1D delta funtion potential well

In summary, the conversation discusses the delta function potential well and how to show that the ground state is the only eigenstate with energy less than zero. Some arguments are presented, including the even/odd nature of the eigenfunctions and the node theorem, but they are found to be flawed. The best argument is suggested to be considering the limit of a finite square well as the well width approaches zero, which shows that there will always be one bound mode solution. This implies that the delta well, being the limit of the finite well, must also have one bound mode solution, which is the ground state.
  • #1
Hello forum,
I have a question regarding the delta function potential well.
Given the following potential:
V(x) = -αδ(x) for -a/2 < x < a/2 (α- positive constant) and V(x) = 0 elsewhere, how would one show that the ground state is the only eigenstate with E <0. One could of course solve the problem explicitly and show that this is the case. However, I was trying to come up with a reasonable physical argument without actually solving the problem.
So, here are my thoughts:
1.) V(x) is even, so the eigenfunctions are either even or odd.
2.) By the node theorem, all odd eigenfunctions have x=0 as a node. In particular, the first excited state has x=0 as a node. So, the probability of finding the particle in the first excited state at x=0 is zero (strictly speaking the probabilty density is zero). So, the particle then doesn't "feel" the delta potential. So, it must be unbounded, i.e. the nergy must be E>0.
3.) Since any excited state has energy larger than the first excited state, it follows that all excited states have E>0.
4.) But, every 1D potential has at least one bound state. So, it must be the ground state.

Does this sound like a reasonable argument?

Thank you.
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  • #2
I don't think it quite works. For instance, point 2 is a non sequitur. You implicitly assume a bound mode exists and describe the shape of the corresponding bound wave function. However, then you proceed to argue that the mode must be unbounded, which would mean it's shape is not as you describe.

Also, point 4 is not correct. Not all 1-D potentials have bound states. Consider the delta "spike," [itex]V(x)=\alpha \delta (x)[/itex], as an example.

I think the best conceptual argument is as follows: Consider a finite square well. You will notice, that as you make the well narrower and narrower, there start to be less and less bound mode solutions, until you are left with only one, even parity, bound solution. However, no matter how narrow you make the well(in other words, how close you get to the delta well limit), this one last bound mode will not go away.
  • #3
Hello G01,
"Also, point 4 is not correct. Not all 1-D potentials have bound states. Consider the delta "spike," V(x)=αδ(x), as an example."
This is correct of course. But, point 4 is still valid for the given potential. To keep a similar degree of generality it could be rephrased as: all atractive 1d potentials have at least one bound state.

"However, then you proceed to argue that the mode must be unbounded, which would mean it's shape is not as you describe."
I disagree on this one. In this step I merely state that an excited state cannot be bound for this potential. The node theorem is a general result ( I'm quite sure about this) and has nothing to do with the potential shape.

"However, no matter how narrow you make the well(in other words, how close you get to the delta well limit), this one last bound mode will not go away. "
I don't exactly see that this line of reasoning proves the point. With this statement you also implictly assume that a bound mode exists.
  • #4
Well, but every purely attractive potential has a bound state in 1D also the delta potential.
  • #5
Nemetz said:
Hello G01,
"Also, point 4 is not correct. Not all 1-D potentials have bound states. Consider the delta "spike," V(x)=αδ(x), as an example."
This is correct of course. But, point 4 is still valid for the given potential. To keep a similar degree of generality it could be rephrased as: all atractive 1d potentials have at least one bound state.

DrDu said:
Well, but every purely attractive potential has a bound state in 1D also the delta potential.
I'm fine with that. However, I've never actually seen a full proof that all 1-D attractive potentials have at least one bound state. I'd be interested if anyone has any good proofs for that statement.
"However, then you proceed to argue that the mode must be unbounded, which would mean it's shape is not as you describe."
I disagree on this one. In this step I merely state that an excited state cannot be bound for this potential. The node theorem is a general result ( I'm quite sure about this) and has nothing to do with the potential shape.

I went over this again, and I don't think I have as much of a problem with this line of reasoning as I thought. You're trying to show by contradiction that there cannot be any excited states. It seems ok, now that I go over it again.

"However, no matter how narrow you make the well(in other words, how close you get to the delta well limit), this one last bound mode will not go away. "
I don't exactly see that this line of reasoning proves the point. With this statement you also implictly assume that a bound mode exists.

No, I do not implicitly assume that a bound mode exists. The argument starts from the assumption that you have already solved the finite square well. (A problem some people have an easier time with conceptually.)

