1-bromobutane conversion work shown

  • Thread starter johnq2k7
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In summary, equations used to convert 1-bromobutane to 1-butyne involve the use of strong bases and nucleophiles, as well as reacting with sodium cyanide for the formation of nitriles. For the conversion to octane, the alkyl halide may undergo a series of reactions to extend the carbon chain and replace the halogen with a deuterium atom or a hydroxyl group. Quenching a carbanion with D20 or D3O+ would result in the replacement of a hydrogen atom with deuterium, leading to a deuterated product. Wurtz coupling is a chemical reaction that involves the coupling of two alkyl halides to form a longer carbon
  • #1
equations used to convert 1-bromobutane to:


b.) octane

c.) 1-butyne


e.) CH3CH2CH2CH2-O-C-(=O)-CH3

work shown below:

c.) 1-butyne

CH3CH2CH2CH2Br => {(CH3)3COH, (CH3)3COK} =>CH3CH2CH=CH2
CH3CH2CH=CH2 => {Br2} => CH3CH2CHBrCH2Br
CH3CH2CHBrCH2Br => {NaNH2, NH3} => CH3CH2C(bondx3)C(-)Na(+)
CH3CH2C(bondx3)C(-)Na(+) => {H2O} => CH3CH2C(bondx3)CH

CH3CH2CH2Br + NaCN --> CH3CH2CH2CH2CN + NaBr

5. CH3CH2CH2CH2-O-C(=O)CH3


I need help with a.) and b.) I don't know how to extend the alkyl halide to an octane, and exchange the Br with D for a)

please help me...
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
What would happen if you were to quench a carbanion with D20 or D3O+?


Review Wurtz coupling.
  • #3


To convert 1-bromobutane to CH3CH2CH2CH2D, you can use the following steps:

1. React 1-bromobutane with sodium metal (Na) to form sodium butoxide (CH3CH2CH2CH2ONa). This reaction replaces the bromine atom with a sodium atom.

2. React sodium butoxide with deuterium gas (D2) to replace the sodium atom with a deuterium atom. This will result in the formation of CH3CH2CH2CH2D (1-bromobutane with a deuterium atom instead of a hydrogen atom).

b.) octane

To convert 1-bromobutane to octane, you can use the following steps:

1. React 1-bromobutane with sodium metal (Na) to form sodium butoxide (CH3CH2CH2CH2ONa). This reaction replaces the bromine atom with a sodium atom.

2. React sodium butoxide with 1-bromopentane (CH3CH2CH2CH2CH2Br). This reaction will result in the formation of octane (CH3CH2CH2CH2CH2CH2CH2CH3), as the bromine atom from 1-bromopentane will replace the sodium atom in sodium butoxide.

Note: This is just one possible method to convert 1-bromobutane to octane. There may be other methods as well.

FAQ: 1-bromobutane conversion work shown

1. What is 1-bromobutane conversion work shown?

The 1-bromobutane conversion work shown refers to a chemical reaction in which 1-bromobutane is converted into another compound or compounds through a series of steps.

2. What is the purpose of 1-bromobutane conversion work?

The purpose of 1-bromobutane conversion work is to produce a desired product or products from 1-bromobutane. This could be for various purposes such as creating new compounds for pharmaceuticals, perfumes, or plastics.

3. What are the key components required for 1-bromobutane conversion work?

The key components required for 1-bromobutane conversion work include 1-bromobutane as the starting material, a suitable solvent, a catalyst, and other reagents or reactants depending on the specific reaction being performed.

4. What are the safety precautions that should be taken during 1-bromobutane conversion work?

1-bromobutane is a toxic and flammable chemical, so proper safety precautions should be taken during its conversion work. This includes wearing protective gear such as gloves and goggles, working in a well-ventilated area, and following proper handling and disposal procedures.

5. Can 1-bromobutane conversion work be performed on a large scale?

Yes, 1-bromobutane conversion work can be performed on a large scale in industrial settings. However, it is important to carefully consider safety measures and environmental impact when scaling up the reaction.
