Homework Statement
I have the following task:
In quantum free scalar field theory find commutators of creation and anihilation operators with total four-momentum operator, starting with commutators for fields and canonical momenta. Show that vacuum energy is zero.
Homework Equations...
Dark energy = Vacuum energy?
I am working on giving a presentation on dark energy and its possible relation to vacuum energy (i.e. one and the same). I have complied information from a couple of books, as well as websites (Scientific American, NASA, Astrophysical Journal). As i understand...
I am examining various models of eternal inflation and I want to double check one of my assumptions, which is that space always expands when the space has vacuum energy and zero mass. Is this correct? Will space always expand when the space has vacuum energy and zero mass? Thank you.
Let us assume that harmonic oscilator has the lowest energy level equals 0, (and next one \hbar \omega and so on). Does this harmonic oscilator violates the principle of uncertainty?
Let us assume that energy of vacuum equals 0 and not \hbar \omega/2. Does such vacuum violates the principle...
Hi all,
I have a bit of a variation of a question I asked some time ago.
Webb et al. continue to publish results which suggest that the fine structure constant may vary over space and time. I realize the results are controversial - what I'm wondering:
If the fine structure constant...
I have just a very general question regarding the idea of vacuum energy. It seems that it exists it would have to occur such that it would be the same in every reference frame to satisfy the principle of relativity, yes? Would that suggest it would be part of a stress-energy tensor which is...
Could we harness energy from Earth movement relative to physical vacuum?
Earth is moving around Sun with speed of 30 km/sec.
Also there exist force of Casimir and similar effects.
If we have some body (for example a ball) which is moving in some media
(for example water) then to harness...
I'm doing a thermodynamics project on possible future energy sources. I've decided to try and find out if you can extract heat from vacuum energy. My initial hypothesis was that by placing to plates close together creates a magnetic attraction due to the casimir effect, which would create heat...
Hi guys!
I searchead a lot for this but i couldn't find in anywhere: what calculation is made to esimate the vacuum energy of a scalar field??
I red that it starts considering the Hamiltonian in the form
\hat H=\frac{1}{2}\int d^{n-1}k[\hat n_k+\frac{1}{2}\delta^{n-1}(0)]\omega
Wikipedia says:
second paragraph here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_energy
Vaccum energy (density) can vary over time and space?
Is that accurate? I've read the cosmological constant can vary, but not vacuum energy.
So apparently vacuum energy is created and destroyed within Planck time by matter, antimatter annihilation. If someone could theoretically stop or slow down time, would it be possible to tap into vacuum energy? Since annihilation creates gamma rays, I suppose vacuum energy would face the same...
When Einstein proposed the cosmological constant, it was regarded as an arbitrary constant having no connection with flat-spacetime physics (e.g. QFT to be invented later). IMHO the effective cosmological constant, in principle, should be the sum of QFT vacuum energy and Einstein's arbitrary...
Is the vacuum energy density, in case it exists which is the mainstream view, supposed to be continuously varying (decreasing) as the universe volume expands or is it really a constant (wich would be rather odd judging by what density and volume usually mean in physics)?
I understand the basics of the double slit experiment.
I'm trying to imagine what would happen if one slit could operate at a 180 degree phase shift, or nearly that. The obvious answer is not much except between the slits, and even less if the distance between the slits is near the wave length...
See followup for clarification and simplification of the question.
I have a challenging question about electromagnetics, vacuum energy. I'd appreciate any leads on clearing up any of my misunderstanding.
I presume if two antennas were designed to broadcast the same signal, but were designed...
I was wondering, since vacuum energy is supposed to have some energy density,according to standard comology equating it to dark energy and cosmological constant , does this energy gravitate? I mean it looks like according to GR its stress-energy tensor with negative pressure should generate some...
One of the proposed explanations for the Pioneer Anomaly is that the additional deceleration is caused by interaction with the vacuum energy.
This makes sense to me, given that some of the particles must actually...
Ok I been trying to figure partially exactly what things in Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Field Theory, QED, or any physics that matter gave rise to concepts of things like hyperspace and multiverse and other theories that seem to have more of a fictional history and origin than the original...
I wonder if there is any correlation between the weak coupling of a quantum field in the path integral and how it adds to or cancels out vacuum energy. If so, then how would weakly interacting dark matter effect the vacuum energy? Thanks.
Even though it is called 'vacuum energy'... do we know or do we have some theory on... whether the activities of virtual particle pairs is the same whether in the relative vacuum of space or... with in ther Earth's atmosphere (where tests confirmed it) or... say inside a rock?
Let's say I have a 5m3 cube of air and right next to it a 5m3 vacuum. Does the cube of air have potential energy? According to that, the potential energy would be converted into kinetic energy when the cube of air and the vacuum were joined. Would vacuum energy be the initial potential energy of...
