Water tank Definition and 85 Threads

A water tank is a container for storing water.
Water tanks are used to provide storage of water for use in many applications, drinking water, irrigation agriculture, fire suppression, agricultural farming, both for plants and livestock, chemical manufacturing, food preparation as well as many other uses. Water tank parameters include the general design of the tank, and choice of construction materials, linings. Various materials are used for making a water tank: plastics (polyethylene, polypropylene), fiberglass, concrete, stone, steel (welded or bolted, carbon, or stainless). Earthen pots, such as matki used in South Asia, can also be used for water storage. Water tanks are an efficient way to help developing countries to store clean water.

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  1. A

    Parabolic Water Tank Homework: Find Work W Done to Lower Water

    Homework Statement The ends of a "parabolic" water tank are the shape of the region inside the graph of y = x2 for 0 ≤ y ≤ 4 ; the cross sections parallel to the top of the tank (and the ground) are rectangles. At its center the tank is 4 feet deep and 4 feet across. The tank is 6 feet...
  2. S

    Syphon problem with above ground water tank

    I have a problem with an above-ground water tank supplying a pump on the ground, supplying a sprinkler system. When the pump turns off, the water doesn't stop due to the syphon effect. When I first installed the pump, I put in an adjustable sprink check valve after the pump, but it still leaked...
  3. B

    Related Rates in a Water Tank: Finding the Rate of Change of Water Depth

    Homework Statement A water tank has the shape of an inverted right-circular cone, with radius at the top 15 meters and depth 12 meters. Water is flowing into the tank at rate of 2 cublic meters per minute. How fast is the depth of water in the tank increasing at the instant when the depth is 8...
  4. S

    Calculating the flow rate of water from a tap and on the surface of a water tank

    I am really not sure how to go about this problem, can anybody please give me an indication on how I can start solving the problem? Homework Statement An open rectangular water tank 1.2 m x 1.2 m x 2.6 m (height) is completely filled with water. As the tap at the bottom is opened, the flow...
  5. M

    Bernoulli's Principle and water tank

    Homework Statement A sealed tank is completely full of water. The water in the tank is stationary. The gauge pressure at the top of the tank is 150 kPa. A mechanical failure of the tank creates a hole of area 1.00 cm2 at the top of the tank. Water flows out of the hole, rising in a vertical...
  6. K

    Water tank and wave interference question?

    Homework Statement In a large water tank experiment, water waves are generated with straight, parallel wave fronts, 3.0m apart. The wave fronts pass through two openings 5.0m apart in a long board. The end of the tank is 3.0m beyond the board. Where should you stand, relative to the...
  7. C

    How to calculate heat flux in a hot water tank

    Hi. I wish to calculate the heat flux on a bottom plate of a hot water tank. Would simply (m*c*t)/area give me the correct results. Please help?
  8. H

    What is the resulting force acting on water tank walls?

    Hello, I am trying to calculate the force exerted by the water pressure on the walls of two different water tanks. A cylindrical tank and a cuboid tank. Are the following calculations correct? (It seems too easy!) Using generic dimensions: Cylindrical Tank: Height 1m, Diameter 1m...
  9. J

    Heating elements in a water tank

    Hello, I have this problem that I am struggling with. I have a heating element that is submerged in a water tank. The temperature of the water in the tank starts at say 5C. The temperature of the water flowing through the heating element is at 90C. I can also assume that the metal of the...
  10. H

    Water Tank Differential Equation Problem

    Homework Statement A tank initially contains 400 gal of brine in which 100 lb of salt are dissolved. Pure water is run into the tank at the rate of 20 gal/min, and the mixture (which is kept uniform by stirring) is drained off at the same rate. How many pounds of salt remain in the tank after...
  11. D

    Velocity of water in a water tank

    Homework Statement Take into account the speed of the top surface of the tank and shown that the speed of fluid leaving the opening at the bottom is v1=sqrt(2gh/(1-(A21/A22)) P=Atmospheric pressure d=density v=velocity g=gravity h=height A=Area Homework Equations...
  12. A

