Zeeman Definition and 82 Threads

Sir Erik Christopher Zeeman FRS (4 February 1925 – 13 February 2016), was a British mathematician, known for his work in geometric topology and singularity theory.

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  1. A

    Relative intensities of Zeeman components

    Hi- I'm trying to calculate the effect of a magnetic field on some spectral lines. I know that each energy level will split into 2J+1 sub levels (each denoted by Mj). I can calculate the energy level splitting and using the selection rules (dJ = 0, +/-1, dMj = 0, +/-1, dL = 0, +/-1), I...
  2. B

    Calculating Magnetic Flux Density for Zeeman Splitting 0.05 /cm

    Homework Statement What magnetic flux density is required to produce a zeeman splitting of 0.05 /cm in the ground state of hydrogen? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I\'ve worked out that delta E in the ground state is Ub B where Ub is the Bohr magneton. But how do...
  3. B

    The Zeeman Effect: Determining Atomic Level Quantum Numbers

    Homework Statement Explain why the Zeeman effect can assist in the determination of the quantum numbers of atomic levels Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Not sure why this is I understand what the Zeeman effect is, and the source of the splitting on energy...
  4. H

    The normal and anomalous Zeeman effect

    Hi! I have difficulties seeing the cause that make these to concepts diffret. Haken and Wolf writes about the last one:"One speaks of the anomalous Zeeman effect when the angular momentum and magnetic moment of the two terms between which an optical transistion occurs cannot be described by just...
  5. C

    Does the Zeeman Effect Alter Clock Rates in Different Magnetic Fields?

    Lets say we emit a photon from the ground out towards the sky , and as the photon travels away from Earth it gets red-shifted . In stead of canceling the shift by using the Doppler effect like they did in the pound-rebka experiment , we use the zeeman effect to alter the discrete energy...
  6. R

    Understanding the Zeeman Effect: Internal, External, or Static?

    Hello all, I am confused with naming of the Zeeman effect (in nuclear or/and electronic levels). Is that means: 1. splitting of spectral lines due to internal magnetic field, or 2. splitting of spectral lines due to external magnetic field, or 3. splitting of spectral lines due to...
  7. C

    Exploring the Zeeman Effect on Electron Orbitals

    If electrons orbit an atom in discrete energy levels like n= 1 , 2, 3 ... and they never orbit in between the ground state and the first excited state . then why should a magnetic field break this rule and push the electron a little bit so when it relaxes back down it emits a longer...
  8. R

    Calculating the Zeeman Effect: Na Lamp in 0.4T Magnetic Field

    Homework Statement I have problems with calculation of the Zeemans effect. A natrium lamp is being placed in magnetic field with B=0.4T. Calculate the Zeemans effect for the states 3s j=1/2 and 3 p j=1/2 The only problem i get in this calculations is the Landes factor...can get the right...
  9. H

    Zeeman Splitting, Paschen-Back Effect

    Homework Statement In a very strong applied field the sodium resonance lines is foudn to have components at 588.5 nm, 589 nm and 590.1 nm. What is the strength of the applied field? The Attempt at a Solution So I have: 3P_(1/2) --> 3S_(1/2) AND 3P_(3/2) ---> 3S_(1/2)...
  10. A

    Calculating Magnetic Field Strength for Sodium Zeeman Splitting

    Homework Statement Estimate the strength of the magnetic field for which Zeeman splitting of the 3p energy levels in sodium equals the energy due to spin-orbit coupling Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I know the equations for spin orbit and the zeeman effect, and I...
  11. K

    Energy Level notation in relation to the Zeeman Effect

    I am doing an Atomic & Molecular physics course in Germany as part of my year abroad. A notation that is used in this course to denote energy levels is in the form below. I cannot find a good explanation of how it works, (and this may sound stupid) but i cannot find a mention of it in the notes...
  12. T

    Charge-to-mass ratio with Zeeman Effect

    Homework Statement I'm supposed to determine e/m using Zeeman effect. B=0.45 T Difference between two spectral lines is also known (0.649x10^10 Hz)Homework Equations Normal or anomalous Zeeman effect? How you know it? I'm guessing normal, so \Delta E = m_{l} \frac{e \hbar}{2m_{e}}B \Delta E =...
  13. K

    Zeeman Effect: Counting Frequencies and Explaining Zero Frequency

    Suppose for a system with two levels with corresponding rotational quantum number J=2 and J=1, each of these have sublevels corresponding to J=2: m_J=-2, -1, 0, 1, 2 and J=1: m_J=-1, 0, 1, tune the external field such that we have transitions corresponds to \Delta m_J=-1, 0, 1. So how many...
  14. J

    Exploring the Zeeman Effect: Examining the Effects of Magnetic Fields on Light

    So I am doing a practical on the Zeeman effect, and have not been able to find an answer to the following: The experiment used a cadmium lamp, with it's light going though a fabry-perot interferometer. When the magnetic field was applied perpendicular to the direction of the interferometer...
  15. C

    Help Understanding the Zeeman Effect

    Basically, what is the Zeeman Effect and how is it caused. This isn't really a homework question, just trying to clear up my understanding and for my own notes. Ok well, this is what my current understanding is: The normal Zeeman Effect to be the splitting of spectral lines when a magnetic...
  16. R

    What Defines the Weak Field Regime in the Zeeman Effect?

