Unit cell Definition and 53 Threads

  1. K

    Calculating Phonon Gas Density of States and Unit Cell Shape

    Let's suppose we have a Phonon gas in 1-D then: - density of states g(k)=A/ \frac{ d\omega (k)}{dk} (i don't remember the value of constant A sorry.. :-p :-p ) - The Schroedinguer equation (NO interaction) would be: H_TOTAL =\Sum_{i}\frac{P^{2} _{i}}{2M}+ \sum_{i}B\omega ^{2}(k)...
  2. F

    Atomic Packing Factor of Simple Hexagonal Unit Cell

    How would I go about finding the APF for a simple hexagonal unit cell. Which is a rectangle. I know one length is a0(HCP) but I cannot figure out the other side of the rectangle. Also, wouldn't the height be the c?