1D/2D Transient Heat Conduction (Diff. Eqs)

In summary: Where you have both parts already solved.In summary, the conversation discusses a problem with finding the temperature of a 1D transient metal bar with imposed temperature and convection boundary conditions. The conversation includes attempts at solving the problem using various equations and methods, including Laplace Transformations. The final solution involves finding the steady-state and transient parts separately and then adding them together to get the final answer.
  • #1
Science Advisor

Homework Statement

My problem is not necessarily the 2D problem, it's getting the answer in one dimension (I have the y-direction). The problem is the boundary conditions...anyways.

Solve for the temperature of a 1D transient metal bar, with the following boundary conditions. Imposed temperature at the left boundary. Convection all else around.

Homework Equations

Heat Condution Eq.
\newcommand{\pd}[3]{ \frac{ \partial^2{#1} }{ \partial {#2}^{#3} } }

\pd{\theta}{x^2}{} - m^2\theta= {\frac{\partial \theta}{\partial t}
[/tex]3. The Attempt at a Solution 1
The general solution is:
\theta(x) = A sinh(mx) + B cosh(mx)

We know that the solution is the product of the individual directions.

[tex]\theta(x,y,t) = \theta(x,t) X \theta(y,t) [/tex]

We separate the variables and solve for X(x) and T(t) and Y(y) and T(t) separately:

Starting with theta(x,t)

By imposing convection at x=L [tex] \theta(x=0) = \theta_b [/tex]
And imposed temperature at x=0, we get the solution for the x-direction
[tex] \theta(x) = \theta_b cosh(mx) - \theta_b \frac{mk sinh(mL) + h cosh(mL)}{mk cosh(mL) + h sinh(mL)}sinh(mx)[/tex]

This is the steady 1-D fin solution for those boundary condition.

However, the solution in the time direction is:

[tex] \Gamma(t) = e^{-\alpha \lambda^2_n t} [/tex]

Where lambda_n are the characteristic values. I have no idea where to get these. They are somewhat easy in the y-direction. In the y-direction (homogeneous), we get:

[tex] \lambda_n tan(\lambda_n y) = \frac{h}{k} [/tex]

Giving a final solution in the y,t direction as:

[tex] \theta(y,t) = 2 \theta_i \sum_{n=0}^\infty e^{-\alpha \lambda^2 t} \frac{sin(\lambda_n y) cos(\lambda_n y)}{\lambda_n B + sin(\lambda_n B) cos(\lambda_n B)} [/tex]

But I was thinking that the y-direction is only homogeneous if theta = theta_infinity (the freestream temperature), which it will not be. So..I have an answer to one equation which is more than likely wrong. And the other equation I don't know how to get lambda values out of.

3. The Attempt at a Solution 2
Second attempt by using Laplace Transformations was suggested by the prof, since he couldn't figure it out either. In the x-direction only, we transform the equation into (where p's are like the normal s's):

[tex] \frac{\partial^2 \overline{\theta}}{\partial x^2} - m^2 \overline{\theta} = \frac{p}{\alpha} \overline{\theta}[/tex]

Grouping to get:

[tex] \frac{\partial \overline{\theta}}{\partial x^2} - (m^2 + \frac{p}{\alpha} \overline{\theta} = 0 [/tex]

Of which the general solution is:

[tex] \overline{\theta} = C_1 e^{\lambda x} [/tex]

Where lambda is the root, and imposing the boundary condition at x=0 giving:

[tex] \overline{\theta} = \frac{\theta_b e^{-x \sqrt{\frac{p}{\alpha}+m^2}}}{p}
[/tex]And...I cannot for the life of me, find the inverse laplace of that. Also, I never imposed the convection boundary condition...where was that supposed to go?

Basically, this one problem is stopping me from finishing this last project. If I cannot get this, then that stops me from getting:
1D Transient
2D Steady-State
2D Transient

All of which need the damn x solution. Thanks in advance, I greatly appreciate the help.

edit: I've tried both Matlab and Maple to get the inverse laplace of that function. Neither could do it (don't ask about Mathematica, our university just got rid of it).
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  • #2
What do you mean by "convection all around"? Exactly what is that boundary condition?

You say you are looking for the inverse Laplace transform of
[tex] \overline{\theta} = \frac{\theta_b e^{-x \sqrt{\frac{p}{\alpha}+m^2}}}{p}[/tex].

The inverse Laplace transfrom of [itex]e^{a x}[/itex] is [itex]1/(x- a)[/itex]. I'm surprised you couldn't find that!
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  • #3
The boundary conditions are convection at y=-+B (assuming a height of 2B, and the x-axis running through the middle of the bar), and convection at x=L; imposed temperature at x=0.

Also, I do not believe that you can use the shifting theorem because in this case a, is a function of the transformed variable p. The inverse of:

[tex] \overline{\theta} = \theta_b \frac{e^{-x \sqrt{\frac{p}{\alpha}}}}{p} [/tex]


[tex] erfc(\frac{x}{2 \sqrt{\alpha t}}) [/tex]

Which is close to what I would expect. But also, using Laplace transformations, where was I supposed to impose the x=L convection boundary condition?
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  • #4
For the record here is the correct process. The problem is that neither direction had homoegeneous boundary conditions. So, what you do is solve the final answer as:

[tex] \theta = \theta_s + \theta_t [/tex]

Basically, the summation of a steady-state part and a transient part. Since we have already found the steady state part, we move to the transient. The equation becomes:

[tex] \frac{\partial^2 \theta_t}{\partial x^2} - m^2 \theta_t = \frac{\partial \theta_t}{\partial t} [/tex]

The reason to do this is that now, the boundary conditions must also be adjusted. Where before the imposed boundary condition was:

[tex] \theta(x=L) = \theta_b [/tex]

Is now:

[tex] \theta_t(x=L) = \theta_b - theta_s = 0 [/tex]

The unfortunate side-effect of this is that before the boundary condition in time was simply:

[tex] \theta(t=0) = \theta_i [/tex]

Is now:

[tex] \theta_t(t=0) = \theta_i - \theta_s [/tex]

Where the steady-state portion needs to be the entire answer. This makes the last constant very difficult to find, but at least you're farther.

Then the final answer is simply:

[tex] \theta = \theta_t + \theta_s [/tex]

FAQ: 1D/2D Transient Heat Conduction (Diff. Eqs)

1. What is transient heat conduction?

Transient heat conduction is the transfer of heat within a material or between materials that are not in thermal equilibrium. This means that the temperature of the material is changing over time.

2. What is the difference between 1D and 2D transient heat conduction?

In 1D transient heat conduction, heat is transferred in one direction only, usually from a hotter side to a cooler side. In 2D transient heat conduction, heat is transferred in two directions, typically through a surface or across a boundary between two materials.

3. What is a differential equation in the context of heat conduction?

A differential equation is a mathematical equation that describes the rate of change of a physical quantity, such as temperature, over time. In the context of heat conduction, differential equations are used to model the transfer of heat within materials.

4. How is transient heat conduction modeled?

Transient heat conduction is typically modeled using the heat equation, which is a partial differential equation. This equation takes into account factors such as the material properties, boundary conditions, and initial conditions to calculate the temperature distribution over time.

5. What are some real-world applications of 1D/2D transient heat conduction?

Transient heat conduction has many practical applications, including analyzing the thermal performance of building materials, predicting the temperature distribution in electronic devices, and understanding the heat transfer within the Earth's crust.

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