Volt Definition and 98 Threads

The volt (symbol: V) is the derived unit for electric potential, electric potential difference (voltage), and electromotive force. It is named after the Italian physicist Alessandro Volta (1745–1827).

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  1. C

    Node Volt Analysis: Find \frac{V_o}{V_i}

    Homework Statement Find \frac{V_o}{V_i} for http://img685.imageshack.us/img685/8658/nodevoltage.png Homework Equations s=σ+jω, where σ=real component & jω=imaginary component The Attempt at a Solution Solution is \frac{V_o}{V_i}=\frac{1}{s+2} Solution manual says...
  2. dexterdev

    What does applying 0 Volt to a circuit means?

    0 V is equivalent to short circuit. But applying 0V between 2 points means not connecting any source to those points (that is open circuit). Is not it? Please clear my doubt. -Devanand T
  3. R

    Flux, Capacitance, Difference Potential, and Volt

    I have a question about electricity and magnetism. My teacher went through these chapters in 3 days, and I am completely confused. Can some body please explain what exactly is flux, capacitance, difference potential, and voltage? And can you also explain to my what the number stands for when...
  4. B

    How to Convert 120V Single Phase to 440V Three Phase for a Diving Tender Boat?

    Hi there, i'm trying to do a technical paper on converting 120 volt single phase to 440 volt 3 phase for a diving tender boat. Does anyone know what things i should be concerned about when trying to convert the power. The boat usually runs in generators alongside but, i was hoping to hookup...
  5. J

    Will a 220 volt choke ballast work the same at 110 volts?

    If I use a choke ballast rated for 220 volt at 110 volts, will it still work the same? In other words, if the label says 220 volts 400 watts, will it still operate at 400 w from 110 volts or would the output be reduced to 200 watts?
  6. J

    Converting Volt to Lux using a solarimeter

    Homework Statement Hello, I'm trying to use a solarimeter (thermopile) to measure the direct flux of solar radiation, in clear conditions, over varying solar zenith angles. The equipment has an output of volts, but I need to convert this to Lux and then convert this to watts per meter...
  7. O

    Ground is always considered at 0 Volt?

    ground is always considered at 0 Volt? Will this bulb glow and why?
  8. T

    12 volt switch from 5 volt supply

    Hello Please my apologies for mistakes as I am a new member, and I would like to ask a how to question,I am trying to make a system up that I can use on my racing cars ( classic hence no onboard computer ) What I want to do is to have a 12 volt pulse(from 12 volts to o volts) that I can use on...
  9. T

    How tell what Amps in a drop down volt diode

    Hi I working on a 2 cell lipo pack and need to drop the volts from 8.4 to under 6 volts. I have been using diode to do this but now I need to know what amps it will handle and which diodes to use. the setup I have now runs one servo that might pull 0.25 amps but now going to a system that will...
  10. A

    What is the difference between 24 and 48 volt motors.

    So I've been trying to make an electric bike. I've read that to overcome steeper hills you need higher amperage, but in looking for motors I found a 1000 watt 48 volt motor that is rated for 28 amps and a 600 watt 24 volt motor rated for 32 amps. Which motor creates more torque? If anyone...
  11. Topher925

    What are the improvements in the second generation Chevy Volt?

    I got a Chevy Volt for the entire day yesterday and had the opportunity to put the car through it paces. I have to say, I am very impressed. For once a car actually lived up to its hype. I love the way it rides, the handling, the acceleration, the NVH, it made me think I was in a Cadillac. The...
  12. F

    Can a Linear Regulator Effectively Control a 24V and 12V System?

    I work in the Oil Field for a frac company, our trucks run a 24v and 12 v sytem,I'am looking for a way to regulate the 24 and 12 coming into the electronics from the power box to hold a stedly 24 and 12 volts.
  13. R

    12 DC Volt Boost to 15 DC Volt - 1 amp

    Superb Old Labtech Speakers to add to my RV without 120 Volt AC The Labtech AC adapter's output is 15VDC 1000ma. Using my existing 12VDC power supply (2 - 6VDC inline Deep charge Batteries) may I boost this output to 15VDC by adding 2 ?or? 3 Duracell Rechargeable AA batteries. Duracell...
  14. Femme_physics

    Voltmeter must cause disconnnection in order to measure the volt?