    Calculating Temp Difference in a hot water tank

    I want to calculate the difference in temp between the bottom & top of a hot water tank, Presumably the height of the tank, the diameter, the actual temp and time would be the variables. I will assume no heat loss. The heat input would be at the base of the tank.
  13. S

    Water Tank Design: Pressure Calculation

    Hello, everyone. I am trying to calculate the pressure acting at the vertical wall of a cylinder water tank. I am wondering whether the presure acting on the wall is as follow: Pressure = Density * gravity * height where height is from the water surface to the calculation point...
  14. S

    How Does Water Pressure Relate to Tank Height and Pipe Elevation?

    Homework Statement 1) The water level in a large tank supplying a small town is 37m high. Water is pumped up for storage in the evenings and allowed to free-fall down as needed during the day. The street-level water pressure is... 2) How high should a vertical pipe filled with water be if a...
  15. L

    Thickness or Ga. of Stainless steel water tank?

    How do you calculate the thickness or gauge of a given metal (304 Stainless Steel for example) for a 36" dia. round, vertical cylinder water holding tank? If filled say the tank would be 25-30 feet tall. No physical pressure (pumps or vacuum) on this vessel (vented to atmosphere). Flat...
  16. R

    Sugar water tank problem (again)

    Thank you for any help that you can give me. I am very bad at differential equations and this one is really stumping me. Homework Statement A tank contains 2740 L of pure water. A solution that contains 0.05 kg of sugar per liter enters a tank at the rate 3 L/min The solution is mixed and...
  17. S

    Heat loss from an insulated water tank - Thermodynamics

    Heat loss from an insulated water tank ----- Thermodynamics Hi and thanks in advance for any help with this problem. If I have a very very well insulated tank of water of say 4 litres. If we could assume that the tank had no heat loss... The tank is heated by an electrical device that...
  18. T

    Finding the Height of a Water Tank

    Homework Statement A tank of height h full of water with it's base 40 meters from the ground, with a hole on the lateral wall at the base. The water comes out of the tank at 6.93 m/s to fill a pool on the ground. The water hits the center of the pool at a distance of 19.5 meters measured...
  19. N

    Water Tank Modeling: Find Time Intervals and Greatest Amount

    Homework Statement The amount of water in a storage tank, in gallons, is modeled by a continuous function on the time interval 0<=t<=7, where t is measured in hours. In this model, rates are give as: (i)The rate at which water enters the tank is f(t)=100t^2*sin(sqrt(t)) (ii) The rate at...
  20. N

    Bernoulli's equation and a water tank

    Homework Statement A water tank of height h has a small hole at height y. The water is replenished to keep h from changing. The water squirting from the hole has range x. The range approaches zero as y goes to 0 because the water squirts right onto the table. The range also approaches zero as...
  21. 1

    Solving Force on Water Tank Bottom on Mars

    Homework Statement You are assigned the design of a cylindrical, pressurized water tank for a future colony on Mars, where the acceleration due to gravity is 3.71 meters per second per second. The pressure at the surface of the water will be 145 kPa , and the depth of the water will be 14.2m...
  22. M

    Heat Transfer Calculation for Vapor Flow in a Cylinder-Piston System

    Homework Statement A tank A is connected to a cylinder/piston as shown. The tank has a volume of 100 L and contains saturated vapor R-134a at 30˚C. When the valve is cracked open, the vapor slowly flows into the cylinder B. The piston requires a pressure of 200 kPa in the cylinder to raise...
  23. Y

    Bernoulli's Equation and A Water Tank w/ Small Outlet

    Homework Statement A large storage tank (diameter 10m) is filled 10m deep with water (density= 1000 kg/m^3, viscosity= 1.0x10^-3 Pa*s). The outlet at the bottom consists of 2 pipes, as shown. The large pipe has a diameter d2= 0.1m, and the smaller have a diameter d3= 0.05m and length of 20m. A...
  24. M

    What Is the Net Downward Force on a Water Tank's Bottom on Mars?

