13th century text hides words of Archimedes

In summary, Archimedes text was discovered hidden inside a prayer book that was written in Medieval Greek. The text was erased by a 13th century scribe, who replaced it with prayers, but was later found underneath the pictures of the Evangelists. The text is a copy of works by Archimedes, who lived in the 3rd century BC.
  • #1
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
"The pages of a medieval prayer text also contain words of ancient Greek engineer Archimedes. It takes high-tech imaging to read between the lines.

The sheepskin parchment originally contained a 10th century Greek text, which was erased by a 13th century scribe who replaced it with prayers. Seven hundred years later, a forger painted gilded pictures of the Evangelists on top of the faded words.

Underneath it all, however, is an exceptional treasure — the oldest surviving copy of works by the ancient Greek mathematician and engineer Archimedes of Syracuse, who lived in the 3rd century BC.

The unusual cast of detectives includes not only the imaging specialists who helped photograph the Dead Sea Scrolls, but also a Stanford University physicist who studies trace metals in spinach with a particle accelerator.

Together, they have been carrying out one of the most remarkable "salvage jobs" in the history of codicology, the study of ancient manuscripts."

It's really amazing what they are able to do now to find text that was once lost.

Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
I don't see the relevance of having an old manuscript of what is already known. Surely it would only matter if some knowledge had been lost, but we should be able to reason to it again if it isn't historical knowledge, and if it is I don't see that it is too important.
  • #3
verty said:
I don't see the relevance of having an old manuscript of what is already known. Surely it would only matter if some knowledge had been lost, but we should be able to reason to it again if it isn't historical knowledge, and if it is I don't see that it is too important.
If you read the article you'd find out what they discovered, not to mention how they were able to do it.

And discovering ancient works that have never been read before always gives us a new understanding of what we thought we knew.
  • #4
Unfortunately Evo I can't read the article because one has to be a subscriber. Did they not discover something not disimilar to calculus? I'm sure I read about this almost a year ago and it was about Archimedes so seems like a good correlation.
  • #5
Kurdt said:
Unfortunately Evo I can't read the article because one has to be a subscriber.
Odd, I'm not a subscriber, but I can read the article, I just can't click on the pictures.

Did they not discover something not disimilar to calculus? I'm sure I read about this almost a year ago and it was about Archimedes so seems like a good correlation.
Yes, that's part of it. They are discovering more and more.
  • #6
Oh well when I was searching for the story I came across a website they have.


I don't have time to look at it tonight but it seems to have a lot on it.
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  • #7
More articles on the story which was initially reported in May of 2005 -

http://www2.slac.stanford.edu/tip/2005/may20/archimedes.htm - same article reported in ScienceDaily.

I first saw news about on a website concerning non-destructive testing - in this case with X-rays (radiography).

Archimedes Manuscript - The Palimpsest

AFAIK, one uses 'soft' X-rays. The technique can also be used to reveal paintings which have been overpainted because some artist ran out of canvas. And it can be used to detect fraudulent paintings and ancient manuscripts.
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FAQ: 13th century text hides words of Archimedes

1. What is the significance of the 13th century text hiding words of Archimedes?

The 13th century text is significant because it contains previously unknown writings by the famous Greek mathematician, Archimedes. These hidden words provide new insights into his work and contributions to mathematics.

2. How were the words of Archimedes discovered in the 13th century text?

The words of Archimedes were discovered through the use of advanced imaging technology, specifically multispectral imaging, which revealed hidden text beneath the visible surface of the 13th century parchment. This technology allowed researchers to uncover and decipher the previously hidden words.

3. What is the historical context of the 13th century text hiding words of Archimedes?

The 13th century text is believed to have been written by a scribe in the Byzantine Empire, who copied various ancient texts onto parchment. It is likely that the scribe did not realize the significance of the hidden words and simply wrote over them.

4. What new information has been discovered from the hidden words of Archimedes?

The hidden words in the 13th century text have provided new insights into Archimedes' work, specifically his mathematical theories and calculations. They also shed light on his methods and processes for solving complex problems.

5. How does the discovery of the hidden words of Archimedes impact our understanding of mathematics?

The discovery of the hidden words of Archimedes has expanded our understanding of mathematics and the contributions of ancient scholars. It also showcases the importance of preserving and studying historical texts, as they may contain valuable information waiting to be uncovered.

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