Variable acceleration Definition and 36 Threads

In mechanics, a variable-mass system is a collection of matter whose mass varies with time. It can be confusing to try to apply Newton's second law of motion directly to such a system. Instead, the time dependence of the mass m can be calculated by rearranging Newton's second law and adding a term to account for the momentum carried by mass entering or leaving the system. The general equation of variable-mass motion is written as















{\displaystyle \mathbf {F} _{\mathrm {ext} }+\mathbf {v} _{\mathrm {rel} }{\frac {\mathrm {d} m}{\mathrm {d} t}}=m{\mathrm {d} \mathbf {v} \over \mathrm {d} t}}
where Fext is the net external force on the body, vrel is the relative velocity of the escaping or incoming mass with respect to the center of mass of the body, and v is the velocity of the body. In astrodynamics, which deals with the mechanics of rockets, the term vrel is often called the effective exhaust velocity and denoted ve.

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  1. MatinSAR

    Kinematics of movement subject to a variable acceleration

    Can someone guide me how can I find time ?! I don't have any idea. This is a part of a question in Classical Dynamics.
  2. AN630078

    Kinematics Motion with Variable Acceleration

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  3. AntSC

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  4. Taaha

    Pendulum time at any given angel θ, 0<=θ<=π/2

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  5. bubblegumandcameras

    Motion under variable acceleration experiment

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  6. W

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  7. H

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  8. S

    Calculating velocity with variable acceleration

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  9. I

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  10. A

    Variable acceleration and terminal velocity

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  11. M

    Dynamics help: variable acceleration and angular velocity

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  12. T

    Finding final velocity with variable acceleration due to air resistance

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  13. M

    I think I get it now. Thanks for your help. You're welcome, happy to help!

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  14. M

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  15. T

    Finding displacement from variable acceleration

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  16. S

    Variable Acceleration - Clueless

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  17. S

    Vaidity of rotational formulae for variable acceleration

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  18. T

    Question about frictionless motion with variable acceleration.

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  19. W

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  20. L

    Distance covered under variable acceleration

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  21. C

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  22. P

    Variable acceleration with one premise

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  23. G

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  24. N

    Calculating Variable Acceleration for UAV Recovery

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  25. S

    Work, Energy and Power - Variable Acceleration

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  26. Z

    Kinematics Problem involving variable acceleration

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  27. M

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  28. Y

    Variable acceleration question

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  29. E

    A fixed cannon is to fire a projectile at a tank

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  30. M

    Variable acceleration, time, distance

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  31. I

    Modeling Time to Cover Distance with variable acceleration

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  32. K

    Variable acceleration terminal velocity

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  33. B

    Need HELP equation of motion with variable acceleration

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  34. M

    Equation of motion with variable acceleration

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  35. frankR

    Where Does the Pi Come From in Variable Acceleration Problem?

    A particle of mass m is released from rest at a distance b from a fixed origin of force that attracts the particle according to the inverse square law: F = -kx^-2 Show that the time required for the particle to reach the origin is: [pi](mb^3/8k)^1/2 I have no idea where the pi came...