    Homework Statement You are assigned the design of a cylindrical, pressurized water tank for a future colony on Mars, where the acceleration due to gravity is 3.71 meters per second per second. The pressure at the surface of the water will be 140 kPa, and the depth of the water will be 13.8...
  25. M

    Calculating the Net Downward Force on a Cylindrical Water Tank on Mars

    Homework Statement I have a cylindrical water tank of mars, where acc. due to gravity= 3.71 The pressure at the surface of the water is 110 kPa, and the depth of the water is 14.5 m The pressure of the air outside the tank is 91 kPa Find the net downward force on the tanks flat...
  26. S

    Find the Optimum Spot to Minimize Wave Action in Large Water Tank Experiment

    Homework Statement In a large water tank experiment, water waves are generated with straight, parallel wave fronts, 3.00 m apart. The wave fronts pass through two openings 5.00 m apart in a long board. The end of the tank is 3.00 m beyond the board. Where would you stand, relative to the...
  27. R

    Find the Water Tank Height: A Homework Challenge

    Homework Statement The water tank is open to the atmosphere and has two holes in it, one at 0.80m and the other at 3.6m above the floor on which the tank rests. if the two streams of water strike the floor in the same place, what i the depth of water in the tank. tank height is 5 m...
  28. G

    Hydrostatic force on water tank problem

    Homework Statement The end of a tank containing water is vertical and has the indicated shape (in attached picture). Explain how to approximate the hydrostatic force against the end of the tank by a Riemann sum. Then express the force as an integral and evaluate it. Homework Equations...
  29. B

    A water tank on mars helpp pressure related

    Description: You are assigned the design of a cylindrical, pressurized water tank for a future colony on Mars, where the acceleration due to gravity is 3.71 meters per second per second. The pressure at the surface of the water will be 150 kPa, and the depth of the water will be 14.2 meters. The...
  30. G

    Solving Water Tank Homework: Find Work & Remaining Depth

    Homework Statement A tank full of water has the shape of a parabloid of revolution with shape obtained by rotating a parabola about a vertical axis. a) If its height is 4 ft and the radius at the top is 4 ft, find the work required to pump the water out of the tank. b) After 4000 ft-lb of work...
  31. A

    What Is the Gauge Pressure in the Hose Just Behind the Nozzle?

    A village maintains a large tank with an open top, containing water for emergencies. The water can drain from the tank through a hose of diameter 6.60cm. the hose ends with a nozzle of diameter 2.20 cm. A rubber stopper is inserted into the nozzle. the water level in the tank is kept 7.50 m...
  32. I

    Does Tank Height Affect Water Pressure and Force?

    You have two closed water tanks. One tank is taller that allow pressure to build up from the shear weight of the fluid. And the other is a lot shorter that is pressurized. If the pressure on the bottom of the tall tank was 5 psi and the pressure in the small tank was 5 psi. Would they both exert...
  33. F

    How Does a Sphere Act as a Valve in Fluid Dynamics?

    Fluid mechanics problem. In the picture below we have a sphere (consider it massless) acting as a valve in a water tank. At the bottom, there's a hole (which magnitude is determined by the angle theta. I am asked to calculate the total vertical force acting on the sphere. And after that...
  34. K

    Calculating Mass of Calcium in Saturated Water Tank

    I know this isn't a physics problem, but it's due tomorrow and I'm really stuck :( Calculate the mass, in grams, of calcium ion dissolved in the water of a 40.0 gallon hot-water tank saturated with calcium phosphate. (Ksp calcium phosphate = 2.0e-29, 1.00gal=3.80L). >> I'm really lost...
  35. J

    What are the advantages of using an immersion heater at the top of a water tank?

    What are the advantages of using an immersion heater at the top of a water tank?