    We learned yesterday that a voltmeter's resistance approaches infinity. And that infinite resistance means total disconnect. I'm trying to understand why is that? Why must a voltmeter's resistance approach infinity? Doesn't it mean that the voltage will be 0? BTW - I hope I'm translating...
  15. B

    Wiring a DC motor to two 9 volt batteries

    Hey everyone. I'm a beginner when it comes to making stuff with motors and batteries. Could anyone give me a link or a very good explanation on how to wire a 9 volt DC motor to 2 9V batteries (that are supposed to be wired in parallel) to power a propeller? I have the motors and the batteries...
  16. M

    54 Ultracapacitors in series with 12 12 volt batteries

    I have 54 Maxwell 2.7 volt 3000 farad ultracapacitors and would like to know if they can be placed in series with 12 12 volt lead acid deepcycle 200 ah batteries. all in series. would it work? why yes or why not? this is a circuit to operate a electric vehicle.
  17. Evil Bunny

    Let's say we have a 120 Volt AC source

    Trying this again from a different angle... Let's say we have a 120 Volt AC source. We'll call it a generator. This generator is not touching the earth. Let's just pretend that it's suspended in mid air with nothing at all connecting it to the ground (the earth). On this generator, there...
  18. D

    GM Launches Hybrid Chevrolet Volt

    Any buyers? http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2010/dec/19/general-motors-hybrid-chevrolet-volt?CMP=twt_fd
  19. J

    HOw much power is drawn from a one volt battery?

    Homework Statement each bulb in the circuit has a resistence of one ohm. how much power is drawn from the one volt battery? to see the circuit diagram, click on this link: it is problem 16 on page 123 To see the circuit diagram, go here: http://www.lightandmatter.com/bk4c.pdf...
  20. C

    12 volt generation of a sustained arc

    I need help finding a device that can generate a sustained arc while utilizing only a 12 volt power source. Does anyone have any ideas? Arc should be able to jump a 1 and a half inch gap. Also what materials should I use for the electrodes that would not degrade over time?
  21. P

    1 Volt and potential difference?

    How far do you need to separate two opposite 1C charges inorder for the potential difference to be 1v?
  22. L

    Automotive 12 volt automotive circuit regulator

    I have a 2-12 volt motor circuit with a max amperage load of 24 amps. The cars charging system can fluctuate between 12.2 and 14.7 volts. This causes the speed of the motors to fluctuate too much. The problem I am having is I would like to limit the voltage on the power supply line to these...
  23. B

    Running a 1/4 - 1/2 hp electric off 12 volt car/golf cart battery

    Hi, Newby here trying to design a small piece of lawn equipment in my shop. I want to design my own leaf blower using a small electric motor to turn the shaft of a squirrel cage blower. A friend of mine built himself this same system except he used an old lawnmower motor. It works great but...
  24. K

    Optimizing Motor Start Frequency for 13000 Volt Switch Gear

    I am hoping that someone on here can give me some insight on what caused this. I have my idea; however, I would like someone to give their opinion also. At work we have a 13000 volt motor that powers our compressor. How frequent can that size motor be started without causing the motor to...
  25. D

    Some confusion on electron volt

    Homework Statement I learned that by definition, one electron volt is the kinetic energy an electron would have moving between 1 voltage difference. if an electron moves between voltage of 1 million volts,then K = 1MeV, for example, but the problem is K is expressed in 1/2mv^2 or the...
  26. C

    Can a 12 volt DC motor and PWM be used to power a dolly?

    Hello all. First off, I am a total newbie and need some help in getting my "project" up and running. Here goes, I'm trying to get a dolly (weighing around 50lbs. or so) to move at a fairly slow constant speed. I'm thinking my best option is to find a 12 volt DC motor along w/a speed control...
  27. J

    Replacing a lead acid 12 volt battery with a Lithium ion Polymer battery

    I got this idea that I could maybe replace the heavy lead acid battery on my motorcycle with a lithium ion polymer battery. I found that you can buy batteries for RC cars that match the power requirements. The lead acid battery is 12 volts, 6Ah. It seams that L.I.P. batteries for RC cars are...
  28. Topher925

    The chevy volt, pipe dream or a viable solution?

    The new chevy volt design was unveiled today: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080916/ap_on_bi_ge/gm_centennial;_ylt=AuVoT6aLIov8pyZGWNXsNjxsaMYA" There's a lot of controversy over this car in the engineering world. Since its being developed right in my neighborhood I hear a lot about its...
  29. D

    Engineering 60-HP 230 volt shunt motor problem

    I need some help! Can you help with these problems? 1. A 60-HP 230 volt shunt motor has a shunt field resistance of 38.3 ohms and an armature resistance of 0.04 ohm. If the resistance in the starter is 0.66 ohm, calculate the current input to the motor at the instant it is started. (Assume...
  30. J

    How can I convert 3.3V IO to 5.0V without compromising signal integrity?

    Hello, I have a circuit that i will be running the IO lines a reasonable distance, and i would like to amplify the lines from the current 3.3Volt to 5.0volt. I'm sure this is probably a simple task and (hopefully) their is a single IC someone could direct me to. I thought that maybe a Darlington...
  31. B

    Build a 240V Inverter: What Components You Need

    what components will i need to build a 240volt inverter.
  32. A

    Understanding Ground Potential: My Experience with a Volt Meter

    Hi everyone, I just bought a volt meter today to play around. To my understanding about electricity and all, I've always been taught that potentials have references. We always reference ground as zero potential. I put the volt pins between a small battery and it reads about 1.6 volts, so I...
  33. L

    Calculate the Current, Lost Volt and P.d across parallel resistors?

    Homework Statement http://img508.imageshack.us/img508/9121/10052008ei3.png (a) Calculate the Current across parallel resistors. (b) Calculate the lost volt across parallel resistors. (c) Calculate the potential difference across parallel resistors. Homework Equations I = \frac{V}{R}...
  34. L

    What is the value of the loss volt and internal resistance of the battery?

    Homework Statement When a current of 2A flows the p.d across a battery's terminal falls from 12V to 9V. (a) What is the value of the loss volt? (b) What is the internal resistance of the battery? Homework Equations Lost Volt = Ir The Attempt at a Solution (a) 12V - 9V = 3V R =...
  35. H

    How do you convert 3 Volt Control signal to 5 Volt control signal

    I have a data acquisition device that outputs 3 volts if the sensor is activated. My relay only activates when a 5 volt source is put across the coil. What is the easiest way to step up the 3 volt control signal.
  36. N

    How to Create a Battery-Operated +/- 15 Volt Power Supply for Op Amps?

    I need a battery operated +/- 15 volt power supply. I'm going to use it to run a couple op amps. Any help with a circuit? Thanks
  37. P

    Need power supply for 200 5 volt leds

    I'm thinking of making a 200 led grow light using red and blue leds(5v). I have little knowlage on electronics. I was wonder if a computer power supply could be used and what other componets would be needed. I'm trying to get this built by late February to start growing my veggies (new project...
  38. T

    How Do You Calculate Electric Field and Potential at Specific Points?

    I have two questions, if i may ask. Really confusing stuff. 1. Three positive charges are arranged as shown (diagram is of a square). The Couloumb Constant is 8.99x10^9 N*m^2/C^2. Find the magnitude of the electric field at the 4th corner. Answer in units of N/C. I'm pretty sure...
  39. V

    Engineering CIRCUIT ANALYSIS: 7 resistors, 2 Indep. Volt Source, V.C.C.S, V.C.V.S. - find I

    Homework Statement For the circuit below find I_1 and I_2: http://img155.imageshack.us/img155/8330/chapter2problem84ro6.jpg Homework Equations KVL KCL Ohm's Law The Attempt at a Solution I tried the problem many times, but I always get crazy answers. It seems that every...
  40. I

    How to Rectify 100 Microvolt AC to 1 Volt DC?

    I need to rectify 100micro v ac to 1 v dc. can u suggest a good rectifier schematic. The most rectifier circuit i found on google did to wrok in this micro volt range.
  41. D

    Does Distance Matter in the Definition of an Electron Volt?

    got a question about the definition of an electron volt. The net says that it is the kinetic energy gain when an electron moves thru a potential diference of 1 volt. But the distance between the positive and negative source of that 1 volt... does it not matter or affect the definition? Because...
  42. S

    High volt result low amp, why?

    hi, i am quite new to physics, so i hope you guys could tolerate with me :blushing: from what i read from internet and some chat with people, i know high volt is the result of high different potential (eg. point A got lots of electrons, so point A electrons moves to point B through a...
  43. wasteofo2

    Can someone help explain the volt to me?

    I was sick and missed a week of school. It was the week we started electricity in physics, so I'm kinda confused about exactly what all the vocabulary means. Here's how I understand it so far: Charge: Literally, the amount of electrons an object has to transfer. Coulomb: A measure of charge...
  44. T

    What would an Ideal Volt Meter measure if

    1 of 2: What would an Ideal Volt Meter read if an Ideal Capacitor had a charge difference of... 6.25 quintillion electrons (6.25 X 10 to the 18th) between its two plates? In other words... if there were 6.25 x 10^18th extra electrons on one plate... and you connected an Ideal Volt Meter...
  45. K

    Electric motor + 12 volt battery ?

    I admit it, I am a complete and utter noob when it comes to electrical components. I need help. I am trying to run an electrical motor on a regular 12 volt car battery. Can this even work? If so, how much money and work needs to be done? This is for a little..."project". If anyone can...
  46. N

    3 Volt DC Motor Performance Graphs

    Does anyone know where I can find 3 Volt DC Motor Performance Graphs on the web? I'm looking for something like this, but with a 3 Volt motor. My googling has yet to find any relevant results. Thanks in advance.
  47. bayan

    What Is a Volt? Explaining Watt & Energy Measurement

    what is a "volt"? hi to all friends. what is a "volt"? can you pl explain the meaning of that word and also "watt" (i know it is used to mesuare the amount of energy but that is about all)
  48. L

    Is Proton Volt Equal to Electron Volt Despite Proton's Greater Mass?

    is proton volt = electron volt? if yes then why? even if proton is 1840 times massive then electron and eV Is work done in carrying an electron from one potentail difference to another when potentail differnece is 1 V.