In Kip Thorne's popularization "Einstein's Outrageous Legacy", the author explains why a wormhole which has been arranged to connect two points in spacetime so that they are spatially close to one another but not the same time would find vacuum energy entering the "future" mouth, exiting out the...
This is a question from a non-physicist. Since there is much more observed gravity then accounted for by normal matter, why do renormalization methods remove all of the vacuum's energy? I get that the infinite values make no sense, but why assume it's zero?
Can anyone explain the casimir effect to me? I've only just got back to reading parallel worlds and it's mentioned quite alot, yet i have no idea what it is. Though i think it may have something to do with vacuum energy.
re: GE = minus GMm/R. It`s said that as R increases M increases to the third power and therefore falling outward is downhill but the increase in M is due to an increase in the vacuum energy which converts to a certain amount of mass. However, the mass of vacuum energy is very small. Could...
So, let's get this straight :smile:. Black hole evaporation is, by the layman's version, supposedly due to a negative mass particle entering the black hole, while it's counterpart leaves, as radiation. These particles are formed near the black hole by vacuum fluctuations (i.e. pair...
:cry:I am at my wit's end so I hope someone can help.
I am trying to do what is (almost) the simplest SUSY calculation one can think of: the calculation of the vacuum energy in the Wess-Zumino model. The result shoudl be zero but I don't get that.
Since SUSY is "beyond the standard...
I am writing an essay on quantum friction (the hypothetical force based on the casimir force). I am having trouble finding information on this concept. Wiki does not have a page on it, nor does Britanica. I have found only three Journal articles on the subject. There is more stuff about...
Has anyone worked out explicitly the cancellation of the vacuum energy in the Wess-Zumino model, to order g^2 (order g is trivially zero). I get a partial cancellation but there is a piece left-over. And it's not just a question of mayeb getting a sign wrong in one diagram, or a factor...
I have done some research that has led to a possible soultion to the 120 orders-of-magnitude VED disparity betwen the VED of particle physics and the VED measured by cosmology. Nobel Prize-winner F. Wilczek calls the VED crisis a horrendous problem, indicating that there is something...
If I came up with a theory that had predictions 100 times larger or smaller than experimental observation my theory would labelled rubbish by scientists.The quantum mechanical calcualtion of vacuum energy is 120 zeros at odds with experimental observation ( casimir effect).Why aren't people...
Hey folks,
Sometimes I see the calculation of the vacuum energy written as:
and sometimes written:
See for example http://arxiv.org/abs/hep-ph/0105021 equation9.
Does anyone know why you can increase the...
Could someone please explain to me what vacuum energy is and how energy can exist in a vacuum. Sorry if this is the wrong forum, seemed as far as I know to fit best =]
I have a question regarding the Higgs Boson/Field/Mechanism. My understanding of QFT is very rudimentary, but as I understand it the Higgs Boson is the quantum of the Higgs Field, which generates the vacuum energy providing the mass of the elementary particles. It assigns mass to bosons causing...
Are these possibly one and the same, or are they completely different concepts? It seems like both are credited for the expansion of the universe, depending on who is doing the talking.
From what I understand, vacuum energy is a form of energy that exists in freespace, even when completely devoid of matter. So, I have two questions:
1. Can vacuum energy exist if there were no matter anywhere in the universe?
2. If so, where does this vacuum energy come from?
e−iHT=1→H=2πn/T=ωn ; n=0, ±1, ±2, . . . .
I'd like to set the vacuum energy at 1/2ω, while requiring e-iHT=−1, and that the negative energy states be filled, as well, although, this may require further explanation.
Can somebody please help me?
Homework Statement
Show that, in natural units h=c=1, an energy density may be expressed as the fourth power of a mass. If the vacuum energy contributed by a cosmological constant is now of order of the critical density, what is the mass to which this density corresponds?
2. The attempt...
Hi folks,
There are many claims that vacuum energy has a physical relevance: in Casimir effect, in the Cosmological constant. But it seems, vacuum energy is a quantity we are not able to measure. It seems like a energy potential: the absolute value has no physical relevance, but the difference...
I read that quantum field theory predicts that the vacuum should have some sort of energy and momentum.
I could this be when the concept of energy is not absolute? All we measure in the lab is the difference in energy.
In addition, I also read that the cosmological constant in Einstein...
Some time back, I asked if there was anyone doing work studying the effects of gravitational fields on virtual particle pairs. Tonight I found this paper (see section 4) - is there someone here who can steer me to similar work?
This may be a simple question but I didn’t found anything in my references: the vacuum energy density is a constant value, which depends on the virtual excitations of the quantum fields. If the universe expands, increases its volume, and the vacuum energy density remains is constant, does this...
The "Vacuum Energy" is fictitious.
I have bad news for the nice folks who thought that by clapping our hands together we could have free energy from the vacuum. The vacuum energy is an artifact of the way the Casimir Effect is described.
Here are three websites that have good descriptions of...