The delta well is the limit of a finite well as the well width goes to 0 and the well depth goes to infinity while keeping their product constant. Now, if you have solved the bound well, then you can graphically find the solutions for the bound energy levels (by plotting the two sides of the transcendental equation against each other). If you look at the results you will see that no matter how narrow your well gets, there will always be one solution to the transcendental equation for a finite well. So, I'm not assuming the solution exists. The finite well problem tells me it must exist, regardless of well size! Thus, you can take your finite well, make it as narrow as you want , and be assured that the last bound mode solution will not disappear. Thus, it follows conceptually that the delta well has one bound solution as it is a limiting case of the above problem.
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  • #6
G01 said:
I'm fine with that. However, I've never actually seen a full proof that all 1-D attractive potentials have at least one bound state. I'd be interested if anyone has any good proofs for that statement.
Landau Lifshetz Quantum Mechanics has a proof.
  • #7
"Now, if you have solved the bound well, then you can graphically find the solutions for the bound energy levels (by plotting the two sides of the transcendental equation against each other). If you look at the results you will see that no matter how narrow your well gets, there will always be one solution to the transcendental equation for a finite well. So, I'm not assuming the solution exists. The finite well problem tells me it must exist, regardless of well size! Thus, you can take your finite well, make it as narrow as you want , and be assured that the last bound mode solution will not disappear. Thus, it follows conceptually that the delta well has one bound solution as it is a limiting case of the above problem. "

I think this is essentially the proof that every 1d attractive potential has at least one bound state.

"You're trying to show by contradiction that there cannot be any excited states. "
Yes, in a sense :)

GO1 and DrDu, thank you for a meaningful discussion.

  • #8
Nemetz said:
I think this is essentially the proof that every 1d attractive potential has at least one bound state.

I guess I'm just curious if there are any complications to the proof for wells of arbitrary shape, i.e. not square. I'll definitely check out L-L and see what they have to say.

And yes, it was a great discussion! Thank you!
  • #9
I had a look at Landau Lifshetz and did not find what I had in mind. I most probably confused it with Messiah Vol 1, but he also doesn't proove that an attractive 1d potential has at least one bound state.
Thinking about it, it is not true in full generality, namely, as a counter example, you only have to consider a constant attractive potential extending from -infinity to +infinity. or a step potential So you have to restrict the class of potentials to potentials e.g. potentials which are relatively compact to H_0.
They won't change the essential spectrum. Then argument is that an attractive potential inreases the second derivative of the wavefunction )starting from the constant solution belonging to E=0) and thus generates a node. To just remove the node, one has to lower energy and thus obtains a bound state.
See, W. Thirring Quantum mathematical physics.

FAQ: 1D delta funtion potential well

1. What is a 1D delta function potential well?

A 1D delta function potential well is a type of potential energy function in one dimension that is modeled using a delta function, which is a mathematical function that has a value of zero everywhere except at a single point, where it has an infinite value. This potential well is often used to describe the behavior of a quantum particle in a confined space.

2. How does a 1D delta function potential well differ from other types of potential wells?

A 1D delta function potential well differs from other types of potential wells in that it has an infinitely high potential barrier at a single point, while other types of potential wells have finite potential barriers. This means that a particle in a 1D delta function potential well can only exist at a specific point, while in other potential wells it can exist within a range of positions.

3. What are the properties of a particle in a 1D delta function potential well?

A particle in a 1D delta function potential well has discrete energy levels, meaning it can only have certain energies and cannot have any energy in between these levels. It also experiences confinement, as it is unable to escape the potential well due to the infinitely high barrier. Additionally, the particle's wave function in this potential well has a sharp peak at the location of the delta function.

4. How is a 1D delta function potential well used in practical applications?

A 1D delta function potential well is commonly used in theoretical physics and quantum mechanics to model a variety of systems, such as atoms, molecules, and semiconductor devices. It is also used in engineering and physics research to study the behavior of quantum particles in confined spaces and to understand the effects of quantum confinement on material properties.

5. Can a 1D delta function potential well be extended to multiple dimensions?

Yes, a 1D delta function potential well can be extended to multiple dimensions, such as a 2D or 3D potential well. In higher dimensions, the delta function is replaced by a delta function distribution, which has a peak at a specific point in space and a finite value in a small region around that point. This allows for the modeling of more complex systems and phenomena in quantum mechanics.