    Hi, quick question: I have been told that the weak field regime is when the spin orbit interaction dominates over the Zeeman effect. What exactly does this mean? Does it mean that the energy shift relative to the gross energy due to the S-O interaction is much greater than the energy shift...
  17. T

    Zeeman effect and defining the g_F Factor

    Homework Statement A hydrogen atom is interacting with an external magnetic field. 1. Derive the equation for the g_F-factor of the hyperfine states. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Okay, so the question asks to define the gF factor, however, I am not quite sure...
  18. H

    Understanding Zeeman Splitting: Predicting Components in Weak Applied Fields

    Homework Statement (Q1) Which transition will produce a normal zeeman triplet in a weak applied field? (Q2) The sodium resonance line is a doublet. What is the total number of components that appear when the line is split by a weak applied field? The Attempt at a Solution (Q1)...
  19. hagopbul

    Studying the Zeeman Effect on Molecules

    hello all how we can study the zeeman effect on molecule what is the bases to do it or it is the same for atoms.
  20. H

    Zeeman Splitting: Para & Orthohelium Transitions

    Homework Statement Hi, I have this question which I need some help on: (Q) With the aid of an energy level diagram identify the transitions which give rise to the first line of the principal, sharp, diffuse and fundamental series in parahelium and in orthohelium. Also identify the...
  21. H

    Non Zeeman spectrum broadening in magnetic field

    Hi Is there any other effect than the Zeeman effect that can broaden a spectral line in a magnetic field? /Johan
  22. G

    Zeeman Effect Problem [Maybe Simple for you]

    Homework Statement The Zeeman components of a 500 nm spectral line are 0.0116 nm apart when the magnetic field is 1.00 T. Find the e/m ratio for the electron from these data Homework Equations Seperation of the Zeeman Components frequency(v)=eb/4x3,14xm The Attempt at a Solution from here...
  23. H

    How Do Magnetic Fields Affect the Wavelengths of Sodium Transitions?

    Homework Statement Calculate the wavelengths for all the allowed transitions of the 3p to 3s states of 23Na atoms in a magnetic field of 2T. Homework Equations (energy splitting) V = μB B mj g (Lande g factor) g = 1 + {[(J(J+1)+S(S+1)-L(L+1)] / 2J(J+1)}...
  24. K

    How to Derive the Lande g Factor from the Zeeman Effect?

    Homework Statement Deduce the expression of Lande g factors from Zeeman effect Homework Equations For Zeeman effect, we treat the energy perturbation as \vec{S}\cdot\vec{L}, where S is the spin and L is the orbital momentum. Let magnetic field along z direction so the energy correction...
  25. T

    Understanding the Zeeman Effect Interaction

    Homework Statement When is Zeeman effect interaction 0? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I was thinking that when l=0, then Zeeman effect interaction should be 0 because when l =0, we only have ml = 0. So, zeeman effect interaction should be zero. I haven't...
  26. F

    Factors Determining Zeeman Splitting in Solid State Physics

    Hello all, I am learning some basic course in solid state phyiscs. I have a question about Zeeman splitting in solid state physics. What factors determine the Zeeman splitting? Espcially does it depends on the band mass? Thanks. Best Feng
  27. P

    Zeeman Effect for a Muon: Differences Compared to Ordinary Hydrogen Atoms

    Homework Statement Consider an atom composed of a proton nucleus and an orbiting negatively charged muon (which has a mass of 207*(mass of an electron)). What difference, if any, would you expect between the Zeeman Effect in such atoms and in ordinary hydrogen atoms? (Hint: the muon has spin...
  28. N

    What is the unique design of the Zeeman slower in PRA 71 023409 2005?

    There are two kinds of Zeeman slower as everyone konws :6+ and 6-.But yestoday ,I saw a strange one in a paper(PRA 71 023409 2005).It has a different magnetic field coils.Is there anyone knows some detail about it?
  29. M

    Designing a Zeeman Slower for Scientists

    Hellow,i want to know how to design a Zeeman slower,a device which takes Sr87 atoms with an average velocity of about 900m/s and over a distance of 30cm ,reduces their velocity to a few tens of meters per second in a continuous manner via laser cooling and the Zeeman effect I hope i can receive...
  30. N

    Zeeman effect pattern, Intensities?

    Im dong the zeeman effect for Mercury trasitions 3S1 --> 3P0/1/2 (Violet, Blue and Green lines). I've taken CCD pictures of all lines in a weak B field and with polaroid placed parallel and perpendicularly, and produced graphs of pixel value v column number (intensity v horizontal position)...
  31. B

    What Are the Essential Concepts for Teaching Zeeman Splitting?

    Besides the following, what other content needs to be covered in order to teach Zeeman splitting to someone who has only had a basic introductory E&M course (course description below). Energy level transitions Selection rules Orbital magnetic moment Magnetic moments Magnetic dipoles...
  32. T

    What is zeeman and stark effects?

    Please tell me what's their meaning?