16:9, 16:10, 4:3, 1.85:1, 2.35:1, 1:66:1, 5:4 aspect ratios.

  • Thread starter BlackVision
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In summary: If they standardize the widescreen aspect for all TV programs, then ill be forced to change... otherwise ill be staring at a boxed in view where the top and bottom portions of my screen will remain unused.In summary, all you tech geeks out there, aren't you sick and tired of all the different aspect ratios for viewing images and movies? I for one am.
  • #1
All you tech geeks out there, aren't you sick and tired of all the different aspect ratios for viewing images and movies? I for one am.

They adopted the 4:3 standard when film was first invented. They used it for TVs and movies. They used this ratio for decades. Then someone came along and went, "no no I don't like this. We need widescreen." Which would of been fine except they were unable to agree just how wide the screen had to be. So now you have all these movies shot in different aspect ratios.

Not only that, the widescreen TVs of today can't even agree on a format. You have HDTV at 16:9. But then you have widescreen LCD TVs and monitors at 16:10. Meanwhile movies are still shown in 1.85:1 or 2.35:1. While most of us still have 4:3 TV and monitor screens.

But no no. LCD monitors had to makes it even more confusing by introducing 5:4 ratio. Which makes no sense. In a world where everyone is trying to get more widescreen, why would you make it more square? And since almost all computer programs are designed for 4:3 ratios, you have these images stretched out and distorted on an LCD monitor.

Computer science news on Phys.org
  • #2
Old thread, but I agree - 4:3 and 16:9 should be it.
  • #3
5:4 works for cellphones :biggrin:
  • #4
I don't even know why widescreen was invented; it's just a way to scam you out of precious screen.
  • #5
ShawnD said:
I don't even know why widescreen was invented; it's just a way to scam you out of precious screen.
Anyone happen to watch "Unbreakable" on network TV a couple of nights ago? They had it converted from wide to standard and in one scene, Bruce Willis and his wife were sitting at a restaraunt table for several minutes and all you could see was the table and both of their noses.

I like widescreen. Its better for movies.
  • #6
I like the current 4:3 aspect ratio, keeps me from having to buy a completely new TV. If they standardize the widescreen aspect for all TV programs, then ill be forced to change... otherwise ill be staring at a boxed in view where the top and bottom portions of my screen will remain unused.
  • #7

As has been pointed out every so often over the years in articles discussing widescreen, it was invented because humans see the world through a vertically-narrow slit. Widescreen, however, isn't nearly wide enough to accommodate the actual width of human vision. I hereby predict surround video® (or surroundscreen®).
  • #8
Short or wide, in the eye of the popcorn muncher

russ_watters said:
I like widescreen.
...Also known as Shortscreen®.

Its better for movies.
If you like Widescreen® advantage of having the top and bottom of the picture permanently cut off, you can modify any square screens you might have into Widescreens® by masking an appropriate amount of the top and bottom of the screen with your choice of either duct tape or electrical tape.

Someday the invention of Flexiblescreen® may come about. Flexiblescreen® programming is watched on a wall-sized screen that is perfectly black when no pixels are lit and has high definition despite the size, such that the director of the programming being watched has ultimate discretion over how tall or wide the screen functionally is.

Shortscreen®, Widescreen®, Widescreens®, and Flexiblescreen® are registered trademarks of Shortestscreen, GMBH. All rights reserved.
  • #9
Better idea: Hemispherescreen®.

Hemispherescreen® eliminates annoying keystoning distortion.

Hemispherescreen® is a registered trademarks of Shortestscreen, GMBH. All rights reserved.
  • #10
I had read that widescreen came into being as an enticement aimed at getting people away from their 4:3 televisions and back into movie theaters. I prefer widescreen viewing whenever possible.
  • #11
hitssquad said:
If you like Widescreen® advantage of having the top and bottom of the picture permanently cut off, you can modify any square screens you might have into Widescreens® by masking an appropriate amount of the top and bottom of the screen with your choice of either duct tape or electrical tape.
You really do have it backward, hitssquad. Since all movies and now most tv are shot widescreen, its going from widescreen to fullscreen that causes you to lose some of the picture.

And as you pointed out, widescreen better approximates human vision.

FAQ: 16:9, 16:10, 4:3, 1.85:1, 2.35:1, 1:66:1, 5:4 aspect ratios.

1. What do the numbers in aspect ratios mean?

The numbers in aspect ratios represent the ratio of the width to the height of an image or display. For example, an aspect ratio of 16:9 means that the width is 16 units and the height is 9 units.

2. What is the most common aspect ratio used in modern devices?

The most common aspect ratio used in modern devices is 16:9, also known as widescreen. This is the standard aspect ratio for HDTV and most computer monitors.

3. What is the difference between 16:9 and 16:10 aspect ratios?

The difference between 16:9 and 16:10 aspect ratios is that 16:9 is wider and more rectangular, while 16:10 is slightly taller and more square. This difference is not very noticeable to the average viewer, but it can affect how images are displayed on different devices.

4. Why are there different aspect ratios?

There are different aspect ratios because different devices and mediums have different display capabilities and requirements. For example, older televisions and computer monitors used a 4:3 aspect ratio, while widescreen TVs and monitors use a 16:9 aspect ratio. Different aspect ratios can also be used for artistic purposes or to convey a certain aesthetic.

5. How do aspect ratios affect the viewing experience?

Aspect ratios can affect the viewing experience in several ways. A wider aspect ratio, such as 16:9, can provide a more immersive and cinematic experience, while a narrower aspect ratio, such as 4:3, can feel more traditional and intimate. The aspect ratio can also affect how images and videos are cropped and displayed on different devices, so it is important to consider the aspect ratio when creating and viewing content.
