we have any alternative routes to explore besides constructing a particle accelerator that reaches energies on the scale of ~1016 GeV to observe the unification of the electroweak and strong forces? And if not, does that mean we're left with nothing but speculation and mathematics?
It is frequently stated in the literature that the first attempt to unify gravitation and electromagnetism through a theory in higher dimensions was attempted by Kaluza and Klein. Yet, today I have realized that this is not true. The first such attempt was done by Nordstrom in 1914...
I mean I don't see any theory actually derives gravitational interaction from actual fields of particles. I only see some manipulation of GR to make it look like a quantum field theory. So are these theories looked upon as one more step to actual unification or are they the FINAL unification...
Why is it that the farther we go back in time where there was a higher and higher average temperature, the 4 fundamental forces begin to unify one by one? What is it about "heating up spacetime" that causes the forces to unify? And by unify, do we mean that they become indistinguishable from...
So why the hot pursuit of QG while GUT unification does not look even attainable. None(AFAIK) of the QG theories seem to address this question (GUT), or am I wrong.
The title of the 7 May talk was just posted today.
ILQGS Spring 2013 Schedule
DATE Seminar Title Speaker Institution
Jan 29 Entanglement in loop quantum gravity Eugenio Bianchi Perimeter Institute
Feb 12...
just came to my mind to ask: Is gravitation really a fundamental force? As far as I recall from my GR lecture, gravitation is a property of space-time. Other forces seem to be well described by the grand unified theories (GUT).
So why is there still a need to include gravitation?
Why physicists are trying to unify gravitation with other 3 forces (weak, strong, e&m)?
What if gravitation is actually not a force but a consequence of the mass's disturbance in space-time geometry? (like Einstein proposed)
I don't understand their persistence on this unification. Maybe...
Could someone give me a short summary(if possible) of how discovering matter is made of vibrating energy will give explanation to all four fundamental forces?
I'm given to understand that the internal symmetries of particle physics, U(1)SU(2)SU(3), does not depend on the dimensionality or curvature of the background spacetime. If the present particle symmetry is internal, than how can there be a unification of the forces that make the forces...
In GR gravity is seen as a property of space-time , curvature. Now we know that sometime after the plank's time we had the universe dominated by radiation ( recombination) as such the rate of inflation was in the range of ~ 10^30 m/s , which as you can see is considerably larger than the VOL (...
Ok so I'm a bit confused. We have a confirmed electroweak theory - electromagnetism and the weak nuclear force were unified through the gauge principle and the fact that they merge into one force at high enough energies.
Merging the strong nuclear force with electroweak would give us a Grand...
In a popular book on quantum gravity "Physics meets Philo on the Planck Scale", it is mentioned there are 4 roads to quantum gravity:
"1. quantising General Relativity
2. quantising a different classical theory, while still having general relativity emerge as a low- energy (large-distance)...
Hi there - I'm looking for a reference on the issue of whether the three fundamental couplings unify. The most recent reference I have is from 1993, at which time it looked like the odds were against unification, but does anyone know a more recent reference? Thanks!
Hypothetical question: If physics is ever unified, what journal would you expect the paper to first be published in?
Or in other words how do you think the world will first learn of it?
Rhody raised this question. Garrett tweeted that he had talked with 't Hooft about unification and that 't Hooft likes SO(14).
So what's up with that?
I was interested enough to look around and did not find much (tell me what I missed...
Hi everybody,
I have been looking over a number of papers by Alexey Kryukov and I have some questions. I have been in some brief correspondence with him about some of my questions but I wanted to ask the forums.
Consider this paper...
Gravitational and electroweak interactions can be unified in analogy with the unification in the Weinberg-Salam theory. The Yang-Mills framework is generalized to include space-time translational group T(4), whose generators $T_{\mu}(=\p/\p x^{\mu})$...
Does anybody else besides Fra believe that quantum mechanics' Measurement Problem, Quantum Gravity, and Unification Program of all Forces are somehow related? Why and why not (pls. state or elaborate why you think or don't think so)?
After reading more about Loop Quantum Gravity. I realized they tried to solve quantum gravity by literally sweeping Planck scale under the rug. That is. The smallest volume and area of the spin networks in LQG is Planck size. In String Theory, they make the string Planck size too. They are just...
So physics is about measurements and following models that can explain stuff even if they don't correlate with reality? For example. General Relativity is believed even if space doesn't really curve. Only spacetime curves but not space. Since space is empty and doesn't have structure. It is not...
I'm trying to see how well I understand the issue of GUT mass unification, since I have trouble finding references that collect mass-unification predictions.
The first problem is renormalizing from accelerator-accessible energies to GUT energies. That's sensitive to the particle spectrum in...
This question is sparked by the research on lepton masses by Brannen, Kea, de Vries, Dave and others, but it is independent of it.
Point is, what unification models do a explicit unification of colour and flavour?
Particularly I have notes about considering SU(3) \subset SO(7), where this...
Can LSS unification (gravity, gauge, Higgs) be quantized à la "new LQG"?
This came out in April. We had it on our second quarter MIP ("most important paper") poll.
So far, this is a classical treatment. And it uses a spacetime